Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 984: Seriously damaged

"There is a malfunction in the machine and it is being rectified..."

"The damage to the signal collection equipment is being repaired. It is expected to take thirteen hours..."

"The energy consumption is too large and needs to be replenished. Energy is being collected..."

"Enough energy to start repairing..."

Rubik's Cube had just woken up. Upon inspection, it was found that the body of this ordinary mechanical soldier was seriously damaged. Two mechanical arms were broken, one mechanical leg was missing, and the sound and image acquisition equipment on the head was damaged. All he could feel was sparks flashing all over his body. I secretly sigh that I'm afraid of what I'm going to do, crow's mouth, if I don't have enough energy, I might not be able to obtain permanent residence on this planet.

After more than twenty hours, Rubik's Cube prioritized repairing one of its own mechanical arms and mechanical eye and other signal collection equipment, and the mechanical eye re-collected the video footage.

The dim mechanical eyes flashed red, attracting a curious animal to take a closer look.

"What the hell is this?"

The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was not other mechanical soldiers but an animal with a long face that looked like a monkey. It stood on two legs in the wreckage of the spacecraft. There were many monkeys around with their four arms holding on to the cables that were still flashing sparks. Wandering around and playing around in the wreckage of the spaceship as a playground, did all the other mechanical soldiers finish playing in the air crash? The anxious Rubik's Cube began to search for signals from other mechanical soldiers. Sadly, there was no signal at all. It was not shielding, but the signal was not really received...

The monkey was still staring at the Rubik's Cube, and even planned to reach out and play with the mechanical eye.

"Get away!"

He slapped the monkey away with the newly repaired mechanical arm, and the Rubik's Cube struggled to sit up slowly.


"Oh~ It doesn't look good..."

Beating the monkeys seemed to arouse the dissatisfaction of the monkeys. One by one, the monkeys grabbed the wreckage of the spaceship or the steel frame or the arm of a mechanical soldier on the ground and approached the Rubik's Cube. They even knew how to use tools! Monkeys have really low IQs! If these monkeys were beaten again today, they would really have to be scrapped here. The Rubik's Cube was supported by a mechanical arm and tried to move back, trying to hide in the gap between the wreckage of the spacecraft. When he glanced at the wreckage from the corner of his eye, an object suddenly fell into the air. The computer marked it with a green icon, Pistol! Mechanical soldier standard pistol! Can fire energy bombs and ordinary bullets, full magazine!

He turned around and threw down the Rubik's Cube. He stretched out his robotic arm and crawled forward to grab the pistol. The grumpy monkey behind him was about to get closer!

Ten centimeters to go...Five centimeters to go...The mechanical foot is attacked by a monkey! Still one centimeter missing...

The robot hand finally grabbed the pistol and turned around suddenly, just in time to see the monkey who had just been slapped holding a steel frame of the spaceship and trying to smash it down. If it hit it hard, the entire robot's head would be blown open! He raised the gun and aimed quickly, without caring whether his head was locked or not, and just pulled the trigger!

boom! Bang bang!

After firing three bullets in a row, the weird monkey was knocked backwards by the impact of the bullets. The steel frame in his hand hit the big head of another monkey and it really opened it. After knocking one monkey away, the Rubik's Cube continued to aim at other monkeys and shoot, one after another. Six monkeys were killed, and the other strange monkeys screamed and threw away their debris, climbed up the tree along the vines, and disappeared without a trace.

"It's true, force is the common language of all the world..."

Rubik's Cube sighed with emotion. Seeing that his body was not in good shape, he simply stopped repairing it. He climbed to the remains of several mechanical soldiers nearby and disassembled the intact parts that could still be used and replaced them with himself. Another arm, two mechanical legs, and full body armor. , head armor, well, there are also pistols and assault rifles, bayonets, Tang knives are a must, and grenades. If you carry a few extra magazines, you have to use energy to make bullets...

It took Rubik's Cube half a night to repair itself. Fortunately, the parts of the same model were interchangeable. After standing up and returning to normal, Rubik's Cube dragged all the remains of the mechanical soldiers to the wreckage of the spacecraft and put them away, and used heavy spacecraft steel plates to suppress the wreckage. , take out a short-range signal transmitting device and install it inside the wreckage. When the mechanical fleet is found in the future, all the death mechanical soldiers must be taken away. Their home is in the fleet on the mechanical planet instead of here.

After the busy work was over, it was already bright in the distance. Rubik's Cube turned on the engine and mechanically poured out a special pungent oil for the engine around the wreckage, which could prevent wild animals from coming here to cause trouble. The smell of the pungent oil would drive away those animals.

After organizing everything, Rubik's Cube climbed up a big tree and checked the surrounding terrain. There was a high mountain in the distance. Rubik's Cube decided to go to the top of the mountain to make some eye-catching signs to facilitate future fleet searches. Rubik's Cube, holding an assault gun and carrying ammunition, carefully entered the dark forest. …

"Turn on environment detection."

The detection equipment is turned on, and various data appear on the mechanical eye screen in front of you.

The oxygen content of the air is extremely low, the intensity of ultraviolet rays is moderate, the air pressure is three times that of the earth, the gravity is 1.5 times that of the earth, the temperature is about 26 degrees, and the humidity is very high.

The plants in the forest are extremely tall, such as trees. The minimum height is more than 100 meters, and the height is estimated to be more than 300 meters. The trunks are extremely thick, and it is no problem to drive a car on them. The vines are densely packed, and the huge crown blocks the sun. The fallen leaves under each foot can submerge the mechanical feet. Plants and animals are similar to Shenwu Continent or the Earth but completely different. For example, most animals have two more legs than the animals on the Earth. Creatures similar to horses have a total of six legs, while the Earth only has four. Needless to say about plants, Rubik's Cube walked for more than a kilometer without seeing even one plant that was the same as the one on Earth.

"Quack quack~"

Some kind of beast on the top of the tree screamed strangely at the Rubik's Cube. Maybe it was not sure whether the Rubik's Cube walking on the ground could be eaten or whether it was a good deal. The Rubik's Cube looked at the little beast and continued to push aside the dense weeds and move forward.

Fortunately, there are infrared detection and mechanical eyes to confirm whether there is any danger. Various predatory plants are everywhere, and beasts are everywhere. After walking one kilometer in a straight line, the actual curve has already traveled three kilometers. This shows how difficult it is to move forward in the forest. I don’t know how long it will take to reach that big mountain at this speed.


An eight-legged frog jumped up and landed on the muzzle of the gun, watching the Rubik's Cube croak. The computer showed that the frog was non-toxic and non-threatening. The Rubik's Cube breathed a sigh of relief and flicked the eight-legged frog away.

It was too slow to move forward with the gun, so Rubik's Cube put away the gun and pulled out the Tang Dao, slashing back and forth across the weeds to clear a passage. He didn't care about any poisonous spiders or poisonous snakes, just kept moving forward. If you want to bite those things, just bite them. As long as you can bite it and release poison at will, the worst thing you can do is find time to repaint it.

While he was chopping, he suddenly heard the roar of some giant beast in front of him, and even the smell collection equipment could sense the strong smell of bad breath...

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