Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 197 Victor Mansion

The next day, Si Wei went out early, holding the map of Chadriel, who might be older than him, and set out on a journey to find the mansion that Isaac bought.

"Hello, I want to ask, where is Victor Mansion?" On the street filled with the sounds of pirates and gang members arguing, Si Wei stopped a passerby in a hurry and asked the other party this question.

The passerby was a woman, quite young, who wrapped her head with a white cloth so that others could not see her face clearly. Judging from her anxious steps, it is estimated that she is very reluctant to get involved with the pirates or gang members around her.

The woman raised her head slightly, and Si Wei saw her beautiful eyes, but unfortunately there was only tension and anxiety in them, "Victor Mansion? Are you blind? Such a big building is not far away, can't you see it?"

Hearing this, Si Wei raised his head, raised his eyes, and observed the surrounding buildings.

Sure enough, among the densely packed apartment buildings, there was a mansion with an architectural style that was obviously separated from the surroundings and occupied a large area.

"Okay, thank you for your reminder." Si Wei did not delay the woman's time too much, and quickly made way for her to pass.

The woman did not respond, but just tightly pulled the white cloth wrapped around her face, revealing only the area visible to the eyes, lowered her head, and prepared to leave here quickly.

Unfortunately, she was stopped by a group of thinly dressed but muscular men after just a few steps.

"My friend, why do you wrap your face with cloth? Are you a corpse?"

A scattered laugh sounded, and the man who raised the question patted the woman's shoulder. The latter's body trembled obviously, and her legs also bent to a certain extent.

Her arms shrank towards her chest, and it seemed that she was indeed frightened and felt fear.

Si Wei scratched his head from a distance of ten meters. These people are not sailors or pirates, but may be members of a gang. These guys often come out to harass ordinary people during this period, and they are simply like local snakes.

Quan Zhishu did not respond. It seems that this woman is not a very important person to Si Wei's future. He was hesitating whether to go up and help. After all, Si Wei had just arrived in Chadriel and was unfamiliar with the place. If he easily provoked gang members... This was not a city with a very high level of public security like Fulingdu.

In Fulingdu, even if the local gangs knew that Si Wei had taken Alice away and wanted to touch him, they would have to weigh their own standards. But Chadriel was different. Just like Accra at that time, the gang members here had great courage. It was possible that when Si Wei woke up the next day, he had been kidnapped.

"Hey, talk? Did someone die in your family? Wrap yourself with a piece of white cloth?" The man chased after her relentlessly, even stretched out his hand, grabbed the white cloth on the woman's face, and pulled it open!

A rather delicate face was exposed to the vision of this group of people. Although she was wearing a lot of clothes and her specific figure could not be seen, this face was enough to satisfy some "bosses".

If this woman was taken away and presented to their boss, she might even be promoted!

The woman opened her lips slightly, her teeth chattered, and her charming eyes were filled with fear. But she couldn't say a word, because according to her understanding of these people, as long as she dared to shout or run away, they would mercilessly break her front teeth or step on her calves!

Before Si Wei could move, an expected person rushed out and blocked the woman.

"Wait a minute! What are you doing!" A man in plain clothes stretched out his hand to block the woman, and took out his ID from his pocket, "This is the police! If any of you dare to act rashly, be careful to arrest you!"

The ruffians took a look at the man's ID. His name was Gary Leo, a junior police officer in the police station.

"Hahahaha! A little policeman!" They laughed. Let alone a junior police officer, even if the director appeared here, they might not be afraid, "Little friend, do you have some misunderstandings about your job?"

Gary was also a little scared. After all, there were so many guys, and he might not be able to escape with this woman. And because he was not on duty, he did not carry a gun and had no effective means of deterrence.

In the worst case, he might have to stay and buy time for the woman to escape!

Si Wei on the side muttered: "It seems that these situations happen frequently. These guys...are not even afraid of the police."

The guys in front of Gary would definitely not care about these things. He gave a final warning, "Friend, I will only warn you once. If you don't get out of the way, I can't guarantee that your teammates in the police station can help you recover the whole body."

Si Wei looked around. There was no crowd watching the excitement. Most of the people left with their heads down, fearing that bad luck would fall on their heads. The rest were only the sailors and pirates who were accustomed to it.

The owners of nearby shops just quickly hid back in their shops and didn't dare to show up.

He shook his head.

Facing the man's threat, Gary replied righteously: "Impossible!"

"Alas..." The man sighed and spread his hands, "Well, it seems that the negotiations have broken down..."

The next moment! He suddenly swung his fist in mid-air!

He obviously used all his strength in this punch, and even the wind from the punch was a bit painful on the face.

Gary protected his head with his arms and closed his eyes, hoping that he could block this punch.

The woman behind him just screamed, then squatted and hid behind Gary.

But! This punch had no effect.

Because the man missed.

Si Wei took two steps forward, patted Gary on the shoulder, looked at the man with an unbelievable face, and asked: "Friend, are you still asleep? Can a punch from such a close distance miss?"

The man was suspicious, and any normal person would be confused.

Why, why did this punch miss?

The accomplices behind him did not speak. The class division of these people was very clear. Before the leader asked them to speak and act, they must not act rashly.

This is also why Si Wei did not guard against the people behind him.

Gary opened his eyes and saw that the fist did not hit him. He showed a little joy and surprise, but was more puzzled by the sudden appearance of Si Wei.

"Where did you come from to join in the fun?" The man frowned, moved his wrist, and questioned Si Wei.

Si Wei answered very calmly: "I have something to do with this gentleman. If possible, I want to take these two away. I hope you can give me a chance, otherwise... it will be difficult for me."

"You? What's difficult for you?" The man looked at Si Wei's figure. He was relatively thin, without hidden muscles, and his explosive power was only below average... How could such a person dare to stand up for justice? Is he hot-headed?

"Who knows? After all, you are the only one who will stop me among those present."

At this point, Si Wei suddenly showed a chilling smile, as if he remembered something.

"By the way, if you were dead, wouldn't you not do this? Right?"

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