Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 130: Halaya's Omniscience

Si Wei looked up and glanced at the steaming factory. The supervisors smoked cigarettes, leaned against the wall, and monitored the workers at work. Some of the hired child laborers were either in the deepest part of the first floor or on the second floor to avoid being discovered by the police.

Fulingdu’s supervision of the Labor Law is very strict, especially the employment of child labor. Once discovered, the factory will be immediately closed.

However, the huge profits brought by the employment of child labor will still make some factory owners take risks and fight wits and courage with relevant agencies in secret.

Si Wei came here today not to liberate child laborers. He gave Bell information about Alice, and the latter would naturally give some information.

And his information showed that one of the supervisors in this factory was a believer of Pantheism. However, Bell also said that he didn’t know the strength of that believer, and it shouldn’t be too high.

Si Wei was sure that this guy must know the depth of the other party’s strength, but just said so deliberately to test his own strength. The two of them didn't understand it at all yet. Bell obviously wanted to use this method to make a certain judgment of his strength. If he died in the factory, it would mean that he was not yet at the point of being used by him, but if he survived and completed the task, he would raise his judgment of himself.

Today, he borrowed a piece of coarse cloth commonly seen in the bonfire area from Clan, and put some light dust on his face to avoid suspicion.

When he walked to the door of the factory, a tall and strong man stopped him outside, "What are you doing?"

Si Wei looked up and made a flattering smile, "Uh... friend, is your factory still recruiting people?"

"Recruiting people? Do you also want to come in and work?"

Nodding, Si Wei rubbed his hands, "Friend, you also understand the life in the bonfire area. If I really enter the factory, I will also benefit from you."

He didn't say this on the spot. During the time he came to Fulingdu, Si Wei had been observing the lives of people in different areas. Many people would give benefits to their "introducers", and the most common one was to promise a part of the salary that they had not yet received.

The sturdy man had obviously done this several times before. He looked back at the door...

But! Before he could turn around, he heard Si Wei's gentle voice echoing in his ears.



As soon as Si Wei finished speaking, the sturdy man's knees softened and he knelt directly on the ground. Fortunately, the former supported him, otherwise he would have fallen on his face.

"Hey! Friend, don't do this!" Si Wei used loud lies to mislead the bystanders around him, while helping him to the wooden chair next door, keeping a posture that would not fall down.

Forcing ordinary people to fall into a deep sleep is one of Si Wei's abilities as a dream eater.

Dream eaters can control dreams, invade dreams, and force dreams to cover the other party, which can also be regarded as forced sleep, and ordinary people have little power to resist, and they will sleep for at least half an hour.

After settling the sturdy man, Si Wei took out a gray cap from his pocket and put it on, covering his eyes with the brim of the hat.

As soon as he entered the gate, Si Wei smelled a very unpleasant smell of pig iron. It was originally slightly chilly at the end of October, but it was so hot inside the factory that people wanted to take off all their clothes.

There were also some workers inside the factory walls and outside the buildings. Si Wei hid in the corner and looked at the clothes of the supervisors. They did not have uniform clothes, but they all had the same fierceness on their faces. It was estimated that the factory owner hired some gang members to help him supervise these workers.

Because of the huge workload, low salary, and no social insurance and labor insurance, workers may run away at any time. Each job in the factory is assigned a corresponding worker. If one or a large group of workers suddenly escape, the workload of other workers will increase, which will only make more people run away.

They all live in the same place, and they have signed an agreement that is almost like selling themselves. It is difficult for them to leave here, but it does not mean that they cannot escape. Therefore, the factory owner will specifically hire those gang members who are cheap but highly efficient, and even sign a long-term agreement with the gang boss.

Since they were from the same gang, they should know each other, so Si Wei couldn't change into the clothes of one of the supervisors and pretend to be him. He could only think of other ways.

It was difficult to interfere with the supervisors outside, and it was easy to be seen by others, so Si Wei focused his attention on the inside of the factory.

Closing his eyes, Si Wei dispersed his gift power according to Nidhogg's teachings, and vaguely sensed the power of dreams.

On the first floor of the factory, there was a person sleeping. If he could sleep at this time, he would definitely not be a worker.

For Si Wei, who was at the second node, if he wanted to actively activate his dream eater ability, he had to reach a distance of less than one meter from the other party, but if he used it passively when he was trapped by doubts, there was no distance limit.

Wearing dark clothes, in the dimly lit factory, Si Wei quickly slipped in, hunched over, passed the supervisors who were chatting, smoking, and scolding the workers, and arrived at the deepest iron gate.

Under the influence of Si Wei's dream eater ability, Si Wei could temporarily affect their perception of the world. It was just like when you were daydreaming and suddenly lost your focus for a moment.

It was because of this that Si Wei was able to arrive here so smoothly.

The iron door was not closed. Si Wei gently opened the door. Listening to the steady and thunderous snoring inside, he opened the door enough for himself to pass through and then crawled in.

Si Wei waited until his body was completely inside before closing the iron door. The iron door can be locked from the inside. Si Wei, who pursued safety, naturally turned the knob. After confirming that the iron door could not be opened, he came to the sleeping person.

"Hu..." Si Wei breathed a sigh of relief, calmed his mind completely, closed his eyes, sat on the bed, and held the supervisor's wrist.

The power of grace spread, covering him and the supervisor.

A suction pulled him into a strange space, as if a cold liquid wrapped him and swallowed him.

The whispers from the abyss echoed in his ears, lingering for a long time.


"Shifensa," Siwei heard someone call out this name, "How are you doing recently?"

He opened his eyes and saw a messy room with candles lit. The supervisor who was invaded by his dream came to the living room and said to a woman holding a book: "The boss asked me to come and see you, and by the way, let you consider being his woman."

Shifensa is very beautiful, with a straight nose and fair skin. She is a very typical Western beauty. "Are you still asleep? He and I have different beliefs. What's the benefit of being together?"

"Uh... The boss said he doesn't care! It's okay to change his beliefs for you."

The book in Shifensa's hand is a book with a purple cover and yellowed pages. There are some relief decorations on the cover that look like branches. "If he can change his faith for a woman, then his faith is really not worth mentioning. We in the Pantheon don't need such a guy who can betray his faith at any time. Amy, you have been in the church for so long, don't you know these things?"

"Okay, I will go and tell the boss, but what are you reading today? You have been holding this book for several days in a row."

Sifenza's rosy lips curled up slightly to both sides, and she moved her eyes back to the lines of the book, "This... This book is called the All-Knowing Book of Haleya, which can..."

When she said this, her eyes suddenly became sharp when looking at the paragraph, and her eyes quickly scanned back and forth in the same paragraph, as if she saw something incredible!

Then, she raised her sight, but Sifenza was not looking at Amy.

Instead, she was watching the current dream, as an illusory existence, Siwei!

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