Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 189 Celia's Father

Benqie didn't come out of the rental house for a whole day. Siwei also sat outside the rental house for a whole day, relying on observing the behavior and facial expressions of the passing crowd, killing nearly twenty hours of boredom.

During these twenty hours, Siwei found some very interesting things, that is, there was no "criminal" all day today.

This statement may not be accurate, but wherever Siwei's naked eyes can see, there are no guys on the verge of crime, and obvious criminals do not appear in his field of vision, let alone those with strange whereabouts mixed in the crowd.

The only person who can be called strange in the crowd is Siwei himself.

After all, no one can sit on a bench on the street for a whole day.

In Siwei's observation, every pedestrian passing by must have a smile on his face, or at least a light smile, and there will never be any frowning or negative expressions.

This matter is intriguing.

Under the civilization or culture that Si Wei has experienced or witnessed, there has never been any country or civilization that can make all the people have such a high sense of happiness. Even if Si Wei is now in the upper city, it is impossible for everyone to keep smiling.

The only one who showed pessimism was Ben Qie, who was kicked out of the institute.

This can only be described as a miracle! No wonder Si Wei felt that such a city was so distorted, not only because of the disharmony between environmental pollution and greening, but also because of these smiles that looked like fake smiles.

In this boring process, Si Wei never questioned Quan Zhishu's suggestions. He just sat here, as if he had absolute trust in Quan Zhishu.

Soon, Si Wei ushered in a breakthrough.

"Hello, can I bother you?" A gentle voice sounded in Si Wei's ears. He turned his head and saw a familiar face occupying his vision.

Celia lifted her hair, bent down slightly, and presented a yellow-brown envelope to Si Wei. She pointed to the place where the letter was sent with her white fingertips and asked, "Excuse me, where is this place?"

"Celia?" Si Wei subconsciously called out her name.

Celia was stunned when her name was called, and pointed at herself with her finger, "Eh? Do you know me?"

How is this possible?

In Si Wei's memory, Celia was a mermaid, and now Celia standing in front of him had all her limbs intact, and even her hair and eyes were normal black. Could it be that this dream was actually constructed based on his memory?

Si Wei felt completely unfamiliar with the style of the surrounding buildings, which was definitely not like any architectural style he had seen in his memory. But Celia was someone he knew, and this could not be related.

Or... is this actually a mixture of many people's memories, which led to this fantasy world?

This is the most reasonable explanation, and Si Wei could not give the most correct answer for a while.

"I do know you," Si Wei answered perfunctorily. He had already called out someone's name, so he couldn't fool them now, right? "But you don't need to be surprised why I know your name. Where is the place you want to ask?"

Celia looked at Si Wei with strange eyes, because the latter's tone of voice felt like a charlatan, or the kind that cheated people.

But after all, he had asked, and it would be a bit disrespectful for Celia to give up now, so she curled her lips and put the envelope in front of Si Wei again, "It's here."

The more Si Wei looked at the location on the envelope, the more familiar it looked. Then he turned his head and looked at Benqie's rental house. The house number on it was exactly the same as the one recorded on Celia's envelope...

"It's here," Si Wei pointed to the rental house behind him, and then asked, "Can I ask you a question? Why did you find this place?"

After getting confirmation, Celia, who was putting away the envelope, heard Si Wei's question and smiled beautifully.

"Because the person living here is my father!"


Ding ding ding.

The sound of brisk knocking on the door reached Benqie's ears. He scratched his messy hair, pulled himself out of a pile of messy theology books on the ground, and ran to the door quickly, ready to open it.

He didn't expect Si Wei to find the Suma slate so quickly, and he was not even mentally prepared!

As a result, when he opened the door, it was not Si Wei he expected, but a daughter he had almost no time to take care of.

"Hi! Dad, I'm here to see you!"

Benqie's smile collapsed and he waved his hand, "What are you doing here? Didn't I send you a telegram some time ago? Why are you here to mess around?"

Seeing that her father was not surprised but disappointed when he met his beloved daughter and went home quietly, Celia immediately puffed up her cheeks and said angrily: "Don't be like this! I'm your daughter, can't you smile?"

"I can't smile now. To be precise, I'm no longer a citizen of the kingdom and I don't have the right to smile!"

Celia was shocked and asked: "What? What's going on? Dad, aren't you a theologian at the institute? Why were you deprived of your citizenship?"

"Don't worry about this kind of thing, kids!"

Celia was about to ask something, but Siwei followed her and walked into the rental house, "Mr. Benche, what happened?"

When Benche saw Siwei coming back, a smile appeared on his face again, "Mr. Siwei! You are finally back! Have you found the Suma Slab? I am ready to analyze the will of God!"

Seeing this, even Celia herself didn't know who was Benche's child.

"Dad, do you know this person?"

Ben Qie was puzzled. "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

Celia shook her head, but there was a hint of doubt in her words. "He called out my name the first time he saw me. I was a little surprised..."

"Nonsense!" Ben Qie's voice suddenly rose. "Mr. Si Wei is the messenger of His Majesty the King. Of course he knows your name as my daughter!"

After correcting his daughter's impression, Ben Qie looked at Si Wei again. "Mr. Si Wei, have you found the Suma Slab?"

Si Wei scratched his cheek because it was more troublesome to make up this lie. "His Majesty the King asked me to wait. As for the specific results, I am not sure. You also understand that many of us who work in the empire have our personal freedom restricted."

Hearing this, Ben Qie also showed a bit of empathy. "That's right! Alas, this is the evil of capitalism!"

Si Wei didn't even know how to respond. Ben Qie was simply a chat genius, always perfectly preventing him from continuing the next sentence.

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