Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 147 The clues that came to the door

After learning this information from Quan Zhishu, Si Wei decisively found Al and knocked on the door of Room 314.

"Who is it?" It was Alice who opened the door. It seemed that she stayed in Al's room for a long time every day.

"I came to find Al, where is she?" Si Wei asked.

Upon hearing this, Alice immediately made a gesture of silence and lowered her voice, "Shh... I am playing hide-and-seek with her, how about you help me catch her?"

It seems that he didn't drink.

Si Wei looked around the room, spreading his gift power, and soon found another soul of Al who was in deep sleep, and locked her whereabouts.

He didn't have the leisure to find Al based on the structure of the house and the remaining clues.

Coming to the bedroom, Si Wei pulled open the curtains on the windowsill and saw Al who looked surprised, "Wow! You found me! How did you do it?"

"Don't ask me how I did it, drink some wine first, otherwise we can't talk normally."

Alice pouted her cheeks, looking very cute, "I've finished the wine, and I don't want to drink!"

Alice also pulled the corner of Si Wei's clothes, "Why are you looking for Sister Al? What happened recently?"

Si Wei rubbed his temples, "Let's talk about the details later, I'll go find you some wine first, you two stay here, don't wander around."

Leaving this sentence, Si Wei left the room and went all the way to the main hall of the apartment, and found Eugene who was sitting at the bar as usual, "Mr. Eugene, I need to communicate something with the rational Miss Al, but she has no red wine, so I'll help her get a bottle."

Eugene nodded, and while taking the wine, he asked, "In that case, who will pay for this bottle of wine?"

"How much?" Si Wei asked a crucial question first.

He still owed Gallaher hundreds of thousands of lems. If this bottle of wine was beyond his ability to afford, El might have to drink a lower quality red wine.

"Haha! I'm kidding you," Eugene put the beautifully packaged red wine on the table of the bar and replied with a smile, "Miss El's red wine is gone, I should have helped her to make up for it. You just happened to come here and acted as a porter. Don't mind, I won't charge you."

Si Wei took the red wine and asked the question again, "No... I'm just curious, how much does this bottle of red wine cost?"

Eugene saw that Si Wei was interested in this and answered it enthusiastically, "Well... about 80,000 lems a bottle. You can see this kind of red wine at many noble gatherings. It is a relatively common noble drink."

It seems that this Miss El is really related to the Grand Duke Taylor. Si Wei doesn't think that the identity of a woman who needs to drink this kind of luxury red wine most of the day is simple.

At this time, Gallagher returned to the Balem Apartment. Today, he was not so anxious. He calmly walked to the bar and asked Eugene for a glass of wheat beer.

"Siwei," Gallagher said to Siwei while Eugene was preparing beer for him, "If you have time, go to Clan. She seems to have something to ask you. It seems that she said something... she feels that someone is following her?"

Following? Is it an incident related to Mrs. Evelyn?

Siwei did not dare to assert whether the seeds in Mrs. Evelyn would produce any abnormalities, so he did not tell her that the commission had been resolved for the time being. I didn't expect that the clues would come to me just after I lost them!

"I know." Siwei held the red wine, stepped onto the stairs, and returned to Room 314.

Alice and Al were very obedient. They sat on the sofa in the living room, each holding a fairy tale book, reading with relish.

Si Wei walked past them and came to Al's desk. He found the clean coffee cup, poured red wine into it, and brought it to Al, "Al, drink it first. I have something important to discuss with the other Al."

Although Al was a little reluctant, since Si Wei said it was something important, he still endured the discomfort and drank the red wine in the coffee cup.

This time she recovered quickly. She closed her eyes for a few seconds, and when she opened them again, her eyes were different.

"What's the matter?" Al put the coffee cup on the coffee table and combed her hair that was a little messy because of the play. "If you are here to ask about the Mermaid Brain, I can only say that you have to wait for a while."

Si Wei first said to Alice: "What Al and I are going to talk about next, you can't tell the other Al, understand?"

Alice nodded.

Al looked at Si Wei with a puzzled look, not understanding why this guy was so serious.

"Ms. Elrolin," Siwei looked into El's eyes, "Please answer me honestly, is it you who attended the party?"

El was silent. Siwei's question should have been very simple, but she didn't know how to answer it.

After a few seconds, she sighed deeply and asked, "How did you figure it out?"

It was really troublesome for Siwei to explain this matter, mainly because all the clues had no clear direction, and could only converge to a single doubt under various possibilities, and Siwei was not sure enough.

So, he chose to avoid the main point, "This is not the point. The point is that I already know the spiritual ritual you want to obtain to enhance inspiration. Why do you do this? Is it really to help another El have the power of grace?"

"That's right," El smiled bitterly, "He can only save himself if he can't save himself. You know this very well. I learned from some channels that a soul that is too powerful may deprive another soul of the power of grace, so I want to try it this way. Maybe the sequence node of the other me is higher than mine, so I lose the original power of grace?"

"Have you ever thought that the news you got was a single individual depriving another single individual of the power of grace. You are now two souls in the same container, and you cannot be regarded as a single individual. What if one of you is going to be swallowed up, what should you do with this ending?" Si Wei mercilessly pointed out the irrationality in her plan. For the rational El, this way of persuasion is obviously more useful.

El shook his head silently, "If it's possible, I will try it."

"Then why don't you try to improve your sequence nodes and completely control your sleeper power?" Si Weixu narrowed his eyes, "You are running away, right, Miss El?"

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