"Bang bang bang."

The standing contest in the center of the battlefield continues.

The strong man's gravel armor had been shattered and scattered in all directions, and Xiao Liang's body was also covered with blood.

But the two of them showed no signs of fatigue at all. They went back and forth with each other, punching each other hard.

Behind the two, the team members with long-range attack abilities on both sides had basically exhausted their energy.

The two sides returned to traditional events, holding rifles and shooting at each other.

However, the balance of the frontal battlefield will also tilt depending on the outcome of the flanking battle.

After Tsukiji kills Spider Man, she attacks him along the flank wall.

By the time the other party found out, Yue Ji had already fallen into their crowd.

Seeing Yue Ji's intrusion, several team members didn't know whether to be excited or scared for a moment.

"Little miss, who are you looking for?"

Yue Ji glanced at her coldly, her eyes turning red.

The three team members closest to her immediately weakened and collapsed to the ground.

"There are enemies behind you!"

The remaining team members shouted, turning around and firing at Tsukiji without caring about the front.

Yue Ji's figure was light and agile, she jumped and turned over, and hid behind the armored vehicle.

Tsukihime's surprise attack from the back caused chaos in the opponent's formation.

Under the leadership of Yudan, the Death Angels found the opportunity and rushed out.

Without disturbing the two reckless men in the center of the battlefield, they opened fire and entered the enemy's position.

Several were killed and several injured, and the battle ended in an instant.

At the same time, Lu Chen had just dealt with Qianyuan and came to the front battlefield.

Seeing that the team members had basically won a complete victory, I felt satisfied.

This improvised team of superpowers was pretty good, and they didn't even ask Zhuang Yuan to help.

But what is the situation?

Lu Chen fell into silence as he looked at the two people who were still standing firm in the center of the battlefield.

Yu Dan and others have already captured the prisoners and arranged them in a row. Why are these two people still fighting?

"Lord Leader." Seeing Lu Chen approaching, everyone shouted.

"What's going on?" Chase Lu pointed at Xiaoliang.

Yudan had a wry smile on his face, "The two of them are having a 1v1 battle between men."

After saying that, Yudan scratched his head and felt ashamed for his subordinates.

Lu Chen walked forward and found that both of their faces had been swollen and there were countless wounds and bruises on their bodies.

And it seemed that both of them were almost unconscious, and they were basically fighting only on instinct.

No, what do you mean by this look of enjoyment on your face?

Lu Chen looked at Xiaoliang's expression and immediately knew who made those "shuang" sounds during the battle.

There’s another buddy, your hometown has been demolished, and you’re still hanging on to the lane.

"Yue Ji." Lu Chen shouted helplessly.

Yue Ji stepped forward and activated her powers. The two big men softened, hugged each other face to face, and then fell to the ground.

"Here are some people to lift him up. Let's go back to camp." Lu Chen waved his hand and turned around to leave.

At this point, the war between superpowers has finally come to an end.

The second collision with the Salvation Army base also ended with Lu Chen's overall victory.

Returning to the camp, the soldiers burst into warm applause for the triumphant return of the superpowers.

And these new superpowers also gained a great sense of accomplishment in this battle.

However, the battle was not over yet. Lu Chen asked Rong Hubiao to strengthen the defense and expand the scope of reconnaissance.

Then let the accompanying medical staff deal with the injuries of the superpowers.

Except for Xiao Liang, all other team members in this battle were only slightly injured.

And Xiaoliang's self-healing ability is very abnormal because of his superpower.

Therefore, this attack can be regarded as a precious training opportunity at a small price.

Plus a bunch of superpowers and highly practical superpower cores.

After dinner and getting the troops in order, it was time for another enjoyable interrogation session.

This time we captured a third-stage superpower, and we can definitely get more information about the Salvation Army from him.

As an organization entrenched underground, the Salvation Army’s underground network must be intricate.

After these two battles, Lu Chen estimated that the opponent would not fight on the ground again.

At this time, a prisoner who is familiar with the opponent's underground circuit is crucial.

In the temporary camp, Lu Chen's next plan gradually unfolded with Yue Ji's interrogation.

Salvation Army base, combat command room.

Lin Ji and the captains waited for the signal on the LCD screen to be transmitted back.

They have been waiting since they set off in the afternoon of Qianyuan to almost early morning now.

Everyone's emotions changed from determination to win, to doubt, to panic at the end.

Lin Ji looked heavy, and the red wine in the glass had not been touched for several hours.

The team members sent out lost contact one after another. This can no longer be explained by coincidence.

The captains in the underground looked pale, and no one dared to joke to lighten the atmosphere.

Even the Qianyuan of the third-stage superpower has lost its message. What kind of monsters are there outside?

"Is anyone here yet?" Lin Ji's voice was cold and fierce.

This is his standard behavior when he's angry.

"Come, come, sir." A captain bowed and said.

Afterwards, the door to the conference room opened, and Kamikaze and his party were escorted in.

It wasn't until Qianyuan lost news that Lin Ji remembered Kamikaze.

Before this, he had never taken the Nancheng people seriously, and had no intention of getting information from them.

Now that even Qianyuan fell into the opponent's hands, he finally remembered these Nancheng lackeys.

"Kneel down!"

Several team members pushed the Kamikaze group to the ground.

When these people came to catch Kamikaze, Kamikaze had a vague suspicion in his heart.

This group of people must have suffered a big loss at the hands of Lu Chen.

Seeing that Lin Ji no longer had the strategizing expression on his face, Kamikaze confirmed his suspicion even more.

"What am I asking you? Answer truthfully, otherwise you will die!" shouted the team members next to him.

"Okay, okay, okay." Kamikaze nodded and replied.

"Who is the leader of that team in Nancheng?" Lin Ji's voice was as cold as a poisonous snake.

"Lu Chen." Kamikaze answered.

"Lu Chen——" Lin Ji gritted his teeth and repeated it. Just saying this name made him feel angry.

"How much combat strength do they have now?" Lin Ji asked.

Everyone below heard Lin Ji asking this question and couldn't help but look at each other.

Asking this question means that the leader has regarded these Nancheng people as real opponents.

It took only one day for those Nancheng native dogs to completely change the leader's attitude toward them.

And let the extremely proud leader inquire about this group of people from others.

How terrifying are these people!

"Master Chief, when I left, they estimated that they had about 100 off-road vehicles."

"100 off-road vehicles! How is that possible!"

A captain shouted, how could a mere 100 off-road vehicles defeat their armored convoy.

"It is indeed 100 vehicles, but their main combat power is a few of them super tanks."

"Super tank?" Lin Ji's eyes narrowed.

Even the Feng Linhuoshan he modified didn't have the title of super tank. What kind of super tank could the opponent have?

Even if it is a super tank, how can a few vehicles change the outcome of the battlefield?

The difference in firepower between the armored convoy and the off-road convoy is like a huge chasm. How can a few vehicles make up for it?

"Do you remember what I said about him destroying our entire base with a tank?"

Lin Ji was stunned for a while and thought about it.

At that time, he just thought that the opponent's base defense was too weak.

"What do you want to say?"

"What I want to say is that that tank is really not an ordinary tank."

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