Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 159 Possibility

After listening to Al's words quietly, Taylor took a sip of red wine slowly.

"I'm glad you can be honest," Taylor let out a long breath, "Since your mother passed away, I have indeed cared less about you, which is my fault. The so-called revenge is just an excuse, but I don't know how to face you... You also understand how the death of either parent is a blow to a child of a few years old.

"It's called escape, we are both actually escaping, but you are braver than me and face the topic that I don't want to face in advance."

Al closed his eyes, "No... Actually, I'm not that brave... It was Siwei who reminded me..."

Taylor's sigh gradually turned into a smile on his face. He shook the high-footed wine glass in his hand, supported his side chin with one hand, and said to Siwei: "It seems that our special professor at Nanyoku University has also done some research on emotion."

Siwei replied calmly: "No, it's just that the person involved can't correctly understand the situation he is facing, but the bystander can see the problem at a glance. "

"Is this what Curtis said, that those who are involved are confused, but those who are not involved can see clearly? It's really hard to understand, but the meaning is so true. "Taylor said with a smile, "Then Al, when are you going to go home?"

Al thought about it and gave his own answer, "I don't want to go home for the time being. I think that I can help myself grow better in Balem Apartment than going home. Many people here are missionaries. We can exchange experiences and share information with each other. This is the situation I want to see most."

After listening to Al's words, Taylor also hid a little bit of loss, "Really? It's okay. Even if you go home now, there shouldn't be anyone at home to help you grow gradually... and I don't want you to appear in the Empire's vision so early..."

The topic of the two was about to reach the end. Siwei interrupted in time and asked a question, "Mr. Taylor, your wife was a member of the expedition team, so can I ask...how many people were there in the expedition team at that time? "

Taylor shook his head, "Before the expedition was disbanded, many people knew about this problem, but since the expedition was disbanded and Curtis disappeared, this matter has become one of the top secrets of the empire. Perhaps only Egbert knows it. Of course, the members of the expedition who are still alive now also know it, you have to ask them."

Siwei only knew one member of the expedition, Jack McHaoden, but he warned himself not to look for him during this period. I guess if you want to know the answer to this matter, you have to wait until the spider's matter is completely over.

El's matter was resolved, and the rest of the dinner time was basically just chatting. However, Siwei saw that Taylor and El had more words to say. After all, the father and daughter hadn't talked to each other openly for a long time, so he just enjoyed the high-quality ingredients alone and didn't choose to disturb them.

Not long after chatting, Taylor realized that Siwei didn't participate in the topic. He thought about finding some topics to talk about from Siwei, but he couldn't think of a breakthrough after thinking for a long time.

Until he seemed to have something wrong with his mind and asked, "Siwei, how are you emotionally now? "

Al was almost choked to death by a mouthful of red wine. It is true that Siwei and the two of them have little in common, but it is not necessary to ask such a question, right?

Siwei's reaction was relatively normal. He slowly raised his head, swallowed the food in his mouth completely, and then said: "I haven't thought about this issue for the time being."

This answer made Taylor not know how to respond for a moment. This was also Siwei's purpose. He didn't want Taylor to entangle with him on this topic for too long, no matter what aspect or purpose.

Al gently reprimanded Taylor's behavior. The latter was a little helpless and gave up the idea of ​​continuing the conversation.

After the dinner, Siwei and Al sent Taylor to the carriage. The latter had some business matters to deal with, so he couldn't go to Al's current residence to see it, so he could only ask Siwei to send him back.

"I'm sorry, my father's question just now was a bit abrupt." Al mentioned this matter again, "But don't mind it, he is like this, usually just joking. "

Si Wei looked indifferent, "It's okay, your father is more easy-going than I thought, which surprised me."

El's smile was a little bitter, "There's nothing I can do, my father and His Majesty the King have been friends since childhood, and this is also part of the reason why my father was awarded the title of Duke. So my father is different from many nobles."

But this is not the focus of Si Wei's concern, he needs to be more concerned about the things in front of him.

At this time, the ring on his finger suddenly began to emit a temperature that was enough for Si Wei to notice. He was stunned for a moment, put his right hand into his left pocket, conjured up the All-Knowing Book in it, and then took it out, trying to avoid suspicion.

"What's the matter?" Si Wei asked silently in his heart.

The page of the All-Knowing Book soon showed, "Someone is following you, the second node, the Night Walker."

Someone is following me?

Si Wei ruled out the possibility that Duke Taylor sent someone to monitor him. With the ability of the All-Knowing Book, it is impossible for him to not even distinguish the hostility of the stalker, so this is likely to be an enemy!

I have killed Amy, Sifensa and Spider of the Pantheon, and even the Book of All-Knowledge has fallen into my hands. If the Pantheon does not send people to arrest me, Si Wei will doubt whether the Pantheon is doing something big.

"Are you coming for me?"

"Yes, do you need to use my 'omnipotent' power?"

Si Wei shook his head decisively. The Night Walker of the second node can be handled by himself. If I let the Book of All-Knowledge help me deal with such a small problem, God knows what price I will be charged at that time.

"Al," Siwei whispered, "At the intersection ahead, you go right and I go left. You must not look back, understand? Go straight back to Balem Apartment."

Al was stunned for a moment, but seeing Siwei's slightly serious expression, he nodded seriously, "Okay, I understand."


The coachman of the carriage that Duke Taylor had just taken raised his hat slightly and asked Duke Taylor in the carriage: "Now that you have seen him, what do you think of him?"

Taylor stuck his head out of the carriage with a smile on his face, "To be honest, if he wasn't your pawn, I would want him to be with my daughter. This person is very reliable and cunning. I don't fully understand him. "

"If you can fully understand a person, then you lose the fun of having 'possibility', right?"

Taylor glanced at the driver, "Egbert, you have to remember that if you use someone like Si Wei, you must also be prepared to be used by him. Now he can still be considered your chess piece, but he is different from ordinary chess pieces. He will evolve and sooner or later he will become a chess player like you. "

Egbert smiled and said, "Of course, it is because he has the 'possibility' that Curtis Brandt does not have, so I didn't give up on him. "

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