Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 143: Haunted Crooked Hat Alley

Si Wei stood at the door of Balem's apartment, warming his hands with the residual heat of the steam while looking at the passing crowds with casual eyes.

Gallagher turned from the street into the alley where Balem's apartment was located, and happened to meet Si Wei. He smiled and said hello, "Si Wei, what are you doing here?"

"Waiting for Alexander," Si Wei replied, "You have been going out more often recently. Is there something wrong?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I feel that there is too much dirt on my body, and I want to go to the Cross Church to cleanse myself." Gallagher looked at the Balem apartment, and Waff, who was dressed in formal clothes, walked out of the stairs, " Alexander is here, you go about your own business first."

Waff saw Gallagher and waved hello in a friendly way.

"Let's go!" Waff adjusted his cufflinks and collar one last time, "Is the carriage ready?"

Si Wei shook his head, "No, but there are plenty of them on the roadside."

The two came to the road, negotiated the price with a carriage driver, and boarded the carriage.

Si Wei noticed at this time that Waff was holding a notepad that did not belong to him, "Alexander, do you have to carry this notepad wherever you go now?"

Waff glanced at the notepad and replied: "Well... how should I put it? There is a lot of extraordinary knowledge in this notepad, which I find very interesting. I am also interested in inferring the combination sequence of the psychic rituals in it. I’m quite interested. I’ll look through it from time to time, maybe I’ll find something new.”

"I see..." Si Wei didn't seem to have any obvious flaws in what he said, so he didn't care. He admired the scenery outside the window and waited for the carriage to arrive at its final destination.

Not long after, some low roars echoed in the ears, the dazzling sunlight gradually dissipated, and the cold and biting breath reverberated in the air. Si Wei and Waf had arrived at their destination.

The carriage stopped at the edge of the street, and the driver said: "Gentlemen, I really don't dare to go into Crooked Hat Lane. How about I take you two here?"

Si Wei heard the fear in his voice, and stopped Wafu who wanted to say something with his hand. Si Wei nodded, "It doesn't matter, but I hope you can tell us why Crooked Hat Alley scares you so much. "

"Crooked Hat Lane is haunted, gentlemen!" The coachman's voice trembled, and the horses seemed to be infected by his emotions and began to tread uneasily, "There are evil spirits lingering here, and ordinary people dare not enter!"


After Si Wei confirmed this from his mouth, he paid the promised amount to the coachman and got off the bus with Wa Fu.

"Thank you, kind gentlemen." Without counting the amount, the coachman quickly put the banknotes back into his pocket, and then drove away quickly, as if he was afraid that something would be contaminated on himself.

"It's really weird," Waff said, holding a letter that looked like an invitation in one hand. "When they gave me the invitation, they didn't say it was haunted here."

Si Wei realized something and asked, "Did someone else send you this invitation letter?"

Waff nodded and handed the letter to Si Wei, with a name written on it that the latter only knew recently.


I've been fooled... Si Wei sighed secretly in his heart. He didn't confirm the details with Waff, and his mind was full of gift materials. If not for this, he might not be here today.

After carefully browsing the contents of the letter, Si Wei did not read any content that might harm him. The entire letter was filled with the hope that he and Waff could get the materials they wanted.

This guy... what kind of medicine is he selling in the gourd...

Seeing that Si Wei's expression remained unchanged, Wafu couldn't help but ask, "What should we do now?"

"Go to the appointment. Since you are here and you have the invitation letter in hand, there is no need not to take a risk."

"But the coachman said it was haunted."

Si Wei explained: "Let's think about it from another perspective. If you were a missionary, would you want the gatherings between missionaries to be disturbed by ordinary people?"

Waff suddenly realized, "Oh! Haunting is just an excuse to screen missionaries and ordinary people!"

"It can't be said to be an excuse. Haunting may be real, but as long as you are a missionary, you can easily deal with it, but ordinary people may not." Si Wei touched the ring of the omniscient book, "We should not have The problem is, just follow me and don’t get lost.”

Wa Fu nodded blankly and grabbed Si Wei's hand directly, "Okay, I shouldn't get lost now."

Si Wei didn't mind and led Wa Fu into the disorderly buildings in Crooked Hat Alley.

The entire atmosphere of Crooked Hat Alley is very wrong. The atmosphere of death and coldness permeates every corner here. It seemed that the wails of the dead could be heard at any time, and the sound of dripping water lingered in the ears of Si Wei and Waf.

The latter was obviously a little nervous, and he gradually tightened his grip on Si Wei's hand. Si Wei's face did not turn red, and his heart did not beat. He wrapped his eyes with the power of grace, looking for possible hints and so-called "ghosts".

Si Wei had seen the location of Crooked Hat Alley on the map of Fulingdu. According to the scale, the area of ​​the entire Crooked Hat Alley should not be too large. After all, it is an abandoned residential area, located between the Bonfire District and Baibai Street. The junction of the Luo River.

Judging from Si Wei's judgment, even if he and Wa Fu walked around the entire Crooked Hat Alley, it wouldn't take them a day.

But they didn't have so much time to hang around here, Siwei quickened his pace and soon found a clue.

It was a fluorescent arrow that only Siwei, a missionary, could see, and it pointed the way forward.

"Have you found the way?" Wafu asked.

Siwei was about to answer, but suddenly he saw a blue, huge skeleton ghost floating in the air in his gray-white vision!

It was wearing a wedding dress, and its empty eyes looked at Siwei, and then... turned around and flew towards him!

"Visitor," it made a hoarse voice, trying to communicate with Siwei, "answer my question."

"Alexander, what do you say next, you repeat my answer, understand?" Siwei warned Wafu before it finished the first sentence. But the latter was obviously a little confused, not a missionary, he couldn't see the things floating in the sky.

"What is your purpose?"

Siwei answered: "To attend the party."

Waf repeated: "To attend the party!"

"Do you have an invitation?"



After asking these two questions, the ghost glanced at Waf, who was half hiding behind Siwei, but did not raise any doubts. Instead, he turned around and left a vague sentence, "Follow me."

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