Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 24 Wolf Head

"you're awake?"

Familiar voices, familiar ceiling.

Si Wei rubbed his eyes, and Jia lay beside him and looked over, almost filling Si Wei's entire field of vision, "I woke up really late today."

"What time is it now?" Si Wei asked directly without getting up from the bed.

Jia sat up straight, looked at the clock on the wall, and replied: "It's almost noon. If you get up and wash up now, maybe you can make it in time for lunch."

"How is the current investigation?" Si Wei asked again.

"It's okay," Jia said. "Yesterday, Morton listened to your words and slept at home all day. Today he looks much better and he didn't talk nonsense."

Is that so... It seems that with the resolution of the Osins Street incident, the mental attack that troubled Chief Morton disappeared.

Si Wei sat up from the bed and prepared to get dressed and wash up. "Then let's hurry up. We should be able to solve everything today."

Jia glanced at Si Wei in confusion, probably because she didn't understand why Si Wei could come to such a conclusion.


After washing up and enjoying a fairly hearty lunch, Si Wei and Jia set off for the police station and met Chief Morton.

"What? Have all the incidents been resolved?" Morton was a little surprised, "It's only been one day!"

Si Wei nodded, "I can't tell the reason, but in short, the incident related to Osins Street will never happen again. Please believe me."

Just when Siwei thought Morton would deny him righteously, the latter put on a puzzled face, "Oxins Street? What is that? The name of a street?"

Si Wei was stunned for a moment, and the words the bishop told him came to his mind.

The secret of Osins Street will disappear with Oleph's death. No one will remember this sad street, and no one will remember what happened during this period.

In other words, Osins Street has completely disappeared from the long river of history, and have even the last people who remembered it lost their memory?

As a street that should not be destroyed and should no longer exist, perhaps this is the best ending for Oshins Street.

"It's nothing, I was wrong." Si Wei replied, "The murderer of the murder is dead, I can guarantee that. There shouldn't be any incidents in the town in a short time... Time will tell me conclusion."

"If that's the case, that would be the best, but after all, I am still the town's police chief, and the basic work that should be carried out still needs to be carried out. But the answer you bring, Professor Si Wei, will be the best in the town." A reassurance.”

This is just a nice thing to say. In fact, no one can easily believe the answer given by Si Wei. After all, it is too nonsense.

Morton didn't even meet the murderer, but Si Wei told him that the matter had been solved, and no one else would accept it.

He only gave this coping answer for Si Wei's sake. For a period of time in the future, the search and investigation work may continue. Only when time has diluted everyone's memory of this case will they believe Si Wei's words.

Siwei did not force Morton to believe his words, and he could not provide evidence. After all, Osins Street had disappeared, along with the key to the second floor of the hotel.

Only the bronze coin given to him by the bishop was still lying in his pocket.

But having said that, since everyone except herself has forgotten the existence of Osins Street, will Mrs. Linster, who delivered the commission earlier, still remember it?

After saying goodbye to Sheriff Morton, Si Wei and Jia returned to Mrs. Linster's house and confirmed the matter with her.

This was the only good news. Mrs. Linster did not remember that she had entrusted the missionary. Her husband's death was also revised to be: he slipped and fell down the stairs, resulting in massive intracranial hemorrhage, and the final result was that he died after ineffective resuscitation.

Mrs. Linster paid all the commission money from the beginning, and Si Wei did not need to ask for the commission money that the other party did not remember, which was a full 60,000 lemmas.

"I've always wanted to ask you a question, Professor." Jia suddenly said, "Why doesn't anyone remember Osins Street?"

This problem was far beyond Si Wei's expectation.

"Do you remember Osins Street?"

Jia nodded, "Yes, it's the urban legend of that small town, right? Of course I remember it. But why... doesn't anyone else remember it? Even when I asked random people on the street just now, they all said I was crazy. ”

Unexpectedly, Jia actually remembered the existence of Osins Street. Could it be because she had the right to know as her assistant? The bishop doesn't look like that kind of person, but why hasn't Jia's memory been corrected?

This question was puzzling, and Si Wei didn't have enough evidence to prove the reason behind it, so he could only put it aside as an unsolved mystery for the time being.

Because now he has more important tasks on his shoulders.

"We shouldn't have any plans now, right?"

When Jia heard this question, she took out a notepad from the bag she carried with her and began to browse their recent itinerary.

"Well... not for the time being, but I heard that the college will be participating in an event recently. Maybe you will also receive an invitation."

The first police officer Si Wei met when he traveled through time also told him that Professor Yuan Siwei was a well-known researcher on Raleye culture and a professor of archeology. He was invited by the college to Within reason.

However, Si Wei just hoped that this invitation would not come too soon. After all, he himself did not know how long it would take to complete the tasks given by the old parliament.

"Then let's set off for Accra Zhong. There are still some things waiting for me to deal with."

Jia corrected the mistake in his words, "For me, it's going; but for you, it's going back."

Si Wei didn't pay attention to this. He put his right hand in his pocket and stroked the cold bronze coin, feeling the crazy lines and looking into the distance.


"There is a letter here!" In a post office somewhere, an employee was sorting piles of paper letters, but he picked out a yellow envelope with a paint mark in the shape of a wolf's head, "Again. A letter to that Professor Si Wei!”

On the other side, a staff member who was overwhelmed by the letter poked his head out of the mountain of letters, "Is it for Professor Si Wei again? Is it still Wolf Head Paint?"

In this world, the styles of fire paint used in each region are different, as are the fire paints used by different nobles. This wolf head paint is a typical regional paint. The staff at the post office have seen this wolf head paint many times and are very familiar with it.

Because this person had exchanged letters with Professor Si Wei at least three or four times.

Professor Si Wei is usually elusive, so they are all sent to Si Wei's college, and then the college transfers them to Si Wei.

As for the content of the letter, they don't care because it has nothing to do with them.

Fortunately, they are not overly curious, otherwise... the moment they open the envelope and see the contents of the letter, they will also be cursed and turn into food under the wolf's head.

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