Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 153 Misunderstanding

"I have a question for you," Si Wei turned sideways and faced Jack, "I hope you can answer this question truthfully."

Jack pretended to be indifferent, "You ask."

"Do you know Alice's father?"

Si Wei knew that his question was not very accurate, but he could not find a better way to ask, so he could only ask in this way.

Jack's expression froze for a moment, "Why do you ask such a question?"

"You don't need to ask the reason, I can't explain it clearly, I just want to know the answer."

Jack looked at Si Wei's firm eyes, hesitated for a long time, and finally sighed and replied: "I know her father, a loyal believer of the Star Foundation. It's a pity that he was targeted by the spider. Although he tried his best to protect some secrets of the Star Foundation in the end, it still couldn't change his fate of passing away."

Si Wei didn't ask more details about the Star Foundation. He didn't want Jack to be angry when he was asked. In the end, he turned around and left, and ended up with nothing.

So, he changed the direction, "Do you remember what Alice's father's name is?"

Jack shook his head about this matter, "I don't remember, but I can answer you for sure that it has nothing to do with the name you mentioned to Bell just now. I have never even heard of the name of Torid."

If Torid is not the name of Alice's father, then... is it really the name of the spider?

The question I asked at that time was the whereabouts of the spider, so the result of the divination must be related to the whereabouts of the spider. The entire Fuling City is so big, it is really too much work to search the entire capital for an identity whose surname or name is unknown.

"Good luck," Jack stood up and prepared to leave, "I will also leave Fuling City during this period, and it may take some time before I come back. I don't want to ask about you after I come back, but get the news of death."

Si Wei looked at him, "Don't you want me to die?"

Jack shook his head, "It's not that I don't want you to die, but someone doesn't want you to die."

Someone doesn't want me to die? Who is that? Everyone around him can have this idea, but the person Jack points out at this time may not be someone he is familiar with.

At this time, Si Wei's mind inexplicably popped up the woman in the fog on the Haleiya in Accra.

Without any warning, Si Wei thought of her. There was obviously no connection, as if... someone was controlling his memory.

"I understand, I will try hard." Si Wei just gave such a reply.

Jack pressed his bowler hat and left from the back door of the bar, leaving only a back view to Si Wei.

"Tori...?" Si Wei repeated the man's name, jumped off the round stool, adjusted his cuffs, and still pushed away the drunks and walked out from the main door.


Jia walked out of the classroom holding a few textbooks. She has completed all her final exams, and her grades should be good. She will probably have a lot of time to hang out with Si Wei next semester.

At Nanyoku University, as long as your grades are good enough, you can be said to be quite free. Especially for students like Jia who have Siwei's support, as long as the courses are confirmed and stamped by Siwei, they can basically be exempted from taking them, as long as they take the exam and pass it.

Jia's grades are very good, and some courses are better than some students' grades by self-study. Maybe... this is a genius.

"Miss Greenwell!" A familiar voice called Jia, and Bobby came out of the next classroom and greeted her.

Jia still remembered him, because he was responsible for picking her and Siwei up at the San Lino Railway Station.

"What's the matter?" Jia hugged the textbook to her chest, lifted the hair on the side of her ear, and asked in a cold and distant tone.

Bobby's movements were a bit stiff. In his impression, anyone who said one or two words was considered a friend, so why would he speak so coldly? Jia's behavior gave him a big blow.

He thought he was still quite handsome, at least in Nanyoku University. But Jia always looked like a stranger, and only in front of Siwei would she improve a little...

Wait a minute! This... is it?

Bobby had an inexplicable guess in his heart, and his eyes looking at Jia became weird.

Jia was very uncomfortable with Bobby looking at her like this, "If you call me for something, you can tell me directly. But if you must continue to look at me and try to make eye contact with me... I can only say that I don't know what to do."

"No... that's not what I mean!" Bobby scratched his head, and then he realized his rashness just now. But the doubts in his heart have always remained, making him feel itchy.

"Miss Greenwell... I want to ask a question... I don't know if it's convenient for you to answer..." After all, Bobby still succumbed to his curiosity and asked tentatively.

Jia sighed silently in her heart, "Please speak."

Bobby hesitated for a moment, "That... what do you think of Professor Si Wei?"

Hearing his question, Jia instantly understood what was going on in this guy's big head, "Professor Si Wei is a very knowledgeable and kind history professor. Perhaps you will misunderstand his outward personality, but it is this consistent personality that allows him to gain sincere friendship."

Uh... what does this answer mean?

Jia's answer once again confused Bobby.

Seeing that Jia was not going to add anything, Bobby opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. At this moment, a hand gently patted his shoulder.

"Student Bobby, what are you talking about?"

Bobby was startled and turned around, but it was the smiling face, "Si... Professor Si Wei?"

Si Wei first glanced at Jia, and then said to Bobby: "If you don't have anything important, do you mind if I take Jia away?"

"I have no problem." Jia answered first. There was nothing to talk about between her and Bobby.

Seeing what Jia said, Bobby could only nod with a bitter face, "No... no problem..."

After sending away the sad Bobby, Si Wei's expression changed from smiling just now to a poker face again, "This child likes you very much."

Jia ignored his words at all, "If it's uncomfortable to fake a smile, why don't you just face him with your current expression?"

"Look at what you said, in interpersonal communication, expressions, micro-expressions and micro-movements are very important. If I had talked to him with my current expression just now, I guess this child would really misunderstand something."

Jia shook her head silently.

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