Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 100 Fool's Bone Fragment


Si Wei vaguely guessed who the guy who named the giant snake was, but since he didn't have enough evidence, he didn't say it easily. He just praised it against his will: "What a good name..."

Nidhogg shook his snake head, "You are probably the only person who thinks this name is good...that's all. Do you still have communication with the guy from Wallis District?"

"Wallis District?"

Seeing Si Wei's confused look, Nidhogg also remembered that this guy probably couldn't recognize the empire's geographical information, so he explained: "It's the area where the envelope's paint pattern is a wolf's head."

When he mentioned Wolf Head Paint, Siwei immediately reacted. He even received a letter from the other party when he was in Accra. "I remember, I just received the letter not long ago."

"So, how is that young man doing now?"

Si Wei recalled, "If we go by the situation he described in his letter, I guess his current situation is very bad and there is a risk of death at any time."

Nidhogg nodded, "Okay, if he really dies, don't worry too much about it. Birth, old age, illness and death are the most common things in this world. Even if he really dies, it has nothing to do with you. You don't Need to live with guilt.”

It is estimated that this sentence is Nidhogg's persuasion based on the character of the original owner, but Si Wei does not need these words of persuasion now. Whether the person who wrote the letter is dead or not has little to do with Si Wei, because he He simply didn't have the energy to care about that person's affairs.

"By the way, can you do something for me?" Nidhogg said suddenly.

Si Wei turned his head, looked at Nidhogg who was not looking at him, and answered decisively: "Why?"

Nidhogg looked at him, "You don't want to?"

"Perhaps I should repeat our current relationship," Si Wei began to sort out the relationship between the two of them very impolitely in front of Nidhogg. "Maybe the original owner has a good relationship with you, but now I am not the same person as before. Professor Si Wei, we are just new friends. We don’t know anything about each other. At this time, you suddenly ask me to do something for you. Do you think I should agree? "

"Would you say the same thing if I said I just wanted you to bring me a branch from the incubator?"

Si Wei's answer was very ambiguous, "If you think my statement represents this meaning, you can stick to your own understanding."

The conversation between the two was like a war between the two countries. It was highly targeted and unabashed.

After a long time, the giant snake shook its body gently and let out a hearty laugh, "You are really interesting! It seems that the compatibility between you and me should be very good."

"Thank you." Si Wei said with a straight face, seemingly not taking it to heart.

This is also normal. It is impossible for Siwei to receive all the information from Nidhogg through just one word. There may be a mixture of truth and falsehood in his words, but Siwei still has to take certain precautions to avoid being fooled. .

Neither Eugene nor Gallagher ever mentioned to him that the resident of Room 666 was a snake. Even Waff did not directly name the resident, in case the real resident had turned into the snake. Then Siwei was really fooled.

While Nidhogg was laughing, Eugene came in with a large plate of beef that had been cut and shaved, with two or three eggs sprinkled on top. It looked like a hearty meal indeed.

"Mr. Nidhogg! This is your lunch!" Eugene called Nidhogg's name affectionately as soon as he entered the door, and happened to see Si Wei's back, "Oh? Professor Si Wei, you are here too. "

Nodding to Eugene, Si Wei said, "Is Nidhogg's lunch so sumptuous?"

"Of course!" Eugene smiled, "I usually hand it over to you, and then you take it to Mr. Nidhogg, but it seems that you want to rest more today, so I won't trouble you. "

From Eugene's words, Si Wei was able to confirm the relationship between the original owner and Nidhogg, and his hostility towards Nidhogg became lighter, but he did not completely relax his vigilance.

Rather, Si Wei is now wary of everyone in Balem's apartment.

After all, with such a strange apartment name and a group of weird residents, Si Wei wouldn't be surprised even if someone told Si Wei that these people were all believers of the Pantheon Religion.

"Si Wei," Nidhogg stopped Si Wei who was about to turn around and leave before enjoying his feast, "I have a deal here, do you want to try it?"

Si Wei turned his head and said, "What do you think I am? A mercenary?"

"It's just a transaction. The benefits to both parties are equal. It just depends on whether you want to try it or not."

Eugene looked at Si Wei and Nidhogg, and always felt that something was wrong, because the relationship between man and snake seemed to have become strange, and there was no harmony like before.

In Eugene's memory, Nidhogg is one of the few people who can communicate normally with Professor Si Wei. Even though it is not a human, it is smarter than most humans. Perhaps this is why it can communicate normally with Professor Si Wei. Let’s talk about the reason.

After hesitating for a moment, Si Wei was relatively free during the week anyway, so it was a good idea to find something to do for himself, so he asked: "What do you want me to do? Tell me the transaction content and remuneration, and I will think about it. "

Nidhog paused, and according to Siwei's request, he slowly explained the content and reward of the transaction, "Go find a guy called One-armed Stone, who is in Fulingdu. I need his blood.

"As for the reward... I will tell you the location of the second piece of Fool's Bone."


Bell walked out of the train station and saw a familiar guy standing not far away at first sight, who should be waiting for him.

Without saying a word, Bell walked up to the man and asked, "Why are you here?"

The person Bell questioned was a young woman wearing an eye-catching nun's uniform, but the clothes were tailored in a certain way, with a high slit and exposed breasts, and she didn't look like a normal nun at all.

The long black hair spread down normally, and an oriental face was particularly eye-catching in the train station.

The woman was indeed very attractive, but Bell knew very well that anything might be taken out from under her skirt.

"I'm not here to pick you up. You should know that none of us have so much free time, right?" The woman replied, her eyes wandering among the crowd, "I'm just here to carry out the mission."

"Carry out the mission? Wearing so conspicuously? Are you afraid that the believers of Pantheism won't recognize you? "Bell sneered coldly. He and the woman didn't seem to have a good relationship.

The woman smiled sarcastically, "Take care of yourself, and then dream your own pious dream, that's enough. The captain seems to be optimistic about you, but in my eyes, you are just a child who has not grown up, and is still immersed in your own illusions. "

Bell was not angry. It seemed that as long as it didn't involve his beliefs, nothing could make him angry. "Really? Then you can continue to live with this preconceived prejudice. "

Seeing that Bell said so, the woman had nothing to talk to him about, so she pushed Bell's shoulder away and squeezed into the crowded crowd.

"Huh..." Bell breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at the setting sun. Before returning to the agency to regain his sight, he still had to go see a place.

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