Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 151 Nidhogg's murderous intention

Just when Si Wei was relieved because he had obtained a very useful piece of information, a string of words actually appeared inside the crystal ball.

The last time the fortune-telling spider dropped, images appeared. This time it was a text prompt?

Si Wei concentrated on identifying the string of words, the meaning of which was: Torid, a personal name.

At this time, Gallagher's voice also reached Si Wei's ears, "As a slave serving you, I beg again to let go of this poor man's last thoughts and let him return to reality."

Hearing this, Si Wei let go of his hand, and the hot air around him seemed to have never appeared before, giving Si Wei enough pure air.

Gallagher first made sure that there was nothing wrong with Si Wei's eyes, and then asked: "Did you gain anything?"

Si Wei nodded, but he glanced at Alice first, and then chose to avoid the important and trivial, "Torid, do you know this person?"

Regarding this name, both Gallagher and Nidhogg shook their heads in confusion, not to mention Alice on the side. Her memory had been modified by the spider, and she must not have known any information related to the spider.

Sure enough, we still need to go find Bell...

For Si Wei, the official information channels must be more rapid and convenient than his. In addition, Bell's target is Spider, so he will definitely not betray him, so he is relieved.

"Then it's nothing. I can handle other things myself." Si Wei changed the subject with a vague statement. Although Gallagher was confused, as long as he finished what he should do, the rest would be done. Curiosity is completely unnecessary.

It would be better to say that he didn't want to have anything to do with the people of the Pantheon Cult in the first place. If he went too deep and got himself involved, it would be putting the cart before the horse.

After Gallagher, Alice and Si Wei finished cleaning up Room 666, the former two said goodbye in turn and left the place, leaving Si Wei alone to finally move the coffee table back to its original position.

"So, what are you hiding?" Nidhogg looked at Si Wei. He didn't care whether he would be involved, and he clearly read something from Si Wei's behavior.

Si Wei knew that he could not hide it from Nidhogg, and there was no need to hide it from him, so he replied: "I saw Alice's past in divination."

"Did you see the whole process of her signing the contract with the spider?"

Si Wei shook his head, "I can't say that I saw it, I can only say that I heard the whole process. Alice's father is a believer of the Star Foundation. Spider knew this and wanted to ask about the goddess of chaos believed in by the Star Foundation. Whereabouts. In order to save her life, Alice’s father chose to make her sign a contract with the spider.”

Capturing a very important keyword from Si Wei's words, Nidhogg's voice was obviously trembling, "Chaos...goddess?"

"Yes," Si Wei was also a little confused. "Since they are gods that we believe in, is it necessary to search for their whereabouts? Aren't they supposed to be things that exist beyond the laws?"

Nidhogg answered, "When your sequence node reaches the fifth node and above, maybe you will understand this... But if the god that the Star Foundation believes in is the goddess of chaos... then you The spider must be killed!"

"Why? You have never shown such serious murderous intentions before."

There was hostility and murderous intent hidden in Nidhogg's words, "You don't need to ask too much about this. In short, you have obtained the information now, right? It's time to carry out the investigation."

Si Wei saw that Nidhogg had no intention of explaining his thoughts to him, so he didn't ask too much. After nodding, he returned to his room.

Meanwhile, in room 203, Waff is playing with his invention.

On his window sill, the small psychic ceremony previously built by Waff absorbed the light of the bright moon, and a bouquet of green flowers swayed, as if blown by the wind.

A hand reached out from the window and picked off the bouquet.

Nancy jumped down from the window sill and looked carefully at the bunch of budding flowers, with an unknown smile remaining on her lips.

"It's really a flash in the pan, spider. Maybe your resurrection plan... will fail soon. No one can win the confrontation with my teacher.

"except me."


The next day, in the morning, there was a bar called the Hound in the Lantern District.

Si Wei pushed aside the drunken man who had fallen asleep leaning against the door frame. He tried his best to avoid the strong-smelling alcohol on this guy's body and squeezed his way through the crowded store.

Bell was wearing regular clothes and holding a glass of wheat beer. He looked at Si Wei who was walking towards him with calm eyes and asked, "Would you like something to drink?"

"Why are you asking me this question? Are you the bartender here?"

Bell pointed at the bartender next to him who was foaming at the mouth, "This guy has been drunk like this since this morning. I even got the beer myself. The place hasn't been looted yet. It's all thanks to the current situation." Such a tragic scene.”

Si Wei kicked a drunk man off the round stool in front of the bar and sat next to Bell, "I won't drink anything. I'm just here to exchange information with you."

"Before we exchange information, I have something to ask you," Bell raised his hand to interrupt Si Wei. "Answer me, at what point are you a missionary?"

Bell has never been able to find an answer to this question. Shifensa is only a missionary of the fourth node. Even if Siwei is just an ordinary person, it is normal to kill her.

But once the matter involves His existence, then Siwei will have many problems in preventing His power from coming.

And the spider of the seventh node can die in Siwei's hands... Bell really finds it incredible.

Not long ago, Siwei was still a missionary whose gift power would leak out. Now he has repeatedly refreshed his cognition, and even he can't see through his strength... It's impossible that he spent less than a week to jump from the first node to the seventh node?

Siwei realized that Bell might be suspecting that he was a missionary of a high-sequence node, and he was probably still thinking about whether to include himself in the purge list.

But he was already an investigator appointed by the king of the empire. Even if he was included in the purge list, Bell probably wouldn't dare to do anything.

And it might be a good choice to let the other party misunderstand his strength and use it to fear him and not dare to use him.

Therefore, Si Wei chose to be mysterious, "Mr. Bell, there are some things that I think it is better not to know. Although it is a good thing to maintain a desire for knowledge, if you can't have a clear understanding of yourself... I am afraid that you will fall out of control..."

What does this sentence mean?

Bell was stunned for a moment. Is he warning himself in disguise that Si Wei's power increase is related to "unknown" or "Him"? Once he knows too much, he may become a fallen person?

In short, Si Wei will not reveal his true strength to himself, and use a statement to warn himself...

Damn, the captain told me again that Professor Si Wei is a person who must not be touched. How come this guy is exactly the same as Norris? Inexplicably got the protection order of the empire? What kind of arrangements are there within the empire, or did he reveal how powerful the insider is?

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