Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 930: We don’t want money

"Brothers! Drive away these damn devils! Come on!"

Someone in the shop next to the street shouted, and suddenly the excited people and hooligans rushed towards the mechanical soldier shield formation. The ones in front didn't want to rush forward, but the ones behind were forced to move forward. The loud ones always hid in the distance. In the corners, the people who really push forward are the confused people.

With a bang, the mechanical soldier holding the shield was knocked back two steps in a row. The mechanical feet wiped out a series of sparks on the ground. Finally, with the help of another row of mechanical soldiers behind him, he withstood the impact.

The shield was pushed forward with force, and the whole face was squeezed into the middle of the shield. The rioting crowd was still growing. The mechanical leg motors of the mechanical soldiers continued to rotate and force forward. Warnings and shouts made the crowd uncomfortable. People were crying and the streets were becoming more and more chaotic. High-end mechanical soldiers also saw the situation here.

"You can choose to shoot or not to shoot. It's up to you."

The high-end mechanical soldier said something ambiguous. In fact, just follow the high-end mechanical soldier's instructions and shoot to disperse them. They are just humans, not mechanical soldiers. They choose their own path. No one forces them to rush forward and disrupt public order.

The mechanical soldiers who were still pushing forward looked at each other. No one proposed to shoot. Except for the ruffians and hooligans, most of them were ordinary people who didn't know the truth. If you can, try not to shoot. People can't die. Resurrection, they should not die, those who should die are the selfish nobles and the scum among the monks.

"The crowds are getting bigger and bigger and we need to disperse them as soon as possible."

"How to disperse them? We shouted for a long time and they refused to go home and wait. I really don't understand why they are so stubborn."

Two mechanical soldiers who were pushing forward were discussing. Another mechanical soldier next to them looked at the two of them and was very curious.

"Uh...why don't we use tear gas?"


The two mechanical soldiers were speechless. Yes, why didn't they think that tear gas could disperse these bewitched people? Didn't the tanks use tear gas to get rid of the siege before and left without hurting anyone? It's so smart that you can be confused for a while, and computers can be confused sometimes. Just do what you say, and the mechanical soldier behind opens the grenade launcher and stuffs the smoke grenade into it.

Click! The launcher was loaded, the four mechanical soldiers raised the muzzles of their guns and pointed them at the crowd in front, and pulled the triggers with their fingers!

Teng Teng Teng~! Four smoke bombs flew towards the crowd in a parabola with four smoke traces at the same time...

After hitting the heads of several rioters, the smoke bomb fell to the ground and was kicked around by the bustling crowd. The smoke bomb quickly sprayed out thick smoke and engulfed many people. At first, the gangsters thought it was a fire and smoke nearby. Pay attention, before waiting for two seconds, all the humans who were wrapped in the smoke had itchy throats, eyes, eyes, nostrils, and burning. This was the first time many people felt it in their lives. Everyone coughed and shed tears and tried to move further away. Running away, the bustling crowd pushed and cursed each other on the street and even got stepped on. Tear gas exerted its professional power as always.

The mechanical soldiers didn't care about the smoke, but stayed motionless to disperse everyone.

Suddenly, a mechanical soldier discovered that a certain figure walking far away in the thick smoke was different from the others. The others either coughed or couldn't see clearly and were groping around. Only that person was walking steadily towards the distance. After careful inspection, there were traces of blood on his body. There is still spiritual power, monk?

"Attention! A suspicious monk target has been found! Information has been shared!"

The mechanical soldiers who were originally dispersing the crowd suddenly took out their firearms and quickly chased in the direction where the figure disappeared. A hundred mechanical soldiers ran over, scaring the gangsters with red eyes and hurried away. When the mechanical soldiers came to the monk's position with their firearms, they suddenly discovered that The guy disappeared silently. You can be sure that he didn't fly away. There were armed helicopters and high-altitude reconnaissance planes everywhere in the sky. There was no way he could fly away under the eyes of so many detection equipment!

In the blink of an eye, the high-end mechanical soldier appeared in mid-air. After scanning around, it could not find any suspicious targets.

"Concentrate your troops to search. Each team must be no less than five. We must find that monk. What are you hiding from?"

After thinking for a while, the high-end mechanical soldier added another sentence.

"Dead or alive, there is no need to get clues from him!"

A large number of mechanical soldiers approached the area and then searched carefully from house to house. Their guns were loaded, and there were armed helicopters in the sky. High-end mechanical soldiers were hovering overhead, waiting for the monk to appear. The high-end mechanical soldiers believed that so many mechanical soldiers would be able to find the monk. I don’t know. Why, high-end mechanical soldiers always feel that the monk is related to the recent complicated situation.

The people in the nearby houses cried and screamed as they watched the ferocious weirdos kicking open the doors and searching everywhere. They thought there was a military disaster and hid their beautiful daughters, begging their grandfathers to sue their grandmothers and begging the mechanical soldiers to leave.

A group of five mechanical soldiers holding guns and bowing down quickly came to the door of a house. The door god on the dilapidated wooden door looked like the desolate scenery outside the door, unable to guard against anyone. He stretched out his mechanical hand and pushed, and the courtyard door was bolted from the inside. After stopping, the mechanical soldier raised his hand and knocked on the door very politely.

Thumb thump thump~

"Open the door. The mechanical army will conduct a routine inspection. If it doesn't open, we will open it ourselves."

Within two seconds of silence, a woman shivered and begged.

"Master Bing... please don't come... Our family really has no money... How about we go to someone else's house..."

"We don't want money."

"Every time you say you don't want money, but never grab something... We really don't have anything in our house, please let us go..."

The woman's plea left the five mechanical soldiers speechless. In the past, there was no difference between the officers and soldiers and the bandits. People who robbed them did not believe anything. The mechanical soldiers felt that if they continued to ask, the result would be the same. They would never open the door. Forget it, no. If you open the door, open it yourself. It's not the first time you've forced the door open anyway.

With a gesture, the four mechanical soldiers stepped aside to reveal the last mechanical soldier. He took two quick steps and kicked him violently!

Click! The door latch was violently kicked off. The moment the wooden door opened, four mechanical soldiers held guns and divided them into two parts, each aiming in a direction. They looked around and saw that there was no one except a woman, but...the mechanical soldiers I remember just now she clearly said her family would let them go. There was definitely more than one person in the yard!

The monks will block the detection, and the mechanical army will have to go door to door to search, even if nothing is found outside, they must go in and see it with their own eyes.

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