Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 924: Escape

Tingting saw a mechanical soldier walking at the back holding a girl crosswise in his arms. It was Xiaolan who had escaped, and she was saved!

The one who hugged the young zombie and rolled him out was the mechanical soldier who planned to protect wild animals. After the mechanical arm hugged him, high-voltage electricity was released continuously. The young zombie, who was originally seriously injured, could not exert any force at all. Then four mechanical soldiers grabbed the limbs. Nisuo used his bayonet to break the tendons and kill the young zombies.

Tingting and Xiaolan looked at each other and smiled. The mechanical soldiers helped Tingting up. Tingting stood up and saw that four or five mechanical soldiers had completely controlled the hateful and shameless zombie.

"We will dismantle you. Zombies have the property of not dying after being dismantled. We can demonstrate it to you."

A certain mechanical soldier said politely to the young zombie, and then the two mechanical soldiers who grabbed the arms violently broke them and pulled them to both sides...


The young zombie opened his stinky mouth and screamed with fangs exposed. The two mechanical soldiers broke the bones and pulled hard. The muscles and skin were stretched and began to break into thin lines. A mechanical soldier suddenly collapsed. He rolled over on the ground, and his muscles and tendons were completely torn with a pop. It was definitely uncomfortable to see his arms being torn off with his own eyes. Next, two legs were torn off at the root. The mechanical soldier was very careful with his bayonet. Cut out the zombie words.

Tingting had no mercy, she just hoped that the mechanical soldiers would make that bastard suffer more.

The mechanical soldier did not disappoint Tingting. One of the mechanical soldier's fingers turned into a sharp thorn and plunged into the spinal nerve of the zombie's back. Then he quickly searched the memory of the young zombie through the nerve. A large amount of information was shared. Five nearby people After receiving the message, the high-end mechanical soldiers changed direction and ran straight to the cave!

Stealing memories did not make the young zombie a fool, in which case there would be no point in torturing it. Conscious torture would be enough.

"Hurry...go and save the others..." Tingting said weakly.

"Already gone. Now our task is to send you two back. Also, since you two have stayed in the zombie area for too long, we need to send you to the medical room for a comprehensive examination and disinfection. It may take two days."

Tingting and Xiaolan smiled. They were willing to live in the mechanical army for even a month, let alone two days.

"You two are very brave. You not only saved yourselves but also others. Now you can go home."

The roar of helicopters came from the gray mist in the sky. Not long after, a huge black shadow appeared above the head of the gray dead air. When all the black shadows were revealed, the two girls discovered that it was the kind of helicopter that often enclaves in the sky. Mechanical soldiers formed a circle to take it. He took out his firearms and pointed them around and fired continuously to kill the zombies attracted by the sound. The helicopter landed slowly, the door opened, and two mechanical soldiers carried Tingting and Xiaolan into the cabin and placed them on the chairs. Two rotating multi-tube tubes The machine gun opened fire, spitting flames nearly one meter long from the muzzle, and the constantly jumping golden shells landed in the cabin and then popped out of the cabin.

"Board and retreat."

Under the cover of the revolving machine gun, the vigilant mechanical soldiers running around ran into the cabin. The pilot moved the joystick to control the helicopter to fly into the sky. A certain mechanical soldier hooked a young zombie cut into a stick with a steel cable and took him towards the sun...

Closing the door, the mechanical soldier who loves wild animals took out medicine and syringes from the white box marked with a red cross on the side of the transport helicopter. The transport helicopter is always equipped with various medicines, medicines are used to prevent infection and nanorobots are used to eliminate viruses. The injection was completed with a single stroke. After inspection, it was found that the two of them were just lacking energy and fresh water.

"This is glucose. I have been saving it for several months and finally I can use it. Don't drink too much."

Tingting and Xiaolan took two bottles of glucose from the machine and poured them into their mouths. Their hunger and thirst were finally relieved.

The dazzling sunlight shone in from outside the cockpit glass. Looking at the sunlight, the two girls seemed to feel the deep warmth in the sunlight. They had never felt that sunlight was anything before. It was not until they experienced life and death that they knew what it was like to be able to stand in the sunlight. Such a feeling, warmth, comfort, life, and incomparable peace of mind...

The two girls were relieved that the unlucky young zombie had collapsed. The flames ignited and soon burned to ashes, and he would never be reincarnated...

The transport helicopter flew above the air of death, taking the two girls and the mechanical soldiers home. The pilot turned on the audio equipment and played a warm song from the earth, and the reassuring melody floated in the sky...

In the cave, a group of mechanical soldiers left with the weak girls in their arms. A certain high-end mechanical soldier at the end wiped off the Tang knife full of black blood, kicked away the head of a high-level zombie, and took out five from the back. High-explosive rockets were randomly thrown into the pile of debris. The red lights of the rockets flashed regularly. The high-end mechanical soldiers turned around expressionlessly and followed the other mechanical soldiers to leave the cave.

After exiting the cave, there is a valley. Over the valley, more than a dozen armed helicopters roar and circle at low altitude. Thick smoke is billowing on the ground, with broken limbs and bloody flesh. The surviving zombies are still howling. The door of a large transport plane opens, holding The girls' mechanical soldiers walked into the cabin and quickly administered preventive injections and nutritional supplements to the girls.

Five high-end mechanical soldiers walked into the transport aircraft. The huge transport aircraft ducted fan engine boosted and blew strong winds and slowly rose. The hatch slowly closed upwards. The high-end mechanical soldiers standing at the hatch looked at the hatch that gradually closed until it closed.

The armed helicopters that massacred the entire valley divided into two groups and surrounded both sides of the transport aircraft. The huge transport aircraft set off a hurricane tilt and turned straight into the sky.


The high-end mechanical soldier who left the rocket spit out a word. In the cave, the surviving zombie's head saw the red light in front of him turn into a steady light...

Through the porthole, you can see that the small mountain shook violently and then collapsed rapidly. Dust and smoke rose, and the hill collapsed and filled the valley with broken flesh and corpses, as if it was the end of the world.


Two days later.

In a certain military base, Tingting and Xiaolan, who were wearing hospital gowns in an all-white treatment room, were undergoing physical examinations. A rescue robot was tapping the keyboard quickly, a complex device was buzzing and moving, and the glass-like monitor screen was flashing. The blue characters show the physical condition data of the two people, and all indicators are normal.

"Okay, you two are now fully healthy. It doesn't matter whether you are jumping around or punching a tiger, if you two can handle it."

The rescue robot said humorously, making the two girls smile.

"Can we leave?"

"You can stay for two more days if you are undernourished. Tingting, your grandfather is coming to see you this afternoon. We reimbursed you for the train ticket. Xiaolan, don't worry, your family is here too. Let's pack up and go to the cafeteria to eat. I think the cafeteria It must taste good, because those robots must be showing off their cooking skills after not cooking for months.”

The rescue robot responsible for treatment told the truth. Those robots were changing their ways to prepare nutritious meals suitable for patients. There was afternoon tea in the afternoon and snacks in the evening...

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