Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 274 Egbert's Conspiracy

The day after Siwei returned to Balem Apartment, someone sent an invitation letter from the palace. Even if Si Wei closed his eyes, he knew that this invitation letter was definitely from Egbert.

Sure enough, Egbert invited Si Wei to the palace tonight to have a more private dinner with him.

You know, in the Salem Empire, apart from the Duke, only Kedisi could have a more private dinner with Egbert!

Si Wei could guess what Egbert asked him to do. It was nothing more than to ask for some specific information about the Beihai, and then compare it with the reports of his subordinates, so as to finally fully control the current situation in the Beihai.

Therefore, Si Wei did not refuse the invitation and arrived at the palace on time in the evening and was led in by the guards outside the palace.

Today's dinner was held in a relatively low-key place. Although it was also a magnificent palace, the area of ​​the entire room was much smaller than the previous dinner.

The floor was covered with a golden-red carpet, the material used was quite expensive. The entire restaurant is filled with diamond chandeliers, and they are definitely not decorations. Every diamond is a genuine handicraft.

This is the luxury of the palace.

A long rectangular table is placed in the center of the room, which can accommodate about ten people. Egbert sat at one end, with the butler and maid standing behind him.

"Welcome back," Egbert stood up, walked to Si Wei, and stretched out his hand to him, "I miss you very much."

Si Wei quickly held Egbert's palm with both hands and made a humble gesture. Egbert is now the king, and this level of respect must be given.

"Thank you very much for His Majesty the King's attention. The reason why I am safe and sound in Beihai is also thanks to the entourage you sent."

Egbert was very satisfied with Si Wei's attitude. He pointed to the seat next to him and said, "Don't worry about so many rules tonight. Sit next to me. I really want to know what you encountered in Beihai." "

Si Wei obeyed Egbert's words and sat next to him.

The maids began to serve the food. Looking around, they saw a lot of food that Si Wei was not used to eating. But in front of Egbert, face must be given, so even if Si Wei was faced with a pile of dark food, he had to eat it.

During the meal, as long as Egbert didn't speak, Si Wei would never seize the right to speak, let alone do any act of transgression. Only when dinner was almost finished did he start to talk about his experiences in Beihai.

Egbert definitely knew that he asked Sutton to put Jenny to rest, so he did not hide anything in this regard. Most things were made very clear, but he did not mention the existence of Jack, Norris and the bishop.

Even if these three people were removed from his experience, it would not have much impact. The only thing where Si Wei had no action at all for three days was that he needed to make up some excuses, but he could still get past it.

"It seems that your experience is indeed very difficult. Every time you escape from death, it is life-threatening." The fear and empathy shown by Egbert seemed to Siwei to be extremely false, but he could not point it out clearly. "I personally feel that I not only need to give you some assistance in terms of power, but also in other aspects."

As he spoke, he clapped his hands, and the housekeeper on the side stepped forward and handed Si Wei a paper document similar to a passbook.

"I have prepared some working capital for you in the bank. You can use the money if necessary. Of course, even if you use the money to squander it, there is no problem, as long as you complete what you should do every time matter."

Si Wei had no choice but to accept the paper document. If he did not accept the paper document, Egbert would definitely feel unhappy.

It is impossible to break up now, otherwise the consequences will be serious.

And this thing that looks like a passbook is definitely not Egbert’s good intention. Si Wei knew very well that Egbert would definitely send someone to monitor his balance 24 hours a day. If there are any suspicious expenditures, he will send someone to investigate immediately so that he can fully control his actions.

At the same time, it was impossible for Si Wei to withdraw all the money inside, otherwise he would be labeled as "distrustful of the king" and charged with an unfounded crime, which would eventually cause something to happen to him.

All in all, these so-called "active funds" are basically Egbert's conspiracy to control Siwei's behavior more easily.

"Thank you very much for your generosity, His Majesty the King." Si Wei thanked him without conscience, "I believe that with your assistance, my mission will be completed more perfectly."

Egbert narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Of course, I believe in your ability to do things, Professor Siwei, you will definitely not let me down."

The false smiles faced each other, and finally Egbert interrupted, "I still have some things here that I need you to deal with. I will give you a few days off to adjust your condition, but within a week After that, I hope you can leave to deal with it."

"Please tell me what the task is, and I will complete it perfectly."

Egbert said: "In the Wallis area, I heard that a lot of things happened there, and it seems that there are deacons from the Pantheon Church preaching there. How about you go and investigate?"

Wallis area again?

The old parliament asked him to go, and the Star Foundation also needed his help. Now even the empire represented by the Wake Doctrine wants to go by himself?

Doesn't this mean that all three forces want to take care of this matter themselves?

Anyway, they will all be dealt with together at that time, so Si Wei did not hesitate and agreed directly, "Okay, I will leave for the Wallis area in a week."

"By the way, there will be two people accompanying you this time. I can guarantee their strength, they are all reliable people."

Si Wei raised his eyebrows. If someone from the Empire wants to monitor him, it will be difficult for him to cooperate with the people from the Star Foundation, "Really? Please tell me who they are?"

Egbert said: "You may not know them, but I will tell you their names in advance.

"One person's name is Kratos Eisenhower, a man who is very reliable.

"The other one is called Bell Clive. He is a very good judge and will definitely be able to help you in the Wallis area."


In the dark cave, there was a rustling sound.

There is no light source here, only endless darkness, and the breath of life that is gradually devoured by darkness.

Listen, there are some sounds, that is the sound of bones being chewed, there is a huge monster hiding in the dark corner, wanting to devour you completely.

That is the wound of the cave.

Don't provoke its existence, let it sleep peacefully, otherwise... the whole world will fall into this endless darkness, and then... be devoured completely.

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