Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 212 The Suspicion of the Two Captains

The four largest pirate ships so far all docked at Ability God Island. Each of the four-star cores got off the ship with their own entourage, and absolutely did not bring anyone else with them.

Although Jun's face is not very good now, he has basically adjusted it. Even if he encounters a battle, he will not be confused at all.

"Miss Janian Doty," Isaac was the first to come over and greet Janian, "Long time no see, how are you doing?"

Janian hated Isaac very much, so her eyes were not very kind, "It's okay. Compared to the days when you were trying to please me in every way, I'm pretty okay. At least I don't have to show off my smile."

Ivana next to Isaac naturally couldn't bear to listen, but in front of her was the notorious Janian Doty. Even if she wanted to speak, she had to get Isaac's permission.

Thinking about it with her feet, it was impossible for Isaac to agree to her request, so she could only listen and suppress her anger and resentment.

Norris, who was standing next to Ivana, nodded towards Si Wei, but didn't say anything.

Isaac is also used to hearing Janian's cynicism and will not be moved at all, "Really? That's the best. After all, among the four-star cores, your overall strength is the weakest. In addition, you must take good care of yourself." Take good care of my friend. Once Mr. Si Wei chooses to leave you, he will be my most distinguished guest."

Hearing this, Janian glanced at Si Wei, but there was no shock or doubt in her eyes. It was as if she... glanced back at Si Wei on purpose, specifically for Isaac.

Could it be that Janian already knew that she had a relationship with Isaac?

Before the doubts were answered, the captain of the Predator, Warwick Kadir, came here with his people, but Warwick was special because he only brought one person off the ship.

Jenny'an looked at his strange behavior and asked, "What? You only brought one entourage? Aren't you afraid that we will kill you on the way?"

Wowei Ke does not have a right foot, but uses a wooden pillar instead, causing him to walk a bit awkwardly, like a skinny penguin.

His skin color is dark, and there are varying degrees of dryness and cracking in many places. There are calluses on his palms, which look like they were worn out when holding a knife.

"Hey, they're just guards. Why bring so many of them? Is it possible that one of you can really kill me in an instant? Before I have time to react? How funny!"

Woweike's words sounded arrogant, but in fact they provided Si Wei with some information.

What does "kill him in an instant" mean? Is it impossible to kill him before he reacts? Is it related to the power of his gift?

Speaking of which, Si Wei didn't know enough about the four-star core. Even Zhanian, he only knew that Zhanian was a sixth-node missionary, and no other information was known.

Janian simply didn't want to pay attention to his words. Only Isaac cast curious eyes on the guard standing next to Woweike.

It was a girl who was probably about the same age as Siti. Her hair was very long, almost reaching the ground. Her bangs covered most of her face, but she could also vaguely see a pair of rather dull hair. Eyes.

There is a collar around her neck, and there is a pull ring on the right side. I don't know what it is for.

Judging from her clothes, she looked like a child who had just been fished out of the slums. Her clothes were dirty and even had many patches on them. Could this be Woweike's arrogant trump card?

While observing, Hatler Osei, the captain of the Noble, also came over. The two guards beside him were men, tall and expressionless, with nothing worth introducing.

"What?" Woweike used taunting as soon as he arrived, "This time you didn't bring your beloved woman with you? Instead, you brought two men. Could it be that your taste has changed?"

Hartler's dress is very gorgeous, worthy of the name of aristocrat, and the bright colors make him very conspicuous among the crowd.

His hair was also taken care of meticulously and looked shiny.

Stroking his mustache, Hartler didn't care about Woweike's ridicule, "I hate talking to rude people. I really don't know who is polluting the air here."

"Really? There are quite a few people like you who wear the clothes of a superior person but can't hide the animal temperament in their hearts. Have you been in the officialdom of the empire for too long? You can't even speak properly? "

Hartler didn't bother to contradict him, "That's true."

Si Wei didn't expect that Hartler would be the first yin and yang guy he met in this world.

While the two were arguing, he discovered that the four ships behind him were gradually retreating away from the Horn Islands and heading in the direction they came from.

Jane'an noticed Si Wei's discovery and explained to him: "We don't want to be disturbed by others during the meeting, so they usually leave and pick us up after two days."

Two days? Why would a meeting last so long?

Si Wei didn't ask any questions about what to do if the ship doesn't come back. The existence of the pirate ship itself has the captain's charisma as a major factor. If the crew betrays the captain in this way, this so-called four-star core is really useless. It’s meaningless.

Warwick saw Janian actually explaining this kind of thing to his guard, and asked: "What? Does your guard still have so many problems? Or is it that you can't control the behavior of your guard?"

"Keep your mouth shut," Jenny's eyes were fierce, "This guy is my friend, if you say this again, I'll make your other leg crippled!"

When they heard the word "friend", Hatler and Woweko were both alert, "Friend? Jenny Doti, have you forgotten the rules of the meeting? How can you bring a so-called 'friend' here?"

Hatler was even more direct, "There was a rumor that members of the Court of Inquisition had mixed into the pirates before. If this guy is from the Court of Inquisition, the result... Jenny, you can't bear it!"

Faced with this situation, Si Wei didn't say anything. If he said something, it would only make things more troublesome.

Norris didn't say anything either. This had nothing to do with him. He wanted to see how Si Wei would deal with this situation. Would he say something nice? Or would he kill everyone present?

Jenny was thinking about how to answer to resolve this situation, but unfortunately her brain was not that smart.

Isaac helped Si Wei out of the predicament, "I can guarantee that Mr. Si Wei is not from the Court of Justice. Perhaps you should use your walnut-sized brains to read the newspaper. He is just a university history professor."

Hatler sneered, "Bullshit! I have long felt that this person is problematic. Historians are doing the work of archaeologists. What is the use of the latter? I suspect that this guy is from the Empire, but he is just using the name of a professor to package himself!"

His guess... is actually correct, but it's a pity that Si Wei's real purpose is completely different from what he thought.

And Isaac's guarantee is actually useless. Everyone knows that this guy has connections with any force. If Si Wei is from the Empire and wants to infiltrate them, then Isaac's words cannot be believed at all!

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