Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 312: Question-solving Gathering

After answering Mr. Purple Iris's doubts, the organizer turned around to stop Mr. Purple Iris from asking any more questions.

After answering the confusion of several other indifferent people, the organizer set its sights on the man with the pink rose.

"Hello, Mr. Pink Rose, I am very curious about the questions you are going to ask me. This is not the first or second time you have participated in my puzzle-solving party, so you should know what you can ask, right? Bar?"

Pink Rose nodded slightly. He who had been here the most often seemed more reserved, "Just because it is not the first time I have come here, I admire your existence even more. Every time I get an answer from you, I am confused. It will be reduced a lot, and even your own sequence nodes will be slightly improved.

"Perhaps, this time will be the last time I appear at the puzzle-solving party, but I believe that more outstanding talents will continue to participate in the puzzle-solving party and achieve higher achievements than me."

Si Wei looked at Mr. Pink Rose's heartfelt praise for the organizer. It always seemed too deliberate to have such a high evaluation.

However, in the world of missionaries, those who selflessly contribute knowledge and help people improve sequence nodes without the possibility of losing control are definitely the biggest benefactors.

"Okay, please stop praising me. This will make it difficult for me to recognize myself." The organizer pressed his chest with his right hand and said in a soft tone, "Now, please tell me your doubts." "

Pink Rose caressed her chin, thinking the longest among all the people present. Maybe he was struggling with what questions he should ask; maybe he was thinking about what questions he could ask.

After a long time, he raised his head slightly and said, "My question is very simple, or it may be very complex. In short, I want to know whether I can be a competent recorder."

The organizer's movements froze, but the smile on his face became more obvious.

His answer was given quickly, with almost no hesitation, as if the answer was confirmed from the beginning, "Don't worry, you can be a great recorder. Everyone in this world performs their own duties, and no one will I’m doing better than you.”

"That's good," Pink Rose breathed a sigh of relief, as if a psychological burden had been lifted, "I'm very satisfied with this answer."

The organizer bowed slightly, and then looked at the highlight of the meeting, which was Si Wei, whom he called the "most special".

The organizer glanced at the crimson rose pinned to Si Wei's chest and asked, "Mr. Crimson Rose, what is your question?"

During this series of inquiries, Si Wei subconsciously confirmed the questions he wanted to ask.

"Well... my question... doesn't seem to be difficult."

Under the mask, Si Wei's eyes gradually became sharper. Rather than asking about things he shouldn't know and increasing the risk of himself falling out of control, Si Wei was more inclined to obtain the nearest benefits.

Strangely enough, the basic laws of this world seemed to force Si Wei to obtain the most profitable information at the moment, instead of laying the groundwork to calculate what would happen in the future.

Through a series of events and a large number of important people's warnings to him, Si Wei understood this pattern, which also prompted him to come up with the current topic.

"Who are you?"

No one has ever asked this question, because everyone who participates in the puzzle-solving party only cares about matters related to themselves, rather than using this precious opportunity to obtain information from others.

Si Wei is an unprecedented example of this in a puzzle solving party.

At this moment, three people showed satisfied smiles.

The first one was naturally the organizer standing in front of Si Wei, ready to answer his questions.

The second one was Mr. White Tulip. He crossed his arms and his smile was hidden under his mask, but he tapped his arm rhythmically with his right index finger, feeling quite happy.

The third one was Mr. Pink Rose. He nodded slightly, and his laughter was even a little uncontrollable.

The rest of the people cast puzzled looks, as if asking Si Wei, why are you so stupid? There is such a good opportunity in front of me, but I still have to ask such an insignificant thing.

Doesn't he really have any doubts?

The organizer pondered for a moment and said: "In order to ensure the confidentiality of the puzzle-solving party, I can only tell you this answer to one person. You should have no objection to this, right?"

Si Wei didn't expect that he actually wanted to answer his question, and there seemed to be no one he knew well here, so he nodded, "Okay, no problem."

Immediately afterwards, the organizer bent down, whispered his name in Si Wei's ear.

And Si Wei was also very familiar with this name.

Because he just learned this name not long ago!

"Kez Medina."

Everyone from that leopard! The man who told himself and Qiao about the doubts about the Pantheon Cult!

"Okay!" After answering Si Wei's question, Kezi straightened up, opened his arms, and covered Si Wei behind him, preventing anyone from observing Si Wei's micro-movements and avoiding exposure related to him. The message, "All the questions have been answered, and the puzzle-solving party has come to an end."

Pink Rose was the first to stand up. As a senior, her role as an example is quite obvious.

Everyone stood up and turned their eyes to Kez who announced the end.

He stretched out his right hand, and everyone could see every finger clearly.

"Tonight's party allowed me to see a very interesting scene and also let me know what I wanted to know," Kez said, "In the future, some people may no longer be qualified to come to the puzzle-solving party, but some people will be like Mr. Pink Rose, who will get invitations here three or five times.

"This has nothing to do with one's strength and class. There is only one condition to come here, that is, to have a strong desire for knowledge. This is the real ticket to the puzzle-solving party. "

Kez put his right thumb and index finger together, "Then, congratulations on the successful conclusion of tonight's puzzle-solving party. Please cheer with me. "

"Eliminate ignorance and reveal the truth; embrace the unknown and solve the mystery! "

When Si Wei heard these sixteen words, he almost jumped up from the ground as if he had touched something sharp!

Si Wei had a memory of these sixteen words.

Because this was the slogan of the old parliament, the bishop, the guardian, and the goddess of chaos!

Could it be that Kaiz was one of them?

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