“Master, Nandu is just ahead, but the situation here seems…”

In the helicopter, Chen Ye heard the report from the pilot through the noise-cancelling headphones he wore.

Hearing this, he frowned and looked outside and said, “What seems to be wrong?”

The driver immediately said: “I don’t know why there are a lot of flocs in the air here. These things are somewhat similar to catkins, but they are not exactly the same.”

“They seem to be very light but very tough.”

“Just now, I received news that a friendly helicopter crashed due to engine failure shortly after entering the coverage area of ​​these flocs.”

“According to the latest information from the ground tower, these flocs currently cover all areas up to 1,300 meters within a radius of 30 kilometers from the big tree.”

“I’m afraid our helicopter won’t be able to fly directly in.”

As he spoke, the helicopter was no longer far away from the big tree, and the whole tree could be seen in the distance.

The driver also pointed to somewhere ahead and said, “Look, young master, that yellowish-white mist-like thing in the air is that layer of floc.”

“I’m afraid we have to find a place to land near here. According to the data on the ground, these things are very small. Our ordinary defense methods may not be able to effectively respond. If we go forward, we may only have one way to crash. Walk.”

Chen Ye looked indifferently at the yellow-white, mist-like barrier, shook his head and said, “There’s no need to land. I’ll go in directly. You can find a safe place outside to land and wait for me.”

With his strength, even if the helicopter crashes, it will definitely not have any impact on him.

But he could survive the crash. The crew on the helicopter had no such ability.

It’s only twenty or thirty kilometers away from the big tree. If he wants to go there, even walking to the bottom will only take a few minutes, which may not be slower than a helicopter flying.

There is no need to let these subordinates die here.

What’s more, something as sophisticated as a helicopter is not a mass commodity.

Aircraft are undoubtedly the crown jewel of the industry. Even for civil aviation, it is extremely difficult to build one. It requires the support of a large number of parts and industrial chains from all over the world.

Although the complexity of this kind of military aircraft is not as good as that of modern civil aviation aircraft, it is not a mass-produced commodity. It is a sophisticated product that Xia State can only create after gathering countless industrial chains.

Before the end of the world, you can still buy it with money, but after the end of the world, you won’t be able to buy it even if you have money.

If a large number of people turn into zombies, it is destined that a large number of industrial chains will be broken after the apocalypse. Even whether normal trade can be maintained after the apocalypse is a question.

Although Tianhai and Chen Ye are now further planning to control the river delta area, although the industrial categories are complex and comprehensive, they dare not say that they will be able to produce a few modern helicopters after the apocalypse.

Therefore, to a certain extent, this thing can be said to be using one less one, and it will not be so easy to replenish it in the future.

Rather than driving this thing in and dying just for the sake of these dozens of kilometers, it would be better for him to go in by himself.

…Because Chen Ye had almost killed the tree people before, and the tree had basically lost the ability to continue to expand.

The pressure on the army group stationed in Nandu dropped sharply.

In addition, several group armies supported by other surrounding cities are already partially in place.

At this time, he naturally also entered the battle.

The manpower is more abundant.

A large number of soldiers did not even need to go to the front line to be wary of the tree people, but participated in the work of evacuating the people.

By the time Chen Ye came back from his trip to Qiantang, almost thirty kilometers away from the big tree, there was almost no human habitation.

All the tall buildings in the city were now empty and as quiet as a ghost town.

If you take a photo and send it to an online forum ten days ago… No, put it on the current Internet.

I’m afraid no one can tell that this is the famous Nandu City.

Since there was still some time, Chen Ye was not in a hurry and slowly walked around the ruins of the city.

After walking for a while, he finally saw a living person.

It was a group of well-equipped soldiers, currently shuttling between towering residential buildings, seemingly looking for any people who had not yet had time to leave.

This is already an area shrouded in floc emitted by big trees.

Chen Ye keenly noticed that these soldiers walking through the building basically wore thick gas masks.

Without exception.

After watching for a while, he couldn’t help but grab a soldier who was in a hurry and said: “Comrade, why are you wearing a gas mask? Is this

Are some flocs toxic? ”

Chen Yeshen appeared and disappeared. Naturally, he had not been discovered by these soldiers before.

The sudden appearance at this time naturally startled the soldier.

After being stunned for a while, the soldier looked him up and down several times, then slowly breathed a sigh of relief and put down the loaded rifle in his hand: “So it’s a superpower, are you here to support Nandu too? ?”

“Well… I guess.” Chen Ye pondered for a moment and then nodded, then continued: “You haven’t answered my question yet.”

Hearing this, the little warrior immediately said: “Not only is it poisonous, this thing is terrible. As long as an ordinary person takes a breath, the seeds will be planted by this big tree immediately. If it is not cleaned up in time, it will not take more than an hour. They will turn into those disgusting tree people.”

“I heard that all the original treants in this tree were killed by some big shot. This guy is so smart that he probably thought of this way to create some more treants for himself.”

“I heard earlier that fighting has started again. When this wave came down, we were caught off guard for the first time. Many people inhaled these things without any precautions. Many people were turned into tree-men by it. If the reinforcements hadn’t arrived, We don’t have time to come back and help evacuate people now.”

“This tree is so evil that only people with superpowers can avoid it.”

The little warrior answered questions for Chen Ye at first, but after that, he basically muttered to himself.

But Chen Ye also got a rough idea.

“Do you use this method to expand your tree army?”

Looking at the big tree on the horizon, Chen Ye always felt that things might not be that simple.

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