Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 183 The Cry of the Lighthouse

"I said, what are you doing behind my back again?" Janean showed off her pirate leader style, crossing her legs and sitting on the only wooden chair on the second floor. Next to her was a man who was tied up and his mouth was gagged. Rag, a little boy with a desperate look on his face.

In front of her were two men being scolded, one of whom was even the second officer on the Falcon Arrow.

The second officer said: "Well... we learned that Kayo Ndoko was running a hotel. Then we remembered what this guy had done to us before... we wanted to take revenge on him... and then we kidnapped the child. "

When Janian heard Kayo's name, her eyes suddenly became colder. "Did I tell you not to disturb Kayo's affairs if you have nothing to do? Don't you understand what I say?"

"No...it's not..."

The man on the other side quickly defended the second officer, "No! Captain Duoti, it was me who encouraged him to do this, and it had nothing to do with him!"

"Did I let you speak?!" With an angry shout, Jenny's fiery red eyes glared at the man, as if a huge force acted on the man, knocking him away and directly colliding with the wall. Had a close contact.

There was no physical contact, it was just the power of the gift that was so intense that it turned into an invisible entity and knocked the man out!

The second officer was sweating, but Janian still held back, otherwise the guy would be dead by now!

If he offends Janian again, he might be the first person in the room to die!

"Let me ask you," Janian's voice became calmer, but to the second officer's ears it sounded like a death knell at dusk, "don't you understand what I said?"

"No! Boss, I understand!"

"Then why did you disobey my order?"

The second officer could not give an answer because he knew that if he told his true thoughts... Janean would definitely kill him without any hesitation!

Please, no matter who it is, please help me... I don’t want to die yet!

"I..." Janian was about to speak and asked the second officer for the reason, but she heard a creaking sound coming from the duplex stairs.

She turned around and saw a familiar face.


After scratching his cheek, Si Wei glanced at the miserable situation on the second floor and asked, "Am I here at the wrong time?"

Janian rubbed her forehead, sighed, and asked: "What are you doing here? Although I felt someone was using my gift power outside on the second floor, I really didn't expect it to be you."

Si Wei pointed at the little boy squatting next to Janian, "I accepted someone's commission to rescue that child. I think it would be best if there can be no conflict between us."

Siwei was not absolutely sure of the conflict with the missionaries at the sixth node. Moreover, he has not mastered the gift of truth disqualification. If he fights rashly, he may lose his life.

When Jane'an heard Si Wei's words "someone's commission", she immediately understood. A sharp knife appeared in her hand, cut off the rope on the child, and said: "You can put this child Take it away, I won’t say anything.”

"That's best." Si Wei walked from behind Zhanian to the child's side, removed the rag from his mouth with his hand, and helped him reset his stiff and sore jaw, asking, "Are you okay? Are you okay? Just nod and point to me if you are injured.”

The boy nodded.

Si Wei felt relieved, looked at Janian again, and asked: "So... you are interrogating your subordinates? What is the relationship between your Falcon Arrow and Mr. Kayo Ndoko?"

"It doesn't matter. Even if it does, it's all in vain to tell you." Janean put away the knife and said to her second officer, "You, get back to the Falcon Arrow. You will give it to me on the ship this week." Locked up! It’s best not to have this happen next time, you know?”

The second officer was relieved when he heard this. He looked at Si Wei with extremely grateful eyes, and then quickly left the building.

Janian took out another knife and said, "If you want to take someone away, you have to fulfill one of my requirements."

Si Wei took the knife Jennifer handed him, glanced at the unconscious guy lying on the ground, and asked, "Are you ready to let me kill this guy?"

"Indeed," Janian admitted generously, "if I hadn't come today, one of you would have died if you met him. Now I have appeared and disrupted the original situation, but you still have to kill him. "

"Obviously there is no need to do this. You have to waste time disposing of the body afterwards. You are obviously testing my courage." Si Wei bluntly exposed the purpose of Zhanian's words and deeds. "No matter whether the person is killed or not, you want to Give me a reason, you should know that it is very annoying to take someone's life for no reason, right?"

"So much nonsense, do you want to kill or not?"

Si Wei fiddled with the knife in his hand, "If you can give me a legitimate reason to use my hands to kill people, I will be willing to cut off his head for you. But if you can't give it, I definitely won't. That’s what it will do.”

He was also sure that Janian could not give a reasonable reason. If this guy was really that kind of heinous bastard, then he would have to leave it to June to deal with it.

"Alas, it's too much of a brain-burner to communicate with a smart person like you," Janian chose to give up, "Give me the knife, I'll discuss something else with you."

Si Wei did as he was told, but Janian stabbed the man in the heart the moment he took the knife, and even gods and demons could not save him.

After killing the man, Janian didn't blush or feel nervous, and didn't care about the frightened look of the child next to him, and said directly to Si Wei: "I have a job here, and I can give you a good reward, do you want to do it?"

Si Wei was still the same, "What's the reward?"

Jannian also looked like she didn't want to use her brain with Si Wei, and gave a direct answer, "I'll take you to the four-star nuclear meeting in a week."

"Add two more people." Si Wei bargained shamelessly.

"No, at most one more."

"Deal." Si Wei readily agreed to Janian's deal, and then asked, "What do you want me to do?"

Jannian said: "You should have seen the lighthouse at the pier when you came here? I heard that there have been women crying from time to time on the reef of the lighthouse recently. I want you to go and have a look."

"Well... the task you gave me is definitely not that easy, but I have agreed to it. If I don't do it, it will obviously be a breach of contract." Si Wei began to analyze it randomly and asked a question inadvertently, "Why do you take care of the three of us so much?"

Si Wei wanted to ask this question when he saw Janian for the first time. When she met the three of them, her eyes did not have any aggression or hostility. It was obvious that she had a purpose, otherwise she would not be so friendly to the three of them. This is definitely not something that can be perfunctorily explained by saying "good relations with the empire".

Scratching the back of her head, Janian smiled and said: "Don't think too much, my purpose is just to pick someone up. As for who I picked up... anyway, it's one of you three, you can think about it slowly."

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