Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 966: Fortify the Wall and Clear the Fields

On a certain mountain top, a group of monks frowned and looked at the heavy rain in the sky. When the raindrops fell on the monks, they seemed to be blocked by something and slid aside.

"Why do those metal men also cast spells to rain?"

The Heti monk standing at the front said with a gloomy face. He used to look down on the mechanical army. Human monks can use spells to change the weather, and they can also use spells to do all kinds of things that ordinary people can't even think of. Unexpectedly, the mechanical army can actually cast rain spells. If it rains, wouldn't it mean that it will no longer be able to create clouds?

"How about I go up and knock down that iron bird!" A certain monk stood up.

"No, now is not the time for a showdown. So what if the clouds are gone? Zombies can continue to move at night and become more powerful. It would be good to let them live for a few more days."

The monks in the Harmony Stage looked at the sky with gloomy expressions. Although they said they didn't care, they couldn't help it because their plan was foiled. If the Rubik's Cube catches one of these monks to copy soul data, they will definitely find that they are the same as those who worked for the zombies before. The monk is exactly the same, and he is also the secret mastermind who secretly casts spells to interfere with the weather and create conditions for the spread of zombies...

Time passes day by day...


During the battle of wits and courage with zombies, the mechanical soldiers also invented many good methods. For example, when there is enough sunlight during the day, zombies will look for dark places to avoid the sun. Well, the mechanical soldiers are firing at those abandoned houses no matter day or night. Cannonballs collapsed, cellars collapsed, and forests were set on fire. The smell of smoke could not only cover up the human smell, but also use fire to block the footsteps of zombies. The zombies were advancing slower and slower, and various methods of mechanical soldiers played a huge role.


There was no cloud in the clear sky, a real drought. A transport helicopter sent twenty mechanical soldiers to a small village. The helicopter hovered in the sky on guard, and the mechanical soldiers and the latest addition of mechanical mantis began to destroy.

Destroy the house. There are many zombies hiding in the dark house at dawn. They have become zombies for too long and are afraid of the sun. At this time, they are hiding in the house to spend the day. The mechanical soldiers like to destroy the house and forest at dawn. Those zombies enjoy a comfortable sunbath and generally do not shoot at dawn. This is a secret rule of the mechanical soldiers, in order to use the ultraviolet rays of the sun to painfully burn the zombies to ashes!

A certain mechanical soldier came to the door of the landlord's compound with a gun.

Bang bang bang!

The mechanical hand knocked on the door, but there was no other sound in the house except the roar of zombies. The mechanical soldier curled his lips.

"Check the household registration. If no one responds, I will come in by myself."

Squeak~ Pushing open the far door, the mechanical soldier walked into the yard carrying a plastic bomb. He looked at the design of the small yard in boredom and thought it was pretty good. He walked to the house and looked in along the window crack, and saw a few groups of zombies in the dim room. They gathered in the corner, like a group of newborn mice that felt cold.

Snapped! A plastic bomb was placed on a pillar of the house, two plastic bombs on each side of the house, and electronic detonators were installed. Mechanical soldiers carried guns and installed bombs in houses one by one.

After the installation was completed, he walked out of the landlord's courtyard, leaned against the courtyard gate, and the mechanical soldier muttered...

"Get up, the sun is shining on your butt."

Boom boom! ! !

Violent explosions filled the sky with fragments of houses. The mechanical soldiers were blown up and covered in ashes. Several houses were instantly broken into parts. The zombies that were not killed screamed and looked at the increasingly brighter mountain ridges in the distance. They searched around for shelter only to find All the houses, cellars, and big trees were destroyed, and the fields were filled with smoke and there was no place to hide.

The mechanical soldiers gathered together and watched the zombies running around in boredom.

"It seems that they are very dissatisfied with the disinfection. We are acting like a demolition brigade, and we are still demolishing it by force. This feeling... is really cool!"

The other mechanical soldiers nodded in agreement. It felt great to see those stupid zombies running back and forth but unable to find a hiding place. The sun over the mountains... was about to send warmth to the earth.

Time passed by second by second, and the top of the mountain appeared in front of the sun and moved downward quickly. The dividing line between light and darkness seemed to represent life and death. It seemed to be very slow, but in fact it was approaching the ruins of the village very quickly. The zombies were howling and running. Unfortunately, there is no place to hide nearby. Even the well was blown up by a grenade. As the zombies panicked, the ultraviolet rays of the sun shone through...

Balls of flames rose up, and the viruses all over the zombies were quickly ignited into a pile of ashes under the ultraviolet radiation. The running zombies fell forward as they ran. When they fell to the ground, they turned into charcoal fire, and their round heads broke away with sparks. Rolling forward, the sun purifies everything dirty.

A group of mechanical soldiers and a mechanical mantis looked happy when they felt the sunshine. It was really delicious to absorb the solar energy~

Board the transport helicopter and continue to the next village for demolition. Flying over the forest, there is already a huge sea of ​​​​fire stretching for dozens of kilometers below. Incendiary bombs ignited the forest. A fighter jet roared past at low altitude in the thick smoke. Huge trees dozens of meters high. It was as if a huge torch crackled and then crashed to the ground, stirring up sparks, fire, despair, and the forest was crying...

At the door of the transport helicopter, a mechanical soldier sat by the door holding a gun, his legs hanging outside, and the strong wind from the propeller blew away the dust all over his body.

"I just wanted to create a forest for wild animals to thrive, but I didn't expect that today I would see the forest being destroyed..."

Countless burning zombies roared and ran in the burning forest. The mechanical soldier who fought all the way from the south of the mountain to the north looked at the forest sadly. The mechanical soldier next to him saw that his companion was in a bad mood and stretched out his mechanical hand to pat his shoulder. Its desire to establish a nature reserve was known to many mechanical soldiers, but unfortunately times were not right.

Two hundred kilometers away from here.

In the distance, a high concrete wall was quickly erected. The smooth wall was specially smeared with a layer of engine oil to prevent zombies from climbing. In front of the high wall, there were sharp iron horses sloping, and there were many stupid people who rushed over and were nailed on the steel spikes. The living zombies, those who were not completely dead, were still struggling towards the high wall with their hands stretched out.

In the end, Rubik's Cube chose the not-so-best option of building a high wall. With the help of many natural mountains, one side was built into a cliff and lubricated, and the mechanical army built a small mountain range.

There are many passages separated by steel and metal mesh below the high wall fortress. The passages are very long and have many special entrances to prevent zombies from entering. In the cage-like passage below the high wall, mechanical soldiers at the door are attacking humans who pass through the passage. Virus scanning and disinfection were carried out, and human beings, all dirty and unable to nourish themselves, walked forward expressionlessly. Everything they had experienced in the past few days had made them numb and desperate...

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