Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 287 Opening Rewards

The Wallis area is a vast plain, and there is a very extensive forest in the far north, which has been included in the empire's key protection projects.

With the rapid development of the empire's industrialization, a man with a very strategic vision proposed a sustainable development path that does not currently have high support within the empire.

This person is Kurtis Brandt.

The reason why the support rate is not very high is mainly because those nobles pay more attention to their own immediate interests and are indifferent to the lives of their descendants in the future.

Fortunately, Egbert was not a fool, and Cody was still valuable to him at that time, so he immediately agreed to her proposal in parliament.

This is why Ketishi is extremely academically accomplished, but completely unpopular in aristocratic circles.

The train stopped in the most prosperous central city in the Wallis region, which is called Modo City. According to the original residents here, it seems that Modo means plain in ancient language.

As soon as he got off the car, Si Wei felt the biggest difference between this place and Fulingdu.

The crowd was bustling, but it was not as crowded as Volingdu. Most of the people were not anxious, and there was no panic on their faces due to lack of time. Most of them had satisfied smiles on their faces.

In the Wallis area, there is a rather special kind of clothing called Modo clothing. The colors of these clothes are very eye-catching, most of them are warm tones, and the trousers are very long, almost covering the insteps.

At the same time, there is a hood like a sweater on the back of the top, but it is turned out from the inside out. Si Wei looks a bit twisted.

Some employees working at the station wear this kind of unique clothing and are very recognizable among the crowd.

People in the Wallis area speak with some accents, but it's not a big problem. It's still within the range that Si Wei can understand.

Nancy got out of the car second, holding Si Wei's suitcase in her hand, and turned her gaze to the emotionally saturated civilians, "It's really peaceful here. The people are simple and peaceful. When I get older, Living here is definitely the perfect choice. ”

Bell and Kratos got out of the car after Nancy finished saying this.

Kratos glanced at his watch and said to Si Wei: "Mr. Si Wei, I'm sorry, we have to excuse you for a moment. As newly arrived imperial military personnel, Bell and I need to do some handover work first. I hope This won’t cause you any trouble.”

"Of course, Mr. Kratos," Si Wei responded with a gentle smile, "Nancy and I will first find a hotel where we can stay. You can come to us then."

Si Wei believed that it was impossible for Kratos to find him.

Kratos nodded, "Okay, all your reasonable expenses in the Wallis area will be officially reimbursed by the empire. For your comfort, please don't be too frugal."

to reimburse? To put it bluntly, I still want to limit and monitor my consumption.

Although he thought so in his heart, Si Wei's excellent acting skills kept his gentle smile, "Okay, I understand."

After a simple exchange, Bell and Kratos left the train station. Si Wei's expression also returned to indifference, and he said to Nancy beside him: "Did you hear that? Let's find a place to live first. I don't want to live on the street."

Nancy didn't reply. Just when Si Wei was confused, he discovered that Nancy on the side had actually accepted the leaflet handed over by a woman.

It was a handwritten brochure for a hotel. It seemed to have just opened. It had a lot of discounts, and it wasn't too far from here.

Nancy pointed to the hotel and asked, "How is it here?"

"It doesn't matter to me. I just arrived in Modo City. If someone wants to attack me, they can't escape no matter which hotel they are in. Anyway, it is reimbursed by the empire, so I can accept any amount of expenses."

As soon as she finished speaking, Nancy silently put the handwritten leaflet carefully in front of Si Wei's eyes, and pointed to a pattern on it.

If an ordinary person looked at it, they would probably think that it was a pattern painted for the sake of beauty, but Si Wei knew the pattern.

This pattern is exactly the same as the pattern of the Star Foundation pendant!

Si Wei turned around suddenly, but the woman who was handing out handwritten leaflets just now had disappeared.

It was obvious that this was a pattern drawn by someone who wanted Si Wei to go there.

Speaking of the Star Foundation, the only one who can do such a thing is Jack!

"Okay, let's go here." Si Wei did not hide anything about Jack. "Since this believer of the Star Foundation wants me to live there, I don't have to refuse."

Nancy didn't have any objections. She just wrote down the hotel's address, rolled up the handwritten flyer, and threw it into the recyclable trash can.


Palin Creek Hotel, the hotel where Sivi and Nancy's destination is located.

This is a hotel located in the bustling area of ​​Modo City. It is beautifully decorated and looks magnificent from the outside, but it also gives people a sense of oppression.

It's like this hotel is saying: If you don't have money, don't come in.

The Parlin Creek Hotel has a large passenger flow every day. As the most prosperous commercial city in the Wallis region, there is an endless stream of businessmen who come here every day, and they will basically choose this hotel.

The handwritten flyer Si Wei received just now said that this place was newly opened and had many discounts. It was just a layer of insurance to prevent Si Wei from not noticing the pattern of the Star Foundation.

Today, the Parin Creek Hotel is still full of rooms.

but! A little accident happened.

"Say it again? I want to make sure I heard you correctly." A man with his partner stood at the front desk and asked the receptionist in an incredible tone, "The room I reserved is no longer available? Are you kidding me? I booked a room a week ago, and when I got here you told me there were no more rooms?”

The receptionist was a relatively young man. He had an apologetic smile on his face and repeatedly said to the formal man in front of him: "I'm really sorry. There may be some problems with our procedures here, but there are really no guest rooms." Yes, I’m sorry.”

"Sorry? What's the point of being sorry? I'm going to report you!" The man in formal attire pointed at the receptionist's nose and cursed, "My father is an earl in a nearby city! Do you still want to continue to open this hotel here? Do not make jokes!"

The receptionist said: "Sorry, even if it is His Majesty the King who comes here today, it is an objective fact that the room is gone, so I am sorry, please go back."

The man cursed and left, and the receptionist sighed, feeling tired about what had just happened.

"Well done, maybe you will have a chance to be promoted in the future." Such a voice appeared in the receptionist's ears.

He turned around and saw a man Si Wei was very familiar with standing there.

Joe Rupert.

"Lu..." Just when he was about to shout out Qiao's last name, he was interrupted by Qiao raising his hand.

"It's not necessary. I didn't buy the Palin Creek Hotel just to listen to your respect for me." Qiao yawned, "You can leave the last room to a man named Si Wei. The room rate is as usual. Take it, don’t give him too much preferential treatment just because he is my friend.”

"Okay...Okay! I understand!" The receptionist looked at Joe with envy. This young man of similar age to himself actually had the wealth to buy the entire Palin Creek Hotel at such a young age. But I can only be a little receptionist here.

This world is really unfair...

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