Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 990: Going hunting

At night, several huge celestial bodies in the sky illuminated the entire forest. In fact, the forest was not completely dark. Most of the plants glowed. The Rubik's Cube was walking in a heavily disturbed area that day, so he did not see the plants glowing. At night, the forest was still as bright as during the day. It's even more beautiful, like a fairy tale world or a movie with incredible special effects.

The Rubik's Cube is using its intact robot hand to repair the wound, remove the armor, slowly sort out the complex cables inside and then weld them.

Nisha didn't sleep. She lay in a hammock made of plants and watched the Rubik's Cube dismantling the mechanical legs, welding and repairing them. If her body was broken, she could still take it out for repairs. Nisha felt amazing about this. It seemed like the Rubik's Cube was inside her body. Without blood, there is nothing that a normal living thing should have. Everything is made of metal and various complex machines.

"who are you."

Lying in the hammock, Nisha was playing with her tail and asking about the Rubik's Cube. The manager's affairs today were too exciting and she couldn't sleep for a while.

"Strictly speaking, I am not a human being, nor an animal, nor a plant. I am a brand new species, a mechanical life." Rubik's Cube said while reinstalling the leg armor.

"It's so strange. We all thought you were some kind of special creature with magical abilities. My mother said you have the aura of a demigod in you, but I can't feel the aura of a demigod in you. Maybe I'm not qualified to be one. Sacrifice, why did you come to our tribe?”

"Oh~ your mother is so discerning. Yes, I am a demigod. I am here to find ways to become a real god. God is a very ethereal existence."

Crack! The line ignited and short-circuited, causing the Rubik's Cube mechanical foot to emit a burst of smoke...

"Tch~ It looks like God is not feeling well."

"Gods are people too, just people who can do things that others can't do. For example, I can take off my feet but you can't. It's that simple."

"God is also a human being...it seems to make sense..."

Nisha was lying down looking at the stars and talking to herself. Rubik's Cube wondered if it was his words that gave her an epiphany. It turned out that it was so simple to give guidance...

The night passed quietly, and the tribe was quiet but very lively outside. Welding sparks kept flashing in the corners of the forest full of fluorescence. It was the Rubik's Cube repairing the circuits. It took a whole night to finally repair the body, and it was repainted to look more attractive. Feng Weiwei, Nisha is very curious about these functions of the Rubik's Cube.

After experiencing life and death, her reputation can always be refreshed. For example, when Nissa looks at the Rubik's Cube now, she no longer thinks about being hit by a bullet. She realizes her own shortcomings and no longer dares to tease Taramon in her prime.

With nothing to do, Nissa went hunting with the Rubik's Cube.

One morning.

"No, no, no! Even if you kill me, I won't ride these ancient mounts. It's impossible!" Under the warm sunshine of the morning sun, Rubik's Cube stood in front of a beast with six legs that looked like a horse and shook his head. This thing was very big. At least the Na'vi, who are nearly three meters tall, still look a little short when sitting on them. They have thick and powerful leg muscles, the breathing organs on their necks constantly emit hot air, and they stomp their hooves vigorously. It is a very imposing mount, but the Rubik's Cube robot cannot control it. Come.

"No riding? It's half a day's journey from the hunting ground. Do you plan to run all the way there? Don't expect me to take you."

"Please~ You have nerve ending tissue to connect with this dear friend and make him listen to you, but I don't have anything and I can't connect with him?"

The nerve endings mentioned by the Rubik's Cube are the special hair of the Na'vi people. Many hair strands are mixed with some special nerve ending systems that emit light. Basically every animal on this planet has this kind of body tissue, including Tara beasts and wild monkeys. , and this powerful galloping horse, the Na'vi people can use the nerve tissue in the braids to connect to the animal nerves and then communicate spiritually, reaching the point where they can communicate heart to heart with their mounts.

From Rubik's Cube's point of view, the Na'vi are definitely the best cavalry in the universe. Being able to communicate with their mounts mentally is not excellent or anything else. Those on Earth who are good at equestrian skills are like rude and naive children in front of the Na'vi.

"Then just run away. I know you are very interested in our braids. It would be difficult for my mother to tell you the secret if you can't establish a relationship with us."

Nissa shrugged and drove her mount to run far away, crossing the river and setting off white waves.

"This is nothing short of extortion."

Rubik's Cube, who was carrying a gun and Tang Dao, adjusted his armor, and his mechanical feet quickly transformed into a forest runner and rushed out to chase Nisha. Without a helicopter or a rocket, he had no other choice but to run, but I hope that old lady with a head full of pheasant feathers can tell her how to connect to the ubiquitous network of Na'vi Star, and run away in order to become a god.

In fact, the design of the mechanical soldier is very good. It can perform tactical movements or various behaviors well. The arms swing regularly during running. The waist mechanism and leg mechanism twist according to the optimal design. Each mechanism works perfectly to support the high-speed running of the Rubik's Cube. The mechanical eyes The collected images were analyzed by computer to calculate the best foothold, and everything was as planned.

There is a mountain road in the forest that the Na'vi people often walk on. What is called a mountain road is actually a forest path with few weeds. In the distance, you can reach the hunting ground where the Na'vi people often go.

Nissa, who was running slowly on a galloping horse in front, looked back and smiled when she saw Rubik's Cube following behind. She urged her mount to run faster. Rubik's Cube and Nissa, one behind the other, passed through the Na'vi vegetable fields and orchards and headed straight for the distant hunting ground. No need Use breathing to get what you need from the air. As long as the machine has energy, it can keep running. It is even less likely to wear out the machine. Although the metal of the mechanical soldier is not high-level, it is not comparable to earth metal, not to mention the mechanical energy that can automatically repair it.

While on the way, I met Nisha's boyfriend who had just returned from hunting. Nisha smiled and ran over. The Rubik's Cube waved friendly and said hello. Nisha's boyfriend stared blankly at the Rubik's Cube passing by a gust of wind. He ran so easily. It’s hard for a warrior to do that…

After running for twenty minutes, I had to slow down and rest because the air exhaled from the breathing holes on the galloping horse's neck was getting hotter and hotter. I had to stop and walk slowly. I ran wildly for twenty minutes. You must know that this is a forest and you need to keep jumping and turning. The physical exertion is very high, and it is already very rare to do this.

The leg mechanism of the Rubik's Cube was also a little hot. When passing by a stream, I jumped into it and used cold water to cool down. Suddenly, a burst of white water vapor rose from the river surface...

"How far is it?" Rubik's Cube asked.

"It's not far. I usually walk very slowly to the hunting ground and don't run like this today. Is your body really that hot? It's actually steaming out of you."

"Continuous high-speed movement, whether it is a living thing or a machine, will generate heat. For example, your mount's six thick legs are very hot, isn't it? There is also the air exhaled by its lungs. It is normal for intense exercise to generate heat."

It is also a good thing to do science popularization when you are bored.

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