Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 962: Activating the extinct volcano

As he was thinking about it, the general who defended the city suddenly widened his eyes as if he remembered something extremely terrifying...

"Run! Those are zombies! Zombies are coming!"

The general who defended the city turned around and ran away. It wasn't that he was afraid of death and didn't want to use the city wall to defend, but it was simply impossible. A cultivator couldn't defend himself. A warrior could still defend a shitty city. Run away as fast as you can. Go as far as you can, if you can't escape...then kill yourself with a knife.

In just one stick of incense, the zombies swallowed up the siege army, and then climbed up the city wall like a coquettish show and entered the city to start a bloody show. The city was filled with smoke and fire...

Half an hour later, a high-altitude reconnaissance plane flew over the city, flying through the thick smoke at low altitude to scan the city. Except for the top of the city gate tower and the top of a certain high tower, there were no living people. There were still people in these cellars, and there were blood stains everywhere. The fire burned the city black. Those few humans survived thanks to the cover of thick smoke caused by the burning. They would die when the thick smoke dissipated the smell of flesh and blood and attracted the attention of zombies.

Nearly three hours later, in the afterglow of the evening, a transport helicopter came over the city. The mechanical soldiers forcibly dragged the surviving humans onto the helicopter, and then flew to the seaside with the shocked ordinary people.

The virus will spread. Even if the mechanical army stops the subsequent zombies and continues to attack, the zombies that have entered the northern part of the continent have made the mechanical army do nothing. There is no expert in the Shenwu Continent who can erect a mountain to stop those zombies. The Rubik's Cube will destroy the mechanical soldiers. Mechanical dogs, mechanical birds and even mechanical insects were sent out, but to no avail.

The sky above the northern part of the Shenwu Continent was covered with a faint air of death, which was caused by the resentment of the dead that gathered and refused to dissipate.

Just when those who obeyed Fang Die's order to notify various countries to evacuate, monks pretending to be Fang Die appeared in many countries and issued false orders. Without exception, they announced that Tai Fang Die had led the monks to kill all the zombies, and everyone could continue to live and work in peace and contentment. As a result, As a result, many people lost their best chance to escape and were torn apart by a swarm of zombies. Many people began to curse Fang Die. Although those people knew that Fang Die would not be able to issue such an order, the lies they told too many times became the truth. They needed It's just an excuse to vent. In a fearful situation, as long as someone encourages you, you can do anything.

The flowers, grass and trees in the forest near the ruins of the mountain range are withered and yellow, and the leaves are falling one after another like autumn. In fact, it is not the time to fall leaves at all, and the climate here is not so defoliating. The mountain springs are drying up, the grass and trees are withering, just like the forest's feng shui has been sealed.

Fang Die and Rubik's Cube stood on the top of the three fortress towers, watching the dying forest in silence.

Finally, the sad Fang Die looked at the Rubik's Cube and prophesied that the mountains would collapse. Now that the predictions of the mountains falling have come true, what does the sentence "War on Fire" mean?

"Ruik's Cube, do you have any solution to the crisis?"

"Yes, since the virus wants to devour the world, then the virus carrier must be eliminated. I don't believe that the endless zombies in Shenwu Continent can't be killed. In addition, those monks hiding in the dark should also be cleaned up. They delete their memories for the sake of the zombies. If everyone lives, then use violence to deal with them. Some sins can be forgiven, and some sins... Forgiving them is what the King of Hell has to do, and what we have to do is send them to see the King of Hell." Rubik's Cube said indifferently.

"What are you going to do?"

"Emergency times are treated very seriously. I know you are uncomfortable with the mechanical army entering the Shenwu Continent, but you have no choice. From today on, the mechanical army can deploy space bridges anywhere on the Shenwu Continent and have the right to fight anywhere. I considered it before You monks didn't take action to cause serious consequences. Now, anyone who stops me in Shenwu Continent will die!" The word "death" is ruthless.

Fang Die's lips moved and finally fell silent.

Zombies were originally a matter of humans and monks, but the monks messed everything up or a human destroyed the mountains himself, putting many people in a death crisis. Now the Machinery Empire wants to control the situation and can only ignore the monks' ideas. The monk failed. There is no use in complete failure. Everything can only be left to the Machinery Empire to deal with, unless the monk wants to make mankind extinct!

In just a few words, the power of the Shenwu Continent was determined. The Rubik's Cube's mechanical army ranked first with its powerful strength. The Shenwu Continent naturally belongs to the Rubik's Cube now. The problem is to seize the territory from the zombies.

There are still a large number of zombies in the south. Since there are not enough troops at an emergency moment, the only option is to use weapons of mass destruction, such as hydrogen bombs...

In the eyes of the satellite, the southern part of the Shenwu Continent looks like a Spring Festival night, with firelights flashing one by one, which are hydrogen bombs exploding!

A huge missile flew above the clouds. After flying to a certain place, it lowered its head and dived downwards. The computer screen of the warhead showed that the cross was locked on a circular mountain pass. It was an extinct volcano. After mechanical insects penetrated into the crevices of the volcano to inspect, it was confirmed that the volcano had There is a possibility of re-eruption. In addition to killing a large area of ​​zombies, what the hydrogen bomb will do is cause the extinct volcano to resurrect. Some people will definitely think that the Rubik's Cube is crazy. Resurrecting a volcano is a very scary thing!

In order to prevent the zombies from the south from going to the north to join in the fun, the Rubik's Cube launched dozens of hydrogen bombs and hit many extinct volcanoes, causing the volcanoes to resurrect. The volcanoes erupted, and the ash and pungent smell of sulfur temporarily blocked the zombies from the south from following the smell to move north.

The hydrogen bomb explosion not only activates the volcano to block the zombies, but also provides the mechanical army with a ready-made collection point for various rare metals, which saves time and effort compared to mining.

As the saying goes, thunder from the sky and fire from the sky are naturally lightning, which represents the eradication of evil from heaven and earth, while fire from the earth is the lava under the volcano. Although zombies may be more powerful than human monks at the same level, human monks can face lava. Use various methods to deal with it. Zombies, not to mention dealing with them, will be turned into ashes by the lava when they get close, even high-level zombies. Therefore, the resurrected volcano group blocked the south zombies from moving north, and even retreated south.

Although volcanoes are easy to use, mechanical armies cannot be deployed in the northern part of the mountains. Volcanic ash will affect the climate, causing temperatures to drop, and will also be blown by the wind to human areas. Once humans inhale volcanic ash, they will not be able to live well for the rest of their lives. Activating extinct volcanoes will speed up human development. The speed of death.

People in the mechanical army-controlled areas along the coast of Yao Kingdom watched newspapers and TVs in horror. The live images and pictures sent back by reconnaissance planes and mechanical insects were not concealed from the human residents. Concealing it would only complicate the matter. It would be a stupid way to make everyone Only when people understand what happened can they know what they should do instead of making the problem serious and complicated.

Zombies, volcanoes, dead air, newspapers and TV don’t have any good news…

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