Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 204 Object of Fear

Isaac hated people invading his mansion. Even when facing the dying Siti, he could not suppress this disgust.

But when he saw Siwei, he changed his mind a little.

Isaac was a very strong astrologer, but he encountered the same situation as Sifensa with Siwei.

That is, he could not see Siwei's future clearly. There was only a gray mist that obscured his vision and even had a considerable degree of hostility towards himself!

Since he got the power of grace, Isaac has never encountered such a situation. Even missionaries with higher sequence nodes than himself can barely see some vague future.

However, only Siwei, he can't see anything!

Unfortunately, from Siwei's performance, Isaac thought that this guy was not a missionary with a high sequence node, but why could he still resist his divination?

This made Isaac very curious about Siwei.

Including the moment when Siwei said he wanted to try it, he was also curious and watched Siwei walk to the pit.

When Si Wei arrived at the pit, some of the gift insects stopped their wriggling, as if time had stopped, and each one turned into a sculpture.

After taking a breath and calming down, Si Wei stretched out one of his feet and gently and slowly explored the bottom of the pit.

As expected! When Si Wei's toes were about to touch the gift insects, these strange things suddenly scattered as if they saw their natural enemies, leaving Si Wei enough places to land.

Isaac looked at Si Wei with surprise and horror. The gift insects rejected this guy? What was going on? Could it be that Si Wei was a missionary whose sequence node had broken through his imagination? Or did this guy have a physique that ordinary people could not understand?

Seeing this, Si Wei breathed a sigh of relief and walked carefully, approaching the bracket where Siti was.

Each of these gift insects was more than five centimeters away from Si Wei. This part of the distance was like an absolute isolation area, preventing them from moving forward at all.

He walked to Siti's side and gently pressed his hand on Siti's lower abdomen.

For a moment, Siti suddenly snorted softly, and then his distorted expression suddenly relaxed a little.

Even if the larvae and eggs in the hotbed still react to Siwei?

Isaac couldn't find the right words to describe the current Siwei. Is he a monster that is more monstrous than the gifted creatures? Or is he a messenger of God sent by the "unknown"?

In short, the facts have been shot in front of Isaac. Even if he is an atheist, he still can't understand Siwei's current performance!

Seeing Siti's reaction, Siwei was relaxed, but even if he suppressed the formation of eggs and the actions of larvae, what would it matter? He didn't know how to eliminate these things.

At this moment, Siwei had some more dangerous ideas in his mind. He mobilized his gift power and then enveloped Siti with it.

At that moment, Si Wei captured all the larvae and eggs in her body. What was pitiful and surprising was that in her little body, which was only a teenager, there were at least hundreds of larvae and dozens of unborn eggs!

These gift insects had no concept of life. They were formed by the power of grace. As long as Si Wei used some tough means, these creatures would be instantly wiped out.

But... now Siti's body was in pieces. If I forcibly used those tough means, could Siti bear it?

Isaac seemed to understand Si Wei's thoughts at this moment, and said, "If you care about her body, you can rest assured. I gave her the best quality potion an hour ago. Even fatal injuries can be healed quickly."

This can also explain why Siti can still survive until now after being repeatedly disemboweled. After hearing this news, Si Wei had a bottom line in his heart and began to use his power of grace to remove the larvae and eggs in her body.

This process lasted for a long time, until Si Wei was almost a little depressed, and these things were completely removed.

Reaching out his hand, Si Wei wiped the blood off Siti's face. Now her face has returned to calm, and she fell into a deep sleep.

The continuous pain and stimulation made her exhausted.

Now Siti has become much more beautiful, with naturally curly golden long hair and a great face shape, but unfortunately her face is a little pale and her lips are a little chapped, but it's not a big deal.

The gift insects around still dare not cross the line. Si Wei picked up Siti from the bracket in the form of a princess hug, and then walked slowly to the edge of the pit in the same way as before, and put Siti on the ground.

"I really don't know what to say..." Isaac sighed from the bottom of his heart, "Who are you?"

Siwei climbed up the pit and introduced himself: "My name is Siwei, and I am a history professor specializing in R'lyeh culture."

Hearing this name, Isaac immediately reacted, "Siwei... Professor? I have heard of you, from Nanyoku University, right? I have heard of you for a long time. My name is Isaac Victor, a little pirate."

Siwei was a little surprised that a four-star core pirate was so humble.

He added: "I heard that you came down from Jenny's Falcon Arrow before, but I didn't expect to meet you here. It's my luck."

"That's ridiculous," Si Wei also looked very modest, "I was just curious about the mysterious disappearance of such a young girl, but I didn't expect that a policeman with a strong sense of justice would die."

Isaac glanced at Gary's body and said, "I will properly arrange the funeral of this policeman, but before that, Professor Siwei, I'm curious as to why you weren't attacked by gift bugs."

This question was asked to Si Wei. Even if he revealed his identity, Isaac wouldn't understand. It would be a bit difficult to explain it in words that Isaac could understand and convince him.

Just when Si Wei was thinking about how to deal with it, Isaac actually came up with an excuse for Si Wei, "By the way, I heard that when you were in Fulingdu, you snatched Halea's omniscient book from the Cult of All Gods, right? ? That must be the answer to the omniscient book?"

Now that Isaac knew about this, Si Wei borrowed the donkey to go downhill, nodded and said, "Indeed, if it weren't for the Book of Omniscient, I wouldn't have known that I would have such a physique."

With the Book of Omniscient, Si Wei's excuse suddenly became real and believable. Isaac nodded and picked up Sidi, who was more like unconscious than sleeping, "We might as well go up and talk. The environment here is still a bit gloomy."

Si Wei pointed at the gift bugs in the pit, "What are you going to do with these things?"

Isaac showed respect and asked first, "Do you need gift bugs? These things can be sold at a high price."

"No, I hate these things. If possible, I would rather burn them to death."

Hearing this, Isaac smiled elegantly and said, "You think the same thing as me."

As he said that, he actually held the princess in his arms with one hand and one shoulder, and then took out the lighter with a bad posture.


With a crisp sound, the flame on the lighter burned, and then Isaac threw it in a perfect parabola.


Flames soared into the sky in the pit, swallowing up all the gift insects!

"Gift insects are very good combustion-supporting materials."

Isaac said this, not caring at all about the lighter worth more than 10,000 rams that he just threw in.

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