The exit of a subway station at the Salvation Army base.

"Dismantle! Dismantle quickly!"

An unusually strong man scolded.

In front of him was the underground special service team to which Kamikaze belonged.

They are using various cutting equipment to cut the iron door that was sealed last time.

Sparks flew everywhere, and Kamikaze took advantage of the burly man's turning back to ask the captain in charge.

"Boss, why are you opening the door again?"

The captain of the special service team looked around and leaned close to Kamikaze's ear.

"It is said that Lord Chonggo who went out last time did not reply. Now the leader has sent someone to check again."

The corner of Kamikaze's mouth twitched, "Grandma, you want to come back alive after going to Nancheng."

"Then why did you send someone out again? Doesn't it prove that there is danger if they don't come back?" Kamikaze asked again.

"Ha." The captain stared at him and snorted coldly. "What's so dangerous about your little shitty place?"

"I guess Lord Jugo must have occupied a base there and is preparing to proclaim himself king, so the leader wants to send troops to go there again."

Kamikaze looked at him like a fool. If I give you ten lives, you can't even hope to become a king in Nancheng.

"Sigh, I don't know what the women in Nancheng are like. Good women here can't even get their turn."

"You said how about we sneak away with the troops and go to Nancheng to have fun, and you can lead the way." The captain said with a hint of sarcasm.

Kamikaze smiled coquettishly, turned around and ignored him.

Yes, yes, you can go to Nancheng to have sex with women, and you can have sex with you.

I think your brain is not fully developed and your cerebellum is not developed at all.

The only place in the body that can think is Niu Zi, a pure idiot.

After scolding the captain in his heart, Kamikaze returned to his post.

He observed that the number of troops sent out this time was obviously several times larger than last time.

That Zhongwu must have had trouble in Nancheng last time, that's why so many tanks were dispatched this time.

Have you ever beaten this group of people? Kamikaze asked weakly in his heart.

He hasn't touched Lu Chen's convoy for a long time, and he doesn't know what his power is now.

If we look at the strength of the ordinary bases in Nancheng, the Salvation Army's combat power this time is definitely comparable.

But that's not including the man.

If there is a hot man, all pre-war predictions will be in vain.

Because when you think he has tried his best, he will definitely give you another surprise.

Thinking of this, Kamikaze fell into deep worry.

Certainly not worried about the lives of this group of people or whether they would win.

If they could really defeat Lu Chen, it would be of little benefit to Kamikaze, as he was just a scavenger.

But if they fail, they will be in big trouble!

That man would never ignore repeated provocations like this.

Maybe Kamikaze is sweating on his head, maybe he will attack Haicheng directly!

By then, the shelter he had finally found would be completely overturned again! !


While he was thinking, the heavy iron door was cut open and crashed to the ground.

"Get out of here! Don't block the road!" the strong man yelled.

The special service team immediately packed up their belongings and retreated to the side.

After they withdrew, steel chariots rushed up from the ground.

"Hehehe, he is really the tiger of the empire."

The captain next to him looked at the heavy armored vehicle and murmured.

"Say." He poked the kamikaze with his arm.

"Is this car enough to beat some of your cars?"

Kamikaze chuckled.

Damn it, the villains in brainless web novels are not as stupid as this idiot.

After more than sixty heavy armored vehicles passed by, Kamikaze was stunned by the types of vehicles behind them.

Are there even tanks in this base? !

I saw a larger tracked chariot driving up, and the dull sound of the engine was overwhelming.

On the gray-green body, a huge gun barrel is majestic.

And the muzzle seems different from that of ordinary tanks, it looks bigger and thicker.

After eight super tanks passed by, what followed was an even more exaggerated tank.

The size of this tank is even bigger!

There are three gun holes on the snow-white body, one main gun and two secondary guns.

What's even more exaggerated is that there is a giant radar device on the fort.

Moreover, there are many machine gun ports on the flanks, covering all directions with firepower.

"What kind of chariot is this?" Kamikaze asked the captain again, holding back his nausea.

"Hehe." The captain indeed showed an extremely proud expression.

"Just say you have never seen the world. This is the Fengshen."

"The ultra-long-distance signal transmission tank has large-scale detection means."

"There are also EMP electromagnetic missiles, which are not only extremely penetrating, but can also paralyze enemy communication devices."

"I didn't expect that to hit that corner of your head, you would need to use the Fengshen."

The captain clicked his tongue and shook his head twice.

Fengshen, although Kamikaze has not been to this base for a few days, he still has some understanding of the name Fengshen.

It is said that the leader of the Salvation Army is good at mechanical modification, and the four tanks named after Feng Linshan are his most proud works.

Kamikaze himself almost died at the hands of the Vulcan underground.

Unexpectedly, they even took out their underwear and used it. It seemed that they were serious about it.

But the more serious they were, the more Kamikaze's heart trembled.

If Lu Chen's motorcade was compared to a sleeping lion.

Before that, you teased people with a piece of dogtail grass, but they ignored you, turned over and went back to sleep.

Now your special code is to use durians to hit people, although it will cause a little damage.

But when the lion wakes up, you will be useless even as a host.

Looking at the Fengshen slowly driving out of the gate, Kamikaze felt a shiver in his heart.

It stands to reason that the combat power of the Salvation Army this time is much higher than when he and Chase Lu fought against each other.

At that time, he still had some confidence, but now he has deep doubts about the victory of these people.

"Weld it on!"

After all the chariots drove out of the underground, the strong man shouted to a group of them.

The captain responded and led them to rush forward to repair it.

Kamikaze looked at the faces of the soldiers who were going out to conquer the war, and couldn't help but shook his head.

You have to eat some of them to know how poisonous they are.

"Lord Leader, we have landed and are ready." The strong man said while sitting in the Fengshen.

"Okay." A voice came from the other end of the communicator.

"Are all the indicators of Fengshen normal?"

"It's normal. The leader's chariot must be fine." The strong man flattered him skillfully.

"Very good. Let's set off immediately and keep in touch at any time."

"We look forward to your triumph, The Rock."

"Promise to complete the mission!" Johnson replied sternly.

After hanging up the communication, he switched to the convoy channel and roared.

"Set off!!"

Suddenly, the engine roared loudly and all the tanks started.

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