As the deer turned around and charged, the pursuit immediately turned into a positional battle.

The convoy that originally chased the herd's butt for output will now face the risk of being collided head-on by the herd.

"Full fire, full fire!"

Lu Chen's roar echoed in the communicator.

Rong Hubiao could tell that Lu Chen's voice was no longer as calm as before.

And he was obviously not afraid of losing the battle, but afraid that the beast herd would cause a large attrition of team members.

The last Ape King incident had a huge impact on Lu Chen.

Neighing sounds resounded throughout the world, and a dense herd of beasts in the distance were charging forward.

Their antlers withstand most heavy machine gun fire.

Bullets no longer deal as much damage as they did in the first wave.

"These beasts are angry!" Rong Hubiao muttered.

Then he took out the rifle next to him and kicked open the car door.

"Captain! Captain, where are you going?"

asked the team member next to him.

Rong Hubiao glanced at him, picked up the communicator and switched to the captain's channel.

This channel is connected to each team captain, and neither Lu Chen nor Zhuang Yuan can hear it.

"Brothers, do you hear that the leader is worried about us?"

"Although I, Rong Hubiao, am not very powerful, I am not a child who needs constant protection from others."

"If this wave of beasts comes over, we will have no way out in a place like this!"

"If you are a man, get out of the car with me and face these bastards!"

"Let these anxious beasts see what anger is!"

"A real man must be straight forward!"

After saying that, Rong Hubiao turned around and got out of the car, and walked to the front of the car with his rifle raised.

The ferocious alien species are coming like a tide. Heavy machine gun bullets whizzed overhead.

The hot blood was boiling in his chest, Rong Hubiao took aim with his gun.

Just when he was about to launch, there was a bang and a rocket flew out.

The rocket accurately hit a crazy mutant deer, blowing it into a bloody mess.

Rong Hubiao turned around and saw the tall Yue Ji walking forward while reloading ammunition.

"Women can also be frontal." Yue Ji said coldly.

Then it knelt down on one knee, took aim with the rocket on its shoulder, and fired another shot.

"Okay, okay!" Rong Hubiao praised in his heart. This was the benefactor who saved her on the city wall last time.

“Chu tu tu tu tu tu——————”

In addition to the ravages of heavy machine guns, the battlefield was soon joined by noisy gunfire.

More and more team members rushed out of the chariot and opened fire on the herd in front.

"Captain, we are here." A team member patted Rong Hubiao's hand and walked forward.

Rong Hubiao grinned widely, thinking that his shouting was in vain this time.

Because he felt that this group of people would rush to the front even without their own mobilization.


Rong Hubiao yelled angrily and pulled the safety switch sharply.

"Let's kill these beasts together!"

“Chu tu tu tu tu tu————————”

"Boom boom————"

Heavy firepower shoots at the large-target mutant deer, rifle firepower shoots at the mutated rats underneath, and the rocket launcher causes range damage.

In a symphony of guns and cannons, the momentum of the beast tide was suppressed again.

Fighter support arrived and found that all the team members got out of the car and roared and opened fire.

Lu Chen suddenly realized, this is a group of warriors!

This is a group of warriors who have survived in the apocalypse for so long.

Their resilience and courage far exceeded his expectations.

They are not children who need constant care, and they themselves are not nannies.

Worrying about the attrition of subordinates while busy running for their lives is completely contrary to the original intention of command.

He should do a good job in command and deployment, and trust these soldiers with the rest.

Fighter planes passed by at low altitude, and the expressions of stubborn resistance of the soldiers came into Lu Chen's eyes.

He chuckled, "What a great job, these people."

Then he pointed his arm towards the sky, and the fighter plane quickly pulled up.

After completing a 180-degree spin in the air, he went straight towards the Alien Deer King.

Do what you should do and trust your teammates for the rest.

"Clear the main avenue of Hedong! Clear the main avenue of Hedong!"

Lu Chen is going to have a real man showdown with the Deer King on the main road!

The first step in a real men's showdown is to shake people!

"Zhuang Yuan, the maximum power of the cracking laser, prepare for support!"


"Yudan, approach the main avenue with all your strength, prepare for support!"


After giving the order, Lu Chen clenched his fists with five fingers.

The tail wing of the fighter jet spurted out blue flames, spurting towards the Deer King.

The Wasp machine gun began to idle, and a whole process of killing enemies emerged in his mind.

It will be a precise and elegant massacre!


With a slight movement of your finger, five fighter planes, ten machine guns, full firepower!

All the bullets were shot towards the Deer King's left front leg under Lu Chen's thoughts.

This is not an ordinary bullet, but a bullet with electrical energy to increase damage.

Moreover, the fighter planes shot from all angles, and the Deer King simply could not block them all with his horns.

It roared angrily and blood spurted out from its left front leg.

Seeing that it couldn't stop the bullets from the Wasp machine gun, it simply stopped blocking them.

Its recovery ability is very strong, and this little damage cannot hinder its progress.

The Deer King buried his head and roared, sprinting forward with all his strength.

It is going to destroy the fleeing convoy in front!

Just as the Deer King was halfway through rushing through the pain, Zhuang Yuan rushed out in a thunderstorm.

The muzzle of the front of the car has begun to rotate, and the disintegration laser is accumulating power.

The Deer King noticed the huge energy fluctuations and knew that it was a very powerful weapon.

So he lowered his head and prepared to resist the blow with his antlers.

It has complete trust in its antlers for absolute defense!

Chase Lu smiled when he saw it burying its head in charge.

Because all this is expected.

Lu Chen was not sure whether the cracking laser could penetrate the antlers' defense.

But he was sure that the disintegrating laser would not hit the antlers.

Suddenly, the running deer king suddenly felt that his left leg had lost feeling.

The next moment, its body tilted and fell to the ground.

Its antlers could no longer stand between it and death.

"Launch!" Lu Chen ordered.


The energy of the disintegrating laser poured out, and the powerful laser instantly penetrated the body of the Alien Deer King.

A thundering roar came out, and the alien blood in the Deer King's body instantly vaporized, releasing clouds of steam.

Lu Chen's mouth curled up slightly, although the bullet could not cause substantial damage to it.

But the electrical energy attached to the bullet is accumulated bit by bit.

When it accumulates to a certain level, its entire leg will be temporarily paralyzed.

This is the opportunity Chase Lu has been waiting for.

The alien deer king was not dead yet. It lay limply on the ground and howled.

The wounds on his body are healing at an extremely fast speed.

Lu Chen clenched his arms downwards, and the fighter plane dived towards the Deer King on the ground.

Next comes the finishing stage.

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