Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 171 The Dream Eater

"I didn't expect to actually meet you here." Si Wei put his hands in his pockets, letting the cold wind blow his hair, and faced Alexander...or Yaweng, who had his back turned to him, "Now When you met me, did you choose to give up?"

Yaweng turned around and used Alexander's skin to make a weird smile, "Did you know? Si Wei, actually I'm not afraid of you at all. Even if you kill me once, I'm still not afraid of you. The reason...do you know?"

Si Wei pointed to his head, "I'm not what's in your head. I don't know what you're thinking."

Seeing that Si Wei didn't want to answer his question, Yawen laughed loudly, "Because it's not your own power at all! You have the Bishop's coin, so you must have used the Bishop's power to protect yourself! So... When I attacked you, I offended the bishop's order, so I was punished and received a baptism of death!

"But this time... it's different. I didn't take action against you, I just wanted to resurrect myself. As long as I am still useful to the Bishop, I will not be punished by the Bishop's power! Hahaha! Accept your fate. Come on, Si Wei, without the power of the Bishop’s coin, there’s nothing you can do against me!”

Si Wei guessed that he would try his best to explain his power, but he did not expect that Yaweng would use such an excuse to explain. He probably learned that he had the bishop's coin from a believer in the Pantheon Cult. Things.

Si Wei casually picked up a stone from the ground, "Are you so sure that without your bishop's power, there is nothing I can do against you?"

Yaweng raised his arms and laughed. The moonlight in the night sky shone down, and Alexander's face was twisted and ferocious, as if he was really crazy. "Yes, Si Wei, you are just a weak and low-level missionary. You don't even have the strength to resist in front of me! Even if I stand here and let you attack me, you can't do any harm to me!"

call out!

Si Wei waved his hand vigorously, and the stone covered with foreign characters hit Yaweng's shoulder. Unprepared, he waved his hand and laughed at Si Wei's childlike method, "You are here?" What are you doing? Play..."

Before he even uttered the words "play house", he realized the problem. He could no longer control his right arm.

Blood slid down his limp arm. There was no sound or even pain. The stone just smashed his shoulder! As a result, the remaining part of his right arm escaped from his control and hung down weakly.

what happened? !

Yaweng stared at Si Wei with disbelieving eyes. He really had no defense, but there was absolutely no way that a missionary at the seventh sequence node like himself could be injured like this by a stone the size of a fist!

This guy... what on earth did he do? !

Si Wei looked at the blood flowing out of him. Even on Alexander's body, the blood flowing out was entwined with golden words, with only four words repeated on it, "Pray for salvation!"

Obviously, this is Yaon's madness. The power of the gift acts on the soul, which basically shows that Yaon has taken a dominant position in Alexander's body at this moment. Even if Siwei destroyed Alexander's body, the blood flowing out already belongs to this man named Torid. Yaweng's people.

"You guy... what on earth did you do?!" Yaweng screamed and questioned Si Wei, and Si Wei could already hear his hysterical fear.

Because he has gone crazy and his emotions have become extreme. No matter what the situation is, it will quickly amplify an emotion and become what it is now.

The missionaries at the seventh node have many ways to directly kill Si Wei at this stage, but Yaweng has already died once. He does not have the gift of power to realize his power at all, so he can only use a weapon that is approximately equal to the missionaries at the third node. Use your strength to fight against Si Wei!

Si Wei still stood there and responded to Yaweng's scream indifferently, "Didn't you say that I borrowed the power of your bishop? Now I am responding to you formally... This is something that belongs to me, and Your bishop has nothing to do with it.”

Yaweng stayed where he was, because Si Wei's words were enough to destroy many of his illusions.

Every deacon of Pantheon wants to win the favor of the bishop, but they have never received it. But the ordinary history professor in front of him met the bishop that everyone in the Pantheon Religion wanted to see, and even obtained a token from his hand.

This was enough to make every deacon feel extremely jealous. Now Si Wei told himself that these powers have nothing to do with the bishop?

From Yaweng's point of view, this was simply an act of severing ties with someone after they had finished eating. It was quite shameless, and it was like trying to blackmail the bishop's name!

"Si Wei!!" Yaweng shouted, the rich power of the gift filled the air, and he no longer cared about his resurrection plan. Fear and anger have taken over his brain, and the shock brought to him by Cthulhu's power has not disappeared to this day. It has always affected him and dragged him into the abyss of madness.

Now, all the side effects have exploded, making him completely lose control.

Some cracks in space exploded around him, and strange creatures climbed out of them. Yaweng was originally a beast tamer. The gifted creatures or ordinary creatures he tamed would not reduce their strength because of the reduction of his sequence nodes. It was just that the gifted creatures summoned were not that powerful.

The gifted creatures of the third node were enough to give Si Wei a headache!

Those creatures that climbed out of the cracks had no bodies that could be described. They were basically a black mass, and then all kinds of things mixed in stretched out from the surface, which made people's SAN value plummet!

Those terrifying screams came from the mouths of these gifted creatures, which was a catastrophic blow to Si Wei's ears. They were so fast that they broke through to Si Wei in just a few seconds. Fortunately, the latter had a strong adaptability. The power of the dream eater's gift spread and acted on the two gifted creatures, making them miss their target.


Si Wei turned around and took out the pistol from his armpit, fired the bullet containing the power of grace, and hit one of the gifted creatures, causing a big hole in its body!

However, it was not only the two gifted creatures that would threaten Si Wei!

Ya Weng dragged his weak and slow body towards Si Wei, took out Alexander's pistol, which was full of bullets, just waiting to make Si Wei's brain explode.


The bullet shot out and sank into Si Wei's temple, with amazing accuracy!

Unfortunately, no blood splashed out.

"Friend, is your power of grace insufficient? Where are you shooting?" Si Wei's voice sounded behind his ears.

Ya Weng suddenly woke up, and his gifted creature and Si Wei disappeared from his sight. Looking back, they were behind him!

At this moment, he reacted. From the beginning... the moment he met Si Wei, he fell into Si Wei's dream!

Si Wei's real body was in front of him, but in the dream, Si Wei stood behind him. If he hadn't summoned two blessed creatures by mistake, he would probably have died under Si Wei's gun!

But in fact, Si Wei would not shoot so rashly, after all, he didn't know whether Alexander could be saved now.

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