Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 177 Pirate Captain

Si Wei raised his hands and lowered his head.

He was being escorted off the ship by a group of pirates, followed by Jia and June who did not resist.

He never thought that they would encounter pirates before arriving in the North Sea... and the pirate leader was quite powerful, he was actually a missionary of the sixth node...

Are high-node missionaries everywhere these days?

Because they were missionaries, Si Wei did not let the other two resist too much. June on the side was eager to try and wanted to go up and fight with the pirate leader.

Si Wei saw that the pirate leader was a woman and estimated that he would not do anything excessive to these two beautiful women, so he chose to give up resistance and took the initiative to board the pirate ship as a hostage.

The other party welcomed missionaries like Si Wei, Jia and June. Si Wei only knew now that Jia, who had been with him, was a missionary.

Although it was just a suspicion before, it was finally confirmed today, but Si Wei did not know what type of missionary she was, nor her sequence node.

After a self-introduction, Si Wei learned that the name of the pirate leader was Janian Doti, and he was a pirate captain of one of the notorious four-star cores in the North Sea.

The four-star cores were also well-known, and their reputations were known in all major seas, but Si Wei himself didn't know it.

Janian's outfit was fiery red, wearing the pirate costumes commonly seen in movies and TV dramas. The surging chest was not covered at all, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white. However, no crew member on the ship dared to have any improper thoughts about her.

According to reliable intelligence, there were also people in the four-star core who liked Janian, but unfortunately they couldn't climb into her bed.

She had long hair like flames, which was not taken care of, but there was a kind of wild style that came naturally, which complemented the fiery red captain's outfit.

Janian didn't have the habit of wearing an eye patch on her eyes. She thought it was stupid to affect her vision, so she usually liked to tie some bells around her waist, which jingled when she walked.

The ship originally belonged to the Empire, and was only used to send Siwei to Chadriel, so it did not carry any important goods. Seeing that there was no point, Janian let the ship go, leaving only Siwei, Jia and June, three people with clear purposes.

The speed of arriving at Chadriel was far beyond Siwei's expectations. He saw the dock of Chadriel on the third day.

"Boys! Prepare to dock! I don't need to say more about the preparations, right? Be quick!"

At Janian's command, the sailors around began to get busy. Only Siwei slowly wandered to the deck. Seeing Jia and June standing here, he went up and asked, "Are you there yet?"

Janian walked up to the three people and slapped Siwei on the back, "What are you doing! These two ladies are my guests, and you are still a prisoner! Why don't you look like a prisoner at all?"

Would anyone lock up prisoners in an environment with comfortable beds, abundant food every day, and even free to wander around?

Si Wei still raised his hands to indicate that he was harmless, "It's okay, mainly because the atmosphere on your ship is very good."

"Of course!" Seeing Si Wei praising his ship, Jenny's nose was almost up to the sky, "My Falcon Arrow is a famous clipper in the North Sea! And it's very united! I'll let you go to Chadriel later. The next voyage of the Falcon Arrow will be in a week, so don't run away!"

Why do I feel that you are looking forward to my running away?

Si Wei sighed and asked, "Will you return to Chadriel next time?"

Jenny thought for a while and replied, "Well... it depends on my mood! If you perform well, maybe I will take you back! The main thing is to attend the meeting of the four-star core, otherwise I'm too lazy to go out."

As the captain of a ship, is this kind of personality really suitable? And why do you have to see my performance? Have you forgotten the two young women next to me?

In desperation, Siwei, Jia and June got off the ship today. The former left the ship under the surveillance of the sailors.

Janian looked directly at the tavern next to her, gave the three a thumbs up, and blinked, "Remember to come back in a week!"

Then she rushed into the tavern...

Siwei put down his hands and asked, "Why do I feel that the captain is not so hostile to us?"

June said, "Who knows? Maybe it's because he likes you? And the relationship between the Falcon Arrow and the Empire is not so tense. You are just lucky."

"If you remove the middle sentence, I will really feel that I am lucky."

After chatting with June for a while, Siwei, who didn't know anything about Chadriel, decisively took out the spiritual communication pen and wrote down his location on the back of his hand.

Norris also quickly responded.

While waiting for Norris, Siwei also had some free time to observe the customs and customs of the dock.

But as shown now... all the residents looked very bad.

There were cutlery and dishes on the ground that looked like they had just been knocked over. Three or two shops were closed, and their doors were not even made of wood or glass, but of solid metal.

A woman in plain clothes was still cleaning up the mess in front of her store, as if someone had just made trouble here.

"Ladies," just as Si Wei's attention was focused on the surroundings, a group of muscular, dark-skinned sailors came to the three of them, automatically ignoring Si Wei's presence, "Do you want to go to the tavern with us for a drink?"

Juan lifted her hair, while Jia crossed her arms and was too lazy to respond to the group of people.

Whether it was Jia's student appearance or June's nun's clothes, they were extremely attractive to this group of people. There were only a group of big men who could be met on the sea, and even if there were women, their muscles were not inferior to theirs.

If you really want to talk about stunning beauty...either there is none, or it is an existence like Jennyan that no one dares to provoke. Like June and Jia, you may not meet one in most of your life!

Si Wei guessed that the two men had thrown the question to him, so he stepped forward to negotiate: "Hey guys, I have some questions to ask, do you mind?"

"Ah? Who are you? Boyfriend?" Several sailors looked unfriendly, "You are annoying!"

One of the sailors was about to push him, and Si Wei decisively grabbed his thick wrist. Although he didn't hold it firmly, he also activated his gift power and made this guy fall asleep directly.

Seeing that one of their brothers fainted just because his arm was held backwards, the remaining few people were stunned and didn't know what happened.

"I repeat my request again," Si Wei was still kind and didn't show anger, but in the eyes of the sailors, this was even more terrifying, "I want to know something, do you mind telling me something?"

The sailors shook their heads again and again, just like the rattles that Si Wei had played before.

After all, he knocked down one of his brothers in an instant... Who dared to say no!

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