Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 225 Prize-winning Contest

After Siwei and Norris discussed the general goal for the future, he did not return to the Pirate Hotel immediately, but came to the Holy Cross Church.

After Si Wei took out his pass last time, the guards of Holy Cross Church no longer stopped Si Wei from entering the church at will.

His Majesty's people are people they cannot afford to offend.

The main church is still so empty, the lights are bright, the five-color glass is colorful, and the patterns are exquisite.

Hearing the footsteps, Ogutan stood up from the bench in the first row and turned around, "You are here, Mr. Siwei."

Today, Ogutan is still wearing the white-gold robe and a not too gorgeous crown on his head, with some white crystals and rubies embellishments on it.

This is understandable. If the Pope's crown is more gorgeous than the King's crown, it means that Egbert's power is really not as great as Si Wei thought.

Si Wei put his hands in his pockets without showing any hostility or guarding. He walked to Ogutan's side very easily as if he was taking a walk.

Then... sat down.

Ogutan kept a kind smile, but his behavior of letting the acting pope stand while Siwei himself sat down was quite disrespectful.

"I heard that the resolution officer of the Privy Council recently went to the Horn Islands to capture a group of pirates? You have not been in Chadril these days. Could it be that... you were also involved in this matter?"

Faced with Ogutan's question, Si Wei admitted it very straightforwardly, "That's right. To be honest, I am the boss of the four-star core. I was almost arrested by the people of the empire. Fortunately, I run faster. If the people in the empire know that you, the acting pope, have met with me many times, I wonder if they will arrest you too?"

Ogutan was stunned for a moment, and then laughed heartily, "Haha, you are joking, Mr. Siwei. I believe you are not a pirate. People like you disdain the status of a pirate leader."

"Oh? Then I'd really like to hear, what kind of status do you think I aspire to?"

Ogutan hesitated for a moment, and now Si Wei's words had deviated from his prediction of this person. Almost all of his initial assumptions were completely disrupted by Si Wei's words, as if he was talking to a mental patient.

He originally regarded Si Wei as the smartest person to test and induce him verbally, but he didn't expect that he would disrupt his own thinking with such a simple trick.

However, he still quickly figured out the answer.

"You are more suitable to be a guy who hides behind the scenes and uses those in power as his pawns and cover to plan everything."

Si Wei shrugged, "Oh? That's really high praise. Do I have to respond humbly?"

"No need, the conversation between us does not require so much flattery."

Si Wei suddenly burst into laughter, but this laughter was so fake that even an ordinary person could immediately tell that it was simply a mockery and a fake smile.

"Flattery, that's right. I think if human society didn't have the skill of flattery, everything would be much simpler, especially the relationship between me and your Pantheon Cult, right?"

Ogutan didn't understand what Si Wei said, "I'm sorry, what do you mean?"

Si Wei raised his legs and rested his heels on the back of the bench in the front row. His legs were folded together, acting very freely and not paying attention to a holy and noble place like Holy Cross Church. inside.

If any clergyman saw this scene, he would be furious, but Ogutan would not. Although he is the acting pope, he is also a believer in the Pantheon religion, so he just does things like insulting the Holy Cross Church. Just a look.

Now that he and Si Wei were alone, there was no need to pretend to be angry.

What's more, Si Wei most likely has the approval of the bishop. This behavior is in line with the style of the Pantheon Religion.

"Don't you understand? It's best if you don't understand," Si Wei grinned. Unfortunately, this was also fake, because there was no smile at all in his eyes, "I want to tell you something."

"What's the matter?" Ogutan asked.

Si Wei yawned and slumped down on the bench. If Ogutan had wanted to take action at this time, Si Wei's life would have been long gone.

"Although I am not an astrologer, I have a special skill called face reading."

"Look at... face?" Ogutan had never heard of this skill, or even the concepts of face reading and palmistry, so naturally he couldn't understand what Si Wei was talking about.

Stretching out his right index finger, Si Wei pointed at Ogutan's face and prophesied in a perfunctory tone: "Within three days, your life will die in my hands."

Do you want to kill yourself once in three days?

Ogutan laughed, "Isn't it? Mr. Siwei, is this your prophecy? If possible, I can let you kill me now."

"Then! I'm going to let you participate in a prize-winning guessing game."

The sudden words made Ogutan's face twitch, and Si Wei's words and deeds were once again out of his control.

After holding it in for a long time, he managed to say, "Guess...guess what..."

All the expressions on Si Wei's face disappeared, and Ogutan looked directly at Si Wei's expression facing him. This expression... was like looking at a dying person.

"I want you to guess... whether the prediction I just made is true or false."

What kind of guessing is this?

Ogutan still couldn't understand Si Wei's series of actions. Guess whether the prediction just now was true or false? Does this really make sense?

But before that, he was more concerned about what the so-called "prize" of the prize betting was.

Si Wei also quickly helped him answer this question, "As for what the prize is... I won't tell you for the time being, but you don't have to rush to answer me now. You can answer me when you see me next time... It’s not too late.”

"You didn't even tell me the prize, and you just wanted me to be honest for three days?" Ogutan reacted, and finally realized what Si Wei wanted to do with his words.

Theoretically speaking, in this kind of bet, as long as Ogutan sees Siwei three days later and tells him, "Your prediction is true," wouldn't he be guaranteed to win?

In addition, this is not his real body at all, so there is no need to worry about the threat to his body. It is just like holding the prize in front of him!

Because of this, he needed to hide for three days, and who knows what Si Wei was going to do during these three days?

This kind of childish argument does not require much effort at all to analyze all the pros and cons.

However, when Ogutan originally thought that Si Wei would show an expression of displeasure and disappointment to show that his calculations had failed, the latter just spread his hands with an indifferent look on his face.

"Then you can guess that my prediction is wrong, and then hang around in front of me all day long, forcing me to kill you? I didn't stop you, didn't your legs grow on me?"

What he said... also makes sense.

Ogutan was even more confused. What on earth was this guy planning? Why does it feel like there is no loss to him no matter what the outcome is?

Could it be that... there is something else that I didn't expect?

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