Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 922: Dark Night

A certain mechanical soldier hid under a zombie corpse, motionless and silent. The exposed mechanical eyes could clearly see a high-level zombie walking towards him. He was very handsome and in line with human aesthetics. The mechanical soldier speculated that this guy was one of those responsible. To seduce a human girl, at least he must have done those things. Now it can continue to live with good luck. The ending in the future will be very different from now.

In order to prevent the mechanical soldiers from being discovered, they shut down most of the mechanical equipment. There was no fluctuation at all. Under the strong interference of the high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, the zombie did not notice the robot at its feet...

"Damn Iron Bird! Sooner or later I will knock you all down!" the zombie said angrily.

Anyone who is arbitrarily scanned and observed out of reach will be very angry, especially if for some reason today this iron bird is completely focused on the zombies and harassing them. The most terrifying thing is that a weak light appears on the zombies. The zombies know that this The appearance of a line of light means that thunder is about to fall from the sky!

The so-called sky mines are aerial bombs or missiles. They fall from the sky with a boom and explosion, and they really look like sky mines.

The zombie cursed and hurriedly got into the group of corpses and ran away. What it didn't notice was that a robot hand retracted no more than 30 centimeters from where it had just set foot...

"The virus carrier has gone far. High-level zombies are generally not everywhere. There is probably a gathering point nearby."

The high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft then shared the data information, and a group of mechanical insects searching nearby quickly rushed over to provide reinforcements. The tiny mechanical insects are real experts in searching. They check carefully in large numbers, and they can be anywhere from a cave to a mouse hole. Go, the twenty mechanical soldiers finally don't have to look around step by step, but they have to stay vigilant at all times in order to save people as soon as possible.

As we were walking, suddenly a huge roar sounded in the sky and became louder and louder. The sound was the same as the sound of the European battlefield bomber formation passing by in the World War II movie on Earth. It was indeed bombers flying over. Two hundred Type 29 Flying Fortress bombers were flying in the night. The mechanical soldiers flew over and bombed a certain city. The huge roar of the propeller engine caused the zombies on the ground to riot and howl. Those who have never heard that sound don’t know. If you really experience it and hear it with your own ears, you will feel a sense of doomsday fear. It is quite Creepy.

The two nervous girls were frightened and woke up. They grabbed each other's hands in the darkness and looked at the dark sky. The roar seemed to be right above their heads. They were scared and excited at the same time. It was the sound of a mechanical army bomber. They go bomb those hateful zombies!

The mechanical soldiers raised their heads and used their scanning equipment to see dense bombers in the sky.

"Blow it up as hard as you can and kill those rotten meats controlled by the damn virus!" a mechanical soldier said casually.

In the darkness, the search continues to move forward...

Some clues were found under the mechanical insect search. The search team was gradually approaching the cave and the small village where the two girls were. Time passed slowly. The reconnaissance plane flying at high altitude saw the Oriental Fish Belly White while searching. , the dawn is about to come, the darkness is about to pass, the dead energy that has been boiling all night will be suppressed by the sunshine again, and it is almost dawn.

Zombies aspect.

When a high-level zombie was counting the girls, he suddenly discovered that two girls were missing. He thought the two girls had been eaten by the zombies guarding him. He was so angry that he tore the zombie's stomach alive, but there was nothing in the stomach. The two girls ran away. Already? Feeling incredible, the senior zombie carefully searched the cave and found a unique smell. The two girls escaped from the cave somehow!

Standing at the entrance of the cave and looking at the restless zombies in the valley, the senior zombies didn’t know whether the two girls were torn to pieces and eaten by these guys or if they found a way to leave. If they were really eaten, where would they go to find those who had eaten them? Human zombies? It's impossible to check if they are so densely packed and wandering around. If you escape...

The advanced zombie turned and looked to the west. To the west is the coastal human living area. The only way to escape is to the west!


The roar echoed in the valley, and a large number of low-level zombies remained silent.

More than a dozen slightly more powerful zombies rumbled out of the cave, smashed through the low-level zombies in the valley, and ran to the west. A zombie with the combat power of the pill formation stage led more than a dozen zombies who were slightly stronger than ordinary zombies and could obey commands to search to the west. The disgusting mouth was swishing saliva and mucus and running quickly. There were two zombies in front of it, lying on all fours and sniffing hard like dogs...

The two girls were in the middle. On one side were twenty mechanical soldiers advancing rapidly, on the other side were a group of beast-like zombies howling and running wildly...

At high altitude, the reconnaissance plane immediately discovered the team of fast-running zombies. The zombies moved with no rules. They only stayed in place or chased the source of the sound due to the influence of the sound. However, they did not line up and run in a straight line, just like a flock of chickens. Suddenly a flamingo appeared inside and it was hard not to notice it. As a habit, the high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft trembled its wings and dropped two precision-guided bombs!

The high-altitude reconnaissance plane swore that he was used to seeing weird zombies throwing bombs, and it had been like this during patrols recently.

Use aiming equipment to firmly lock on the fast-moving zombie group. The precision-guided bombs are still falling rapidly. It will take at least a few minutes to fall to the ground from an altitude of nearly 20,000 meters. One of the two bombs is aimed at the front of the team and the other is aimed at the middle of the team. Arrange the explosion to produce the maximum bombing effect. The zombies behind will be pushed towards the bomb by inertia. They will definitely fall in love with the taste of bombs.

The zombie with the core-formation stage combat power who was running at the back picked up a rag from the ground while running. Based on the smell on it, he confirmed that it was the piece of cloth from the girl she had brought back with her. She had secretly left a mark on the road. It's a pity that she was discovered by herself, haha, a girl who was so stupid that she was willing to elope with someone, she must not have thought that she would catch her again, right?

The zombie with the face of a young human man is the young man who deceived the old man's granddaughter. Tingting is the old man's granddaughter. Many things in the world are always such coincidences.

While running, the young zombie suddenly raised his head and looked at the top of his head with palpitations. There was a feeling of huge danger falling from the sky. For a moment, the young zombie didn't know whether to believe the inexplicable intuition that suddenly appeared in his mind...

"Go and serve the God of Death..." the high-altitude reconnaissance plane muttered out of habit.

A shadow flashed before the young zombie's eyes, and two things fell at the front and middle of the team...

boom! boom! !

The violent explosion shock wave and shrapnel instantly tore the bodies of the zombies, and the remaining body parts and flesh and skin flew into the sky. The sound waves of the explosion were rapidly spreading to the surroundings...

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