Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 187 Disaster and Gift

"Brother, what are you doing?" Si Wei stood there, looking at the clean streets. On the side, a young girl approached Si Wei with an innocent look on her face, and tugged at the corner of Si Wei's clothes with her own hands, "I see you standing here, what are you looking at?"

Si Wei lowered his head and met the girl's innocent eyes, "It's nothing, I just feel a little tired, so I just stood and took a rest."

"Oh! That's it!" The little girl looked like she suddenly realized. "I thought something happened to you, brother! Or maybe you saw the beauty and couldn't walk."

Do children at such a young age understand these things?

Si Wei pointed to a building directly in front of him and asked, "Kid, I want to ask, what is that?"

The building he was referring to was extremely majestic. According to visual inspection, the height may be more than 300 meters, and the area covered was also outrageous. The overall structure looks like the double helix structure of DNA, with two cylindrical buildings surrounding each other and then rising straight up.

There seems to be some kind of reflective material on the surface of the building, which shines even more brightly when bathed in sunlight, giving the whole building a turquoise color.

"Brother, you are very strange. You don't know what that is." The little girl looked at Si Wei with strange eyes, "Aren't you from here?"

"You can also say that this is my first time coming to your city. Can you explain to me what that building is?"

The little girl put her hands on her waist and proudly raised her white chin. Her words were quite proud, "That is a gift from the gods. It is the best proof of identity for our emperor. It is the Suma Totem that is known as the origin of truth." !”

What the hell... I've never heard of this before.

In Si Wei's memory, neither the library of Nanyoku University nor the missionaries he had communicated with had ever mentioned the existence of such a thing. Could it be that...this is something imagined by Ogutan's rich imagination?

After answering Si Wei's question, the little girl jumped away, leaving Si Wei alone to stop and admire the so-called Suma Totem.

Two minutes later, someone stood side by side with Si Wei.

"You also like the look of Soma Totem, right?"

There was deep weariness hidden in this man's voice, and he sounded like a dying man, expressing heartfelt emotions to Si Wei.

Si Wei turned around and looked at the bearded man beside him. He was neatly dressed, but his clothing style was obviously not that of a resident of the Salem Empire, perhaps more like the clothing style of Si Wei's original world.

"you are……?"

The man smiled bitterly and stretched out his hand to Si Wei, "Sorry, I didn't introduce myself. My name is Benqie, and I'm just a down-and-out theologian."


Si Wei shook hands with him and asked subconsciously: "What does a theologian...mainly do?"

After hearing this, Benjie explained thoughtfully: "Our profession, to put it simply, is to explore and study the actions of 'gods' and the meaning behind them. Just like the Suma totem, it is the god we speculated The gift.”

"I see, it's such a difficult subject." Si Wei glanced at his disheveled hair, which was obviously not the same style as his exquisite clothes, "But why do you claim to be a down-and-out theologian?"

When mentioning this matter, Benqie's smile became even more bitter, and the outline of the smile could no longer be seen, "Because there was a conflict between the divine will inferred between me and my colleagues."

Si Wei asked, "Is it true that the divine will that you infer is the same every time? Otherwise, it wouldn't be just one violation that would make you what you are now, right?"

Benche shook his head, "God's will cannot be speculated incorrectly. Once there is a contradiction, then the minority must have made a mistake. And once a mistake occurs... we cannot continue to speculate on God's will."

This kind of management method can easily lead to abuse of power. If you want to exclude dissenters, you will encourage others to go against the victim's speculation, and then the victim will be eliminated...

But this has nothing to do with Si Wei. He is more concerned about other things, "What is the divine intention you deduce?"

Benqie said: "You are just an outsider... Oh, forget it. I have been kicked out of the research institute. What else can I say about outsiders? They speculate that a new gift will come within the next ten days. . But what I guess is... disaster is coming."

Si Wei heard what Ogutan said to him, "There will be a 'bomb' in this false city that can destroy the entire dream."

Perhaps the disaster this man speculated was related to the bomb?

"I don't think you believe it either, right?" Benche lamented, "After all, we have been receiving gifts from the gods because of His Majesty the King's wisdom. Now when I tell you that we are about to face a disaster, no one will believe it."

Si Wei denied Benqie's speculation, "No, I am quite concerned about the results of your speculation. I also have this premonition."

Benche raised his eyebrows, "Are you also a theologian?"

"No," Si Wei shook his index finger and corrected his statement, "I am more of a prophet than a theologian."

"Don't joke with me," Benqie waved his hand, "Prophets and the like are all worshipped in the Suma Totem. How could a lone prophet appear in front of me?"

Siwei asked: "Mr. Benqie, do you doubt your own speculation?"

"No... that's not the case..."

"Then do you believe in the wisdom of your King?"

Hearing this, Benqie's pupils dilated, and he subconsciously said his guess, "Could it be... you were sent by His Majesty the King..."

"Hush." ​​Siwei made a gesture to silence, "You should understand that some secrets cannot be mentioned easily, right?"

Kicked out of the Suma Totem and desperate, Benqie chose to believe Siwei with a faint hope.

Even if he had no way to prove his identity, this was more in line with Benqie's guess about His Majesty the King, who was invisible but full of great wisdom.

Perhaps only this kind of existence that is so secretive that he can't even prove his identity is the real messenger of His Majesty the King, to help him complete his mission!

Stop this...disaster that is about to come, belonging to the gods!


Jia woke up, and she seemed to sense something and walked out of her room.

Moreover, she just saw Norris squatting in front of Siwei's door and prying his door lock.

Norris saw Jia coming out of the room and asked very calmly: "Did you notice it too?"

"Just barely."

Norris didn't say anything, but he had already pried open Siwei's door. In addition to Siwei lying on the bed, there was a man lying on the floor who looked like he had completely died.


"What happened..." Norris scratched his head, "Let's deal with the body first."

Jia nodded, but didn't say anything or express any opinions.

This is a very critical plot. I'm not watering it, absolutely not!

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