Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 919: Private decision

It landed with a clang, and a black gun was pointed at the back of the old man's head as he was kneeling on the ground. As long as the other party dared to make the slightest move, he would be shot in the head. Another mechanical soldier examined the old man's body, took the hatchet and hunted him. Bow for a simple scan...

The mechanical soldier responsible for scanning looked up and down several times. I am afraid that the old man now has no weapons that can hurt people except his teeth. The mechanical soldier quickly connected with the patrol robots and mechanical insects in the nearby area and accurately found the old man. The moving route here confirms that he is a resident of a nearby town.

Waving their hands, the two mechanical soldiers put away their guns and informed the helicopter that the crisis was over. The helicopter that received the signal stopped circling and hovered in mid-air.

"Human, why are you here? You must know that a few kilometers ahead is the zombie activity area. The zombies will not check with you routinely like us. Can you tell us the reason?" the mechanical soldier shouted amidst the roar of the helicopter. .

The mechanical soldier asked the old man to stand up so that he could hear the question clearly.


The old man looked a little lost, as if something was particularly sad. After looking at the two mechanical soldiers in front of him and the helicopter in the sky, he finally couldn't help crying. The sad cry of the elder made the mechanical soldiers a little confused. We can only wait until the old man's mood stabilizes before asking what happened.

"My...poor granddaughter...wuwuwu..." the old man cried indistinctly.

The mechanical soldier captured the word granddaughter and quickly browsed the wireless network database to find the situation recorded by the patrol robot. A few days ago, a young man from out of town came to the town. He looked upright and had a very bright eye. He said that his family died in the war. Wandering alone, the old man saw that the young man was in good condition, so he asked him to stay in his teahouse to start a business and have food and shelter. He behaved well in the first two days, and the townspeople also liked him very much. But he didn't expect this The boy is a vicious wolf in human skin. I don't know what tricks he used on his granddaughter to make her who rarely goes out become obsessed with him. No, she eloped.

The old man was very puzzled at first. If the young man really wanted to fall in love with his granddaughter, it would be great to live together in the teahouse, so why bother to elope? The old man only hoped that the two of them would come back soon, but when he was reading the news on the town notice board two days ago, he saw a piece of news that was like a thunderbolt...

The news states that many young girls have been lost in nearby towns in recent days. After investigation, they all disappeared in the zombie area. It is very likely that they were selected by zombies and then taken away to refine zombies. The notice also stated that zombies disguised themselves as young men... …

The wailing and talking townspeople attracted the attention of the patrol robot. After understanding the situation, the ball patrol robot followed the traces carefully and even went deep into the zombie area. Unfortunately, no clues were found, and the patrol robot only Neng told the old man the actual situation and estimated that his granddaughter might have been killed.

The granddaughter who depended on each other was deceived and killed by a zombie, which caused the old man's world to completely collapse. After staying at home alone for a night, he found an Orion friend, took some tools, and went straight to the zombie area to find his granddaughter alive without even looking back. You want to see dead people or corpses until you are met by a patrol.

The mechanical soldiers and patrol robots are also very helpless. Those zombies are carefully disguised as humans, and the patrol robots cannot scan someone when they meet them, nor can they stay on the road every day without moving. Recently, they have caught a few people pretending to be humans. The zombies scanned the memory and obtained the information. Those girls were indeed captured by them. They were carefully selected and suitable for refining zombie girls. It was for this reason that the patrol team was added.

"In two days, old gentleman, your granddaughter may not survive." The mechanical soldier told the truth.

"No... I'm going to find her... She will be frightened and frightened there. I must rescue her..." The old man turned around and walked towards the zombie area with red eyes, as if the gray sky in the distance could not stop his footsteps.

Without saying a word, the two mechanical soldiers grabbed the old man's arm and pulled it regardless of his struggle. Then a noose fell from the helicopter door. The two mechanical soldiers grabbed the noose and hugged the old man, quickly twisted it up and got into the helicopter. The gray-haired old man While crying loudly, he reached out toward the lifeless zombie area as if to catch the Keliang's granddaughter...

Very few people can experience the pain of losing their only granddaughter when they are gray-haired.

The mechanical soldier was helpless. If his granddaughter had refused to elope with the young man, what happened now would not have happened. The zombies did not have the guts to kidnap people, which would alert the patrolling soldiers and finally attract the attention of the armed helicopter combat team and the mechanical bird. , It's a pity that the child was still carried away by the love between men and women.

Looking at the heartbroken old faces and eyes swollen from crying made the mechanical soldiers sad.

After looking at each other, the twenty mechanical soldiers made a decision!

"Stop, the helicopter will send the old man back. Let's go find the girl. If...she is still alive, we need to save her!" said the mechanical soldier who wanted to raise wild animals.

The old man looked at the mechanical soldiers in shock. He knew clearly what it meant to enter the zombie area alone. Even the mechanical soldiers would have difficulty escaping. After being surprised, the old man was even more grateful. In the cabin, the old man knelt down in front of twenty mechanical soldiers. After kowtowing, the mechanical soldier quickly reached out to stop him. An old man who was willing to put down his own safety and face for the sake of his granddaughter deserves respect.

The two mechanical soldiers in the cockpit looked back at the rear cabin.

"You must be crazy, but I support your decision to find the girl and teach those damn idiot zombies a lesson. We will send the old man away and come back to pick you up back to the base." The two pilot robots said own attitude.

The heavily armed mechanical soldiers nodded, asked the old man to sit down on the seat, and then jumped out of the cabin one by one...

The old man sat on the seat and his eyes were dim with tears. He saw one mechanical soldier after another disappearing through the bright cabin door. They were brave and fearless...

The two pilot robots watched the twenty mechanical soldiers running towards the zombie area disappear outside the cockpit glass. They moved the joystick and flew towards the nearby town. After thinking for a while, they stretched out their robotic hands to pick up the radio device in the helicopter.

"They need help..."

The pilot said silently, connected to the network and found the nearest high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft. The twenty mechanical soldiers were acting privately. This link must be added to the action plan of the mechanical army. Otherwise, the twenty mechanical soldiers may face a large number of people. Enemy, the mechanical army has already taken action after the disappearance of the girl. Many high-end mechanical soldiers and high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft have been searching. Since the twenty mechanical soldiers are acting privately, they also need to find some combat units who volunteer to help.

Through the Internet, we contacted four high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft that were returning to the airport to rest after performing patrol missions. After learning what happened, they volunteered to work overtime to help the twenty mechanical soldiers.

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