Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 115: The Gift Leaked


Si Wei tidied his clothes. He still didn't wear formal clothes today. He put on a plain linen windbreaker and went out.

Ji Ya's clothing is not too conspicuous, and the risk of being spotted in the market is not too high.

He did not go to the Versailles grocery store immediately. Instead, he wandered around the surrounding markets and confirmed that there was nothing he wanted to buy before gradually approaching the grocery store.

Si Wei found Alice next to a remote alley less than twenty meters away from the grocery store. At the same time that he saw Alice, from the corner of his eye, Si Wei saw two young men hiding behind her behind the cart.

They have tattoos of different patterns on their bodies, and their eyes are fierce, but they still have not lost their childishness. One of them held a knife, and the other nudged him with his elbow and pointed at Alice, as if wanting him to do it.

Jia glanced at Si Wei, as if waiting for him to say something.

"You stay here now." Si Wei said simply.

"What are you waiting for? We have been keeping an eye on her for several days! Didn't you see the hundred rum in her hand? With that money, we won't have to worry about it for at least half a month!" No. The young man holding the knife kept urging the guy next to him.

The man holding the knife was a little irritated, and turned around and scolded: "Damn, do it if you have the ability! I have been eyeing that girl for a long time, and I want to wait until she is older to pick her up. Now you leave me to others." I got a bad impression, what should I do next?”

"Damn! You still have to worry about this kind of thing? Just use force! Didn't you see how those guys from the Green Crow Gang started? Just drag him into the alley, how manly is he!"

The conversation between the two was so rude that an upright gentleman could not listen to it. The two of them got more and more excited as they talked, and even forgot to care about their surroundings. They did not expect that there was another person approaching them.

"What are you talking about? Can I interrupt?" A low and gentle voice reached their ears. The two of them were so frightened that one even dropped the knife in his hand to the ground and started screaming. stand up.

Alice was also attracted by the two men's screams, and happened to see Si Wei bending down to look down at the two men.

Those two guys...

Alice knew them. They were the typical kid kings in the campfire area. They were rude and misbehaved. They were simply a collection of annoying people.

Were the two of them just squatting to guard themselves?

She knew very well what would happen if Si Wei was not here today and she fell into the hands of the two of them. When she thought of this, she couldn't help but stand on her head, her hands wrapped around her thin body, trying desperately to throw out the things in her mind.

Si Wei picked up the knife, turned the handle calmly, then squatted down and gently lifted one of the men's chin with the back of the knife, "You two guys don't have the guts to kill, but you can take someone's life at any time." Where are the weapons.”

Precisely because his eyes were calm and showed almost no emotion, many people saw him as full contempt and provocation.

But in the eyes of these two gangsters now, Si Wei's cold eyes and tone only brought them fear!

He is like a serial killer who has killed many people. Even if he cuts the two of them into pieces here, there will be no emotion or emotional change!

"Your behavior is a perfect combination of possessiveness and fear. Precisely because you are afraid of others taking away your life, you desperately want to hold the weapon that can save other people's lives in your own hands."

Si Wei licked his lips, then brought the back of the knife across and pressed it against the skin of the man's neck, "But you don't know how to use it, so you can only 'control' but not 'use'. This is really too much." Sad.”

"That...that..." the voice of the guy with the knife stuck to his neck trembled, "please, let me go..."

Si Wei glanced at the guy next to him. It didn't matter if he didn't glance at him. One glance would scare him so much that he ran away!

In fact, if Si Wei was just an ordinary person, he probably wouldn't be able to be frightened to this extent, because the guy who ran away already had a dark color on his pants.

The most important thing is the "power of grace" revealed unintentionally in Si Wei.

Norris, Arnold, Bell, and Beverly are already veterans among the missionaries, and they can suppress their "unknown" aura from leaking out easily to avoid affecting the ordinary people around them.

However, since Si Wei came to this world, no one has taught him the correct way to use the power of the gift, so he naturally does not know how to control the leakage of his gift power after reaching the second node.

This also caused the two poor guys with low inspiration to be scared into this state.

Before Si Wei finished speaking, the guy who couldn't run away rolled his eyes and lay down on the ground. Looking at it like this, he probably wouldn't wake up in half an hour.

After Jia made sure that Si Wei had handled the matter here, she finally came over. Looking at the little gangster who had turned into such a miserable state, she said, "It seems... you need to be taught by Nidhogg." How do you use your gifted power appropriately?"

"Yes, I can see it too." Si Wei chose to agree with Jia's words.

Alice trotted over and asked, "Thank you..."

"You're welcome. It's just a piece of cake." Si Wei threw the knife into the sewer. "I heard them say that they saw the money in your hand, right? You should know the principle of not showing off your wealth."

Alice was shocked. "There are guys like that wandering around the streets every day. How could they not be discovered..."

Jia looked at Alice and lowered her voice to Si Wei: "What did you do again?"

"I just asked this young lady to help me deal with some things," Si Wei used ambiguous information to fool around. "I think I need to do you a favor. I don't want my informant to disappear because of the actions of some gangsters."

Not only Alice, but even Jia wanted to ask him, how can you help with this? Is it to unify the bonfire area directly? Are you going to deal with the things that the empire has not completed for so many years?

Fortunately, Si Wei was not so crazy. "We'll talk about the details later, Madeleine..." Alice interrupted him, "Just call me Alice, I don't like that last name." Si Wei didn't want to get involved in her family affairs, so he went straight to the point, "You should have seen the wanted posters on the billboards, right?" "I have seen them, do you have any questions?" "Very good, then... do you know a guy named One-armed Stone?"

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