Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 994: Warning

"Haha~ What are you doing Rubik's Cube~ Do you want to taste the mud~" Nisha couldn't help laughing when she saw the Rubik's Cube.

"I'm feeling the friendliness of the galloping horse, but it doesn't seem to be able to understand my kindness. Oh, luckily my armor is strong enough. How was your conversation? Should I make some preparations?"

Rubik's Cube said and stood up from the ground. He tried his best to straighten the armor on his chest that had been kicked askew and clean up the dirt on his body. His good communication turned into violent behavior. Rubik's Cube couldn't step forward and kill the galloping horse. The effect was pretty good. , the Rubik's Cube successfully cracked the galloping horse's nervous system the moment it established a connection with the galloping horse's neurons, and felt the galloping horse's panic. It must be that the unfamiliar and unfamiliar connection made it very uncomfortable.

Several Na'vi people looked at the Rubik's Cube in the distance and laughed. In their opinion, those who could be kicked away by Galloping Horse must be unqualified knights. Their performance was very bad. Even children of the Na'vi could establish a connection with Galloping Horse. However, the Rubik's Cube was so big. The creature actually got kicked.

"My mother said that we have contacted nearby tribes. If we don't leave, this is our home. What we have to do now is to guard our home and wait for support."

Nissa sat on the stone next to the Rubik's Cube and inspected her dagger.

"I wonder why those Numu people are so cruel. I remember that even Tara beasts in the forest will not kill randomly for no reason, right? It should be that the laws of the forest restrict all creatures."

"Yes, all our lives under the care of the Mother Goddess abide by the laws of the forest, but the Numu people do not. They cannot communicate with the Mother Goddess or with other creatures. When we hunt, we will never kill pregnant cubs or children with cubs. Animals with young cubs will not continue to be hunted as long as they have enough food, but the Numu people are different, they kill like a group of madmen, not only against other species, but also among themselves. "

The Rubik's Cube heard a key point in Nisha's words, the Mother Goddess, but now was not the time to inquire about the details of that God, so she had to press her curiosity button.

"Can't communicate with the Mother Goddess? So I'm afraid the Numu people are not a local species but an alien species, right?"

"I don't know. Legend has it that they appeared through the Devil's Gate."

According to Rubik's Cube, Devil's Gate should be a name named by the Na'vi people. The specific situation should be a space crack formed by accident. The opposite side happens to be the world where the Numu people live. According to the Numu people's character, they must go to the crack to take a look. As a result, they came to this beautiful planet. The ubiquitous life and beautiful natural environment released their desire for destruction. This can be explained by a phenomenon. For example, a villain suddenly came to a group of people full of civility and politeness, and naturally showed off his power. A bully will always think he is powerful until he is beaten hard.

"Do you need me to make some weapons for you? For example, a gun or a sharp metal dagger."

"No, we still use our own weapons."

This answer surprised Rubik's Cube. After seeing the power of firearms, they still had to use their own methods to protect themselves. Rubik's Cube didn't know if it was pedantic or noble.


"My mother said that you should not have appeared in this world, and neither should those weirdos. Our world is beautiful and peaceful. If your weapons spread in this world, all the beauty may be destroyed by war. We just want to Keep the forest, no matter how good the other things are, they are not good for us.”

Rubik's Cube sighed. Nessa and her mother were right. Once firearms spread in this beautiful world, the forest will gradually be destroyed, the beauty will disappear, nature will be destroyed by various weapons, and peace will never be restored.

After thinking about it, the Rubik's Cube finally helped Nissa organize her weapons, not by making them out of metal, but by helping to transform longbows and arrows into more powerful ones, such as adding a few thin slices of some kind of animal horn to the longbow to increase the power of the bow, and helping to modify the bones. Plasma arrows enhance the lethality. Doing this makes Nissa very happy. She generously teaches other Na'vi about the improvements made by the Rubik's Cube, which is of great help in improving their combat effectiveness.

After preparing everything, the Na'vi, who are both hunters and part-time scouts, set out to guard the forest. Naturally, Nisha teamed up with Rubik's Cube, brought enough arrows, and quickly entered the depths of the forest...


The job of a scout is basically to investigate the situation. Occasionally, a guest warrior is required to intercept and kill the opponent's scout. Nissa and other Na'vi people have to face dangers without special care. This is contrary to many civilized races, such as the Earth and the Shenwu Continent. No matter which country or continent people are in power, they always protect their children and carefully look for opportunities to gild their children. In fact, to put it bluntly, they treat the entire country as a private property, while the Na'vi people are just the opposite.

The animals in the forest hate the Numu people very much. The Numu people are careful not to provoke predators such as six-legged snakes and Tara beasts. Therefore, as long as the herbivores are quiet, there will either be ferocious beasts or Numu people. Appear.

Rubik's Cube and Nisha were hiding in the canopy branches of a large tree with an excellent view. Rubik's Cube's metal armor was changed to spray camouflage paint, and he was wearing a sniper ghillie suit. The firearms were also covered with dense invisible cloth strips, leaving only the gun. With the mouth and sight outside, squatting on the tree trunk and almost blending in with the tree trunk and branches, Nissa admired the Rubik's Cube's hiding skills.

The crosshairs in the sight moved slowly for search, and the Rubik's Cube was in an excellent position. It would not face the sun and cause the sight lens to reflect sunlight. It was silent and even a six-legged gecko crawled across the face of the machine.

The blue-skinned Nissa has slightly poor invisibility, so she has to hide in a tree hole and scan carefully.

Scanning around, the infrared aiming device found two red figures...

"I found a target. The direction of my gun is four hundred meters away. Judging from the details of the legs, it should be a Numu man." The crosshair in the sight was aimed at the legs of a red-shaped creature, and the knees were bent backwards.

"There are no tribesmen nearby. They must be Numu spies. Are you sure you can kill both of them without being discovered?"

"No problem, four hundred meters is not very far."

The squatting Rubik's Cube remained motionless and gently aimed at the head of one of the Numu people, with its mechanical finger on the trigger...

Finger on the trigger!

call out! The silencer plays a good role in silencing the sound. There is no fire or gunshot, only the sound of the warhead cutting through the airflow!

Four hundred meters away, a Numu man who was walking cautiously forward in the grass suddenly had his head explode like a smashed watermelon! Then the headless corpse fell to the ground, and another Numu man next to him bared his fangs and looked for the enemy. He searched around nervously and found nothing, as if his companion had suddenly died.


The second Numu was carried backwards by the huge force. There was a small blood hole in the front of his chest and a big hole in his back. The last Numu's lungs were damaged and he could not make a sound and died slowly.

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