Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 180 Pirate Inn

"This place now is the best hotel I can find in Chadril." Before stepping into the door, Norris reminded everyone as if he was vaccinating everyone, "Because this is The owner of the store has some connections with gangs and pirates, so it is relatively safe, but the price... is not that easy to negotiate. "

June subconsciously asked, "How much per day?"

Norris thoughtfully answered, "One thousand rams per day. If there are introduced guests, the rent will be reduced by 10% for each introduced guest."

"So you treat us as coupons..." Si Wei recalled the balance in his small vault. Fortunately, he got the money entrusted by Mrs. Evelin, otherwise he might not be able to live there for even a week.

The empire did give him part of Torid's bounty, but since his existence could not be directly revealed, he only received the reward as a "confidential personnel", which was probably only more than 500,000 rum. .

After giving Gallagher the full amount, he only had a fraction left, and his life could only be said to have improved slightly.

As for the salary at Nanyoku University...it has not yet been paid.

Jiya also seems to be a moneyless owner, with no intention of paying any money. At this time, June, who represented the face of the empire, looked particularly generous, "It's okay, I'll just pay for it. This time, His Majesty the King gave quite sufficient funds for operations. Even if we went on a mission as a team, we didn't get such a sum." A lot of operational funds..."

As she said that, she glanced at Si Wei unconsciously.

It’s no use looking at me. You think I have such a close relationship with Egbert. In fact, I am just being used by him willingly.

Si Wei thought to himself.

"As expected of a member of the Empire, he is generous in his dealings, unlike that guy from Beverly." Norris pretended to beg, "Why don't you give out part of my money as well?"

June just glanced at him with cold eyes, "Crazy."

Norris shrugged and didn't show any sign even if he was scolded, because he was too lazy to compete with a family guy like June.

The hotel he chose was indeed very close to the police station. After all, the police station was right next to it. Even if something happened here, the police station would definitely be the first to know.

The name of the hotel is Pirates, which is such a strange name. It is built entirely of wood and looks quite retro, but I don't know what it will be like inside. The windows are all in good condition and the curtains look clean from the outside.

Pushing open the wooden door, Norris walked in first, followed by Si Wei, Jia and June.

The owner of the store is a man with a strong physique. His arm muscles are as big as Siwei's head. He looks like he works out regularly and is good at street fighting.

He was only wearing a shirt, but there were scars of varying degrees on his exposed chest, arms and even his cheeks. They were all old scars, and it was clear what kind of wind and rain he had experienced.

"Kayo Ndoko, I brought you some guests, what do you think?"

Kayo raised his eyes from the pile of messy white papers on his desk and looked at Si Wei who deliberately smiled, as well as behind him an expressionless Jia and a disdainful Zhu. kindness.

He then gave the answer, "The men can go back and the women can stay."

Before June could speak, Jia on the side spoke, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, "I hope I can get a reasonable reason."

Kayo pointed at Si Wei's smiling face that hadn't disappeared. "Although this face doesn't look like a fake smile, it makes me angry. I can't get along with guys like this who like to laugh. I prefer people like Anderson." "

Norris looked at Si Wei with puzzled eyes. He knew very well what kind of character Si Wei was. Why did he still keep his smile even after Kayo said so?

"Since you don't welcome this person, I think there's no need to talk about it," June flipped up her hair, "There should be more than one black-hearted shop like you in Chadriel now, right? I think we are all big There are options.”

"Really?" Kayo's tone was a little frivolous, "Do you know what happens to women dressed like you outside? These pirates can attack anyone as long as they are of the opposite sex. Not to mention the two of you. Such a woman with a good figure and a beautiful face.”

June is not afraid of these situations at all. If she is easily subdued by those guys, she will not have to stay in the dirty team.

Just as Jiya was about to speak, Si Wei stopped her in front of her with his hand, "Mr. Endoko, if nothing else happens, you should be troubled by some problems now, right?"

"What do you mean?"

Si Wei pointed to the pile of white papers on his desk, "If I guess correctly, the contents on those white papers should have something to do with your current hotel, right?"

Hearing this, Kayo's brows furrowed deeper and deeper. He didn't know how Si Wei knew about this. He kept looking at Si Wei's eyes. He probably never looked at his desktop!

Or did you see it the moment you walked in? How is that possible?

"Yes... so what?"

Si Wei pointed at Norris, "Norris has brought you three people in total. Maybe you can exclude me, and that's a 20% discount. If I can help you solve those difficult and complicated diseases, Why don't you let me move in and give me a 20% discount?"

"Oh? You help me solve these problems? I may not be able to handle them completely, you are so confident?"

Si Wei spread his hands, "Why don't we change the bargaining chips? You don't have to give me a discount, but you can answer all your questions about Chadriel. How about that?"

It's a very clever negotiation technique. By changing the conditions in the middle, the other party's attention is shifted from "why he proposed a deal" to "why he changed the bargaining chips". It can affect the other party's judgment to a certain extent, because he has more things to consider at once. Many people cannot think about two independent events at the same time.

But Kayo's mind is simpler than Si Wei's. "I like you better when you don't smile. I don't need you to help me with many things. As long as you help me rescue a child from a place, I will meet the two conditions you mentioned."

"What a straightforward person," Si Wei stepped forward and took a piece of white paper seemingly casually, but he just drew the commission that Kayo mentioned, "I hope this 'task' can be so straightforward."

Sure enough, this guy knows what is written on the white paper on my desk.

Kayo's eyes changed when he looked at Si Wei. Based on Si Wei's clothes and the two women accompanying him, he initially judged that Si Wei was just a nobleman, and he didn't know why he brought two women here.

But now it seems that the person who was brought here by Norris... is not a random guy pulled from the street...

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