Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 285: The Fighting Style of Outsiders

"I forgive your transgression and unreasonableness. After all, you are still just an ordinary person trapped in a world of lies." The black matter said, "There is only one meaning for my existence here, that is exchange."

Si Wei asked: "Exchange for what?"

The black matter's voice was very calm, without any emotion, "Exchange everything you want with an equivalent price, whether in spiritual or material sense."

"So, why are you here?" Nancy rushed to ask the key point. He pointed to the surrounding environment and said, "If I am not mistaken, someone should have used the gift ritual to summon your existence and used the entire carriage as a sacrifice, right?"

The black matter asked: "You... is this the answer you want to exchange?"

Si Wei knew that this exchange was not of much value, but it was related to the lives of ordinary people in the entire carriage.

He was hesitating whether to make an exchange, but Nancy spoke first, "If I want to know the answer, what price do I need?"

"One drop of your blood." The black matter answered decisively, "You are the highest node outsider I have ever seen. Your blood can help me complete the final transformation."

Nancy snorted coldly, "You are quite honest, just a drop of blood, it doesn't matter."

As he said, he cut his palm with the corner of the table, squeezed out a drop of blood, and dripped it on the table.

Then, the drop of blood seemed to be greatly attracted and instantly pierced into the interior of the black matter.

"Next, it's my answer to fulfill the conditions." The black matter answered slowly, "He sacrificed the souls of everyone in the car to me. In addition to the two of you who are extremely special cases, there are two other people who have not been assimilated and are still resisting. Of course, assimilation is a matter of time."

Siwei guessed that the two people were probably Kratos and Bell, but it was indeed too rampant to use the souls of everyone in the car as a price.

"If you want to exchange everyone's souls back, what conditions are required?" Si Wei knew very well that if everyone on the train died, it would definitely lead to the exposure of his itinerary.

Moreover, he appeared on the train. If he was the only one who survived the whole train, it would be even more difficult to explain to Egbert, who might even judge that he had no use value.

Therefore, saving the lives of the people on this train is a very important thing.

The black matter was silent for a moment before giving his answer, "If you want to realize this wish... I need to deprive you of your qualifications as a missionary."

"You can't do it." Before Si Wei could answer, Nancy took over the right to speak, "Deprive the teacher of his qualifications as a missionary? You know what kind of person you are now. Don't do something out of line, otherwise... you will regret it."

Si Wei didn't understand the conversation between the man and the god. In short, this method would definitely not work.

"Apart from this price, is there any other way?"

This time the black matter didn't answer, as if the price it needed was only that one.

"I'll give you one last chance," Nancy said, "I'll give you another drop of blood, but this is obviously not equivalent, so I need you to agree to a request."

In the past, it was always the black matter that made deals with others. This time, Nancy took over the show, which was also a rare experience. "What is your proposal?"

Nancy glanced at Si Wei, "Teacher, can you plug your ears first? Make sure you can't hear any outside sounds. I have something to talk to it privately."

Si Wei had no objection, plugged his ears with both hands, and consciously walked into the corner.

Afterwards, Nancy seemed to communicate something with the black matter, and let Si Wei come back after a while.

"I agree to this deal," said the black matter, "In addition, I will tell you one more thing."

Si Wei looked at Nancy with strange eyes. He didn't expect that the black matter would actually share intelligence. What price did Nancy pay for the exchange? Is his drop of blood so important?

Without waiting for Si Wei and Nancy's answer, the black substance spoke on its own, "The guy who summoned me has fulfilled his wish and went to the front of the train. If you still want to save everyone, you need to enter the next room and kill him there."


Nancy stretched her muscles and bones, and the sound of bending bones was clearly audible.

"Killing is the easiest thing, especially for a guy who is still making trouble at this juncture."

Si Wei asked Nancy: "What is your deal with him?"

Nancy tilted her head, "Save the lives of everyone on the train, and let it promise me one thing, and finally share the information it just said, that's it."

"The price is just a drop of your blood?"

"Yes, that's the value of a drop of my blood."

Nancy's smile was a little inexplicable.

Si Wei didn't ask any more questions. Even if Nancy lied, no matter how much he asked, he would only get a false answer.

In this case, it's better to trust the other party from the beginning, but just keep a certain degree of vigilance.

Passing the black substance and the table, Siwei and Nancy came to the door to the next carriage.

Siwei reached out and opened the sliding door.


A gloomy evil spirit came over him. In the dim carriage in front of him, the sound of countless objects squirming and rubbing came into Si Wei's ears, accompanied by the sound of rubbing mucus, which was simply disgusting!

As soon as Nancy took a step, a strange smacking sound came from under her feet. Looking down, it turned out to be a mass of gelatinous objects.

Si Wei frowned. Those tumor-like lumps seemed to have life and echoed each other, occupying a lot of space in the carriage.

On the windows, seats, and even in the aisles, there were all these disgusting tumors!

Some tentacles with tiny spikes hung from the ceiling, blocking Nancy and Si Wei's vision like willows, and they were still twisting, making them even more disgusting.

Nancy's smile did not fade, because he raised his hand flat.

Then... a piece of meat with a similar color to those tumors appeared out of thin air and attached to his arm.

The white bones grew out of the flesh quickly, and in just a few seconds, they turned into an extremely sharp three-fingered claw!

"Is this how outsiders fight?" Si Wei asked, looking at his mutated right hand.

Nancy said, "Who knows? Anyway, as an outsider, this is how I fight."


He waved his arm gently.

Those tentacles that were woven into a curtain like willow trees... were all shattered in an instant!

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