Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 932: People in the cellar

There were five steel monsters in front of him, and strange iron birds were hovering in the sky. This was what the young monk who had just left the woodshed saw.

Through computer comparison, the monk who disappeared in the rioting crowd was quickly compared with this monk. Various scans continuously scanned the young male monk's body inside and out. Although the young male monk was dissatisfied, he was still surrounded by so many people. Under siege by strong force, they had to swallow their anger.

"How long have you been in this city? Have you ever seen a monk in the alchemy stage?"

The mechanical soldier asked the young male monk. They were all monks. Maybe this monk in the early stage of Qi Condensation had seen the disappeared monk in the alchemy stage. Monks are also human beings. They must communicate.

"This... I really don't know. You also know that I am just an ordinary Qi Condensation practitioner in the early stages of cultivation and I can't see through the realm of those senior monks. Sometimes I even think that the other party is an ordinary person, so... I really I don’t know anything.” The young monk said with a nonchalant expression.

"you sure?"

"Of course. Besides, how could a low-level monk like me know the thoughts of those ancestors? I just want to have fun in the mortal world for a few more days."

"How many more days of fun? To put it bluntly, you are cheating on this girl's feelings and playing with her? Are you sure?"

The mechanical soldier looked at the young male cultivator with an unkind expression. Of course, there was no expression on the mechanical face at all. From a human perspective, even if the mechanical soldier was angry, it would be the same as usual.

"Yes, how could I marry an ordinary mortal woman? Then I would be looked down upon by other monks."

"Well, you were arrested on suspicion of fraud. Don't think that we are the managers of Liar Island encouraging fraud. The conversation you just had can be used as evidence to prosecute you. Now that you are arrested, the evidence is conclusive. Unless you have time to regress your skills, you will be charged." Follow us and stay in the prison cell for a year. "The mechanical soldiers despise this kind of liar who discriminates against ordinary people and deceives ordinary girls. Anyway, he can be arrested according to the laws of Yao Kingdom and the Machinery Empire. This is a warlord area. Yes, just now. The occupied areas are completely within the jurisdiction of the Mechanical Empire, and the mechanical soldiers have law enforcement rights.

The girl next to her looked at the handsome male cultivator in disbelief with tears in her eyes. She wanted to step forward to ask for more information, but luckily she was grabbed by the woman behind her...

"Arrested? I am a monk! I am an immortal cultivator!"

The young monk pointed his finger at himself and shouted with disbelief on his face. It was hard to believe that one day he would be pointed at and said to be arrested. It felt very funny.

The mechanical soldier holding the shield suddenly rushed forward. The young monk reflexively wanted to draw his sword to block. As a result, he, who was inexperienced in combat, was hit fiercely by the shield in front of him. His head buzzed and his whole body seemed to fall apart. He was knocked away and flew away. Rolling on the ground, the girl turned pale with fright when she saw her beloved man being attacked and knocked away. The woman secretly scolded her daughter for being too stupid for holding her tightly and not letting go. The yard became a mess, and the mother and daughter tore at the mechanical soldiers and started fighting. After two moves, the mechanical soldier's mechanical hands tightly grasped the young monk's hands and cuffed him with special restraining equipment.

"Let me go! Otherwise, my master will not let you go! My master is the ancestor of the alchemy stage! Master, save me~!!"

The young monk, whose head was pressed to the ground and covered in dust, screamed at the top of his lungs. His mouth and nose were covered in blood after being hit by the shield, and he was in a very embarrassed state.

"Huh? Do you still have a master in the alchemy stage?"

The mechanical soldier who didn't care at first was immediately alert. He had just ignored this slutty male cultivator. After hearing the shouting, he immediately discovered something fishy. The mechanical soldier stepped on the male cultivator's handsome face and pointed his gun at the surroundings. The armed helicopter He suddenly raised the altitude and started scanning the land with various equipment. If he were here, he could only hide underground!

Except for the girl's crying and sobbing and the madam's scolding, there was no other sound, and the small courtyard became quiet.

After waiting for a minute without any movement, a mechanical soldier thought for a moment, walked up to the young monk and stepped hard on the monk's knee joint...



A scream drowned out the sounds caused by the surrounding commotion, and it could be said that it was filled with anger for three days. Seeing that there was no fluctuation in the surroundings, the mechanical soldier simply used his mechanical foot to crush the crushed knee, and the sharp point of the killing pig was After hearing this, the mother and daughter trembled all over, and the girl burst into tears.

"It's a pity that your master doesn't seem to care about your life or death. I hope today's incident will not hurt the sincere feelings between you two."


The young monk's face was twisted in pain. The monk could use spiritual power to repair the wound or treat it, but somehow the young male monk found that he could not mobilize the spiritual power in his Dantian. He could only endure the huge pain of broken bones, his face was stepped on, and his bones were kicked. Suddenly, the male cultivator, who felt that his dignity had been trampled, stared at the few mechanical soldiers and tried to remember their appearance. He didn't know that there were ten thousand similar faces outside, and there were hundreds of thousands of mechanical faces in the distance.

After waiting for a while, no one showed up. The mechanical soldier grabbed the young monk and walked out the door in frustration, leaving the mother and daughter scolding and crying in the yard.

After leaving the courtyard, the five mechanical soldiers planned to send the young monk to the prison in a transport helicopter. They opened the Internet to find the nearest transport helicopter. Just when the mechanical soldiers contacted the transport helicopter, a sharp sword energy suddenly burst out from the ground! The sword energy cut off one mechanical soldier's mechanical leg and injured another mechanical soldier's chest armor in an instant!

The moment the monk broke through the soil and rushed out from the ground, he was identified by the mechanical eyes as the disappearing figure! The alchemy-forming monk grabbed the young male cultivator's arm and ran away!

Tu tu tu tu…! Firearms opened fire. The armed helicopter in the sky was afraid that the missile would accidentally damage the mechanical soldiers. They could only fire with the machine cannon under the nose. The violent shells hit the ground with dust flying. The monk who suddenly appeared in the alchemy stage grabbed his apprentice and ran away. He felt a lightness in his hand. , when he looked back, he realized that his apprentice had been interrupted at the waist, and his bloody intestines and internal organs were all over the place. When he saw this, the monk in the pill-forming stage roared and let go of his apprentice, turned around and ran away...

In front of them were monks in the alchemy stage who were escaping. Behind them, helicopter gunships in the sky lowered their heads and aimed their cannons at the streets, keeping close to their footsteps and firing. There were too many ordinary people on the streets and they still couldn't use missiles.

While running, the monks at the stage of pill formation suddenly discovered that the whistling sound in their ears suddenly disappeared, and the terrifying projectile shooting no longer appeared. Why did they stop?

The thick smoke dissipated in front, and the running monk in the Danjie stage suddenly saw a neat group of steel monsters standing in front of him. Especially the strong steel monster standing in front of the group gave him a very dangerous aura, which was a pure suppressive threat! At first glance, he knew that he was no match for him.

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