Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 149 Supplementary clues

Bonfire Area, Crane's private practice.

Si Wei knocked on the iron door, and after receiving a response, he waited for Kelan to open the door.

"Are you here?" Crane welcomed him in. Siwei could tell from her haggard face that her mental state had been very bad during this period. It was partly due to the stalker. Influenced.

Si Wei walked into the clinic, sat directly on the somewhat hard hospital bed, and asked, "Miss Crane, you told Gallagher before that you were being followed... are you sure?"

Crane nodded seriously, "Although I don't know who the other person is, and I haven't seen the other person's appearance clearly, I know very well that someone is following me."

"When did it happen?"

Crane replied: "I came back almost a few hours ago feeling like I was being followed and I happened to meet Mr Gallagher and I told him about it."

How many hours ago?

Si Wei recalled the time, starting from the time he lost the man in the park. Could it be that the man quickly found Crane after planting the seed in Mrs. Evelin's body?

"Where were you followed?"

Crane recalled it and said: "I originally went to the Lantern District to buy some medicine today, but when I passed by Central Park, I felt like I was being followed."

Central Park... The time and place are right. It seems that the guy really couldn't wait to find Crane after planting the seed in Mrs. Evelin's body.

Si Wei wrapped his eyes with the power of grace, but fortunately the seeds had not been planted in Kelan's body. After confirming this fact, Si Wei reminded: "Ms. Crane, you'd better stay in the clinic during this period and don't go out. It's best not to diagnose diseases for anyone during this period. Do you have any patients?" You have to tell me, I'm afraid something will happen to you."

Hearing this, Crane asked: "Has something happened to Fulingdu recently? I feel that the number of police patrolling the bonfire area has increased."

"It's okay, you don't have to worry," Si Wei said seriously, "With Gallagher and I, we will handle the whole thing. After I tell you that you can rest assured, you must restrain yourself and strictly record your Activities, do you understand?”

Seeing that Si Wei's warning was so serious, Kelan was vaguely aware of the seriousness of the matter and nodded heavily, "I understand. I hope you are all well."

Si Wei felt relieved after receiving Crane's response. After chatting with her for a while, which eased her nervousness, Si Wei stood up to say goodbye and left the clinic.

Just as he was about to return to Balem's apartment, a person suddenly appeared in his field of vision.

"Teacher." Nancy was wearing an expensive-looking black formal suit, with a monocle on her face, looking like a scholar. Unfortunately, Si Wei could still see the golden lines flowing under his eyes.

Si Wei frowned, seeing him standing in front of him so boldly, and asked, "What do you want from me?"

"From your tone, it seems that you don't want to see me... Don't worry, teacher, I'm just here to do what I need to do, and I will leave on my own after I'm done."

Si Wei said, "What should you do? The only thing you should do is tell me where the spider is now instead of playing riddles with me."

Nancy's smile remained unchanged, "Where is the spider... I don't think I need to tell you anymore, because after you go back, won't you start to divine the whereabouts of the spider?"

This guy...does he even know about this?

Since this guy already knew where he was going to divine the spider, why did he still appear in front of him and talk to him calmly? Could it be that he was absolutely sure that he could not divine the whereabouts of the spider?

"Please don't get me wrong," Nancy read what Si Wei was thinking in his eyes. "Although Spider and I have a cooperative relationship, it doesn't mean that I will help him with anything. In the end, we just cooperate to create common ground." It’s just a win-win situation, but I can betray him at any time.”

Si Wei only responded with sarcastic words to his statement, "It seems that it is really unfortunate for Spider to seek cooperation with you. A guy who can betray others at any time is not worthy of anyone's trust."

"But you can always trust me," Nancy said as a gentleman, "I am your student, and more importantly your child. I am the only person you can trust in this world. Please believe this." a little."

Si Wei didn't give any response. He didn't know Nancy at all, let alone trust or distrust. "So? Let's get straight to the point. What do you want to say."

Nancy closed her eyes, "I know that you will divine the whereabouts of the spider after you return to Balem Apartment. But the clues based on your divine results alone are not enough."

"So? Are you going to give me clues?"

Unexpectedly, Nancy actually nodded, "Yes, the purpose of my trip is indeed to provide you with some clues. I believe you also know the contract between Alice and Spider. If you are here After getting the divination results, I don’t have any direction to think about. It’s better to think about it... Why would Alice, an ordinary little girl, sign a contract with Spider, a deacon-level powerhouse of the Pantheon Religion?”

"I know this even if you don't tell me." Si Wei took out his ears and deliberately pretended to be impatient, "Don't you have any other tips?"

Nancy looked at Si Wei's actions, and her mouth suddenly curled up. The gentle scholar turned into a madman that everyone feared!

"Teacher, you are more interesting than before... You used to be consistent inside and out, without any cover-up. Everyone saw the side of you that was the most real side. But now... you have learned to disguise, and even I can't see your thoughts. Even if you tell me now that you are not Professor Si Wei, but just an imposter, I will admit your existence."

In fact, I am not Professor Si Wei, but from another perspective, I am Professor Si Wei.

Si Wei did not answer Nancy with such an ambiguous statement, but restored his poker face, "Even if I tell you now that I am not Professor Si Wei, what if you admit me? Spider will be found and killed by me, and you, as his accomplice, can't escape."

Nancy shrugged, "Do you have evidence of my cooperation with Spider?"

Si Wei really had no evidence. Even if it was the Imperial Agency, it couldn't kill people without reason. At most, Nancy will be arrested and tortured. With his appearance, he will not be able to get anything out of him even if he is tortured.

The most terrible enemy is not the guy you cannot match, but the one who is always hiding in the dark and has a thousand connections with all the crimes you have experienced, but you can never judge him through formal channels.

This is the situation with Nancy now.

Si Wei suddenly remembered the guy who was manipulating the situation behind the scenes in Accra. Although that person did not show up in front of him, Nancy's suspicion is already quite large.

"Then you'd better hope that you will never reveal your tracks," Si Wei left this sentence at the end, "You know, there is a kind of person around me who can directly punish you as long as you show a little suspicion, and you don't even need to go through the process of judgment and trial."

Nancy smiled and tilted her head, "I am looking forward to it, teacher."

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