Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 321 Joe's Past

Qiao rubbed his neck. He also met the God of Death just now, but Qiao only met one. With the advantage of the beast master's innate group fighting, he almost killed the opponent without any danger.

Although it took a long time and the price was a bit high, for Joe, as long as he survived, it was more important than anything else.

Walking on the street that was getting quieter, Qiao originally wanted to find Si Wei, but after wandering around the police station for a long time, he couldn't find him. He asked with a spiritual pen and no one responded, so he just asked for it for the time being. Si Wei can be regarded as dead.

He believed that if Si Wei was still alive, he would definitely contact him as soon as he woke up. If he never contacted him, he must have been killed by the God of Death.

The strength of the God of Death should not be underestimated, and Si Wei's strength also deserves high evaluation based on his recent performance. It is not certain that he will be attacked by multiple enemies.

After making this judgment, Joe decisively started looking for a hotel where he could spend the night. After all, he didn't want to wander around the street all night, or sleep on a park bench covered with newspapers all night.

Even though many missionaries have less need for sleep after reaching high-sequence nodes, a comfortable sleep can still help them quickly restore the power of their gifts.

After all, Si Wei has already concluded before that the quality and quantity of the gift of power are linked to one's mental state.

After wandering around the street for less than five minutes, Qiao met an acquaintance...

When Kratos stood in front of Joe holding a paper bag of high-calorie food, both the former and the latter were stunned for a moment.

"Rupert? Is that you?" Kratos couldn't believe what he saw. In his memory, Joe was not a person who could stand in front of him alive!

Joe was obviously a little embarrassed. Even in the Palin Creek Hotel, he tried his best to avoid meetings with Siwei's fellow travelers. But now that we have bumped into each other, it would be too much not to say hello.

"Uh...Hello, Kratos Eisenhower," Joe's smile was rather forced, "We haven't seen each other for a long time..."

Kratos still couldn't believe what he saw and heard. The paper bag in his hand fell to the ground, the coffee spilled, and even the bread from the sandwich fell out.

He rubbed his eyes, and after confirming the familiar short golden hair and ocean blue eyes, he rushed forward and hugged Qiao into his arms.

"You're still alive! You're still alive! It's so great..."

Joe was a little overwhelmed, but he still stretched out his hands and gently patted Kratos on the back.

There was a cry in Kratos' words, and something must have happened between the two.

Just at this time, Bell, who was Kratos's follower, came out of the corner and saw this strange scene, and his whole face almost twitched.

"Um...Kratos...what are you doing?"

Joe saw Bell and sighed in desperation, finally meeting this guy.

Kratos then let go of Joe, but his eyes were already a little red. If Bell had come a little later, this guy would probably cry.

"Ah, Bell... I want to introduce you," Kratos took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, and his voice stopped shaking, "This is Joe Rupert."

Bell frowned and said in a bad tone, "I know who this is. Not long ago, he knocked me out."

When they were in Volingdu, Bell was forcibly knocked unconscious by Qiao for following Si Wei. It seemed that Bell was now regarded as a hostile party just as Qiao had imagined.

Before Joe could quibble, Kratos scolded Bell with a serious tone, "Bell! Don't talk like that, this is my savior! You have to learn to be more respectful!"


Bell looked at Joe with an embarrassed smile in surprise, and then looked at Kratos. Judging from their appearance, the age difference between the two men is almost more than ten years. Under what circumstances was Joe able to save Kratos' life?

Joe laughed, "I can't say he was a lifesaver. I just met him at the time and happened to help him... Kratos almost lost control and fell, but luckily he was pulled back in time."

Wait...why does this sentence feel so familiar?

Bell reacted instantly. Wasn't Kratos's out-of-control depravity the incident that led to the death of his parents?

Unexpectedly, it was not just his parents who stopped Kratos, but also the intervention of a man named Joe Rupert.

No, doesn't this mean that...the original Joe is also related to the Dirty Squad?

Kratos explained: "Mr. Rupert was once a member of the CTHULHU expedition team, and because he was the adopted son of Professor Kurtis Brandt, he had some relationship with our dirty team. It was because of Rupert that he My husband’s intervention prevented this incident from becoming a big deal.”

"Wait a minute!" Bell covered his head and raised his hand to signal Kratos to stop talking. "Why do I get more confused the more I talk about it? This... Mr. Joe Rupert used to be an investigator. A member of the team? And the adopted son of Professor Brandt? My dear Lord, do you want to listen to what you are talking about?"

A rare trace of sadness flashed across Qiao's face, "It's all in the past, what's there to mention? Aren't I already separated from the empire now? Since the CTHULHU expedition team was ordered to be judged by the empire, haven't our group of scholars already died? Is it the same?"

Bell became more and more confused as he listened. Judgment? When did this happen? When did the empire issue an order to purge the expedition team? As the most secret and core member of the team within the empire, how come he didn't know anything about these things?

Kratos sighed quietly and patted Joe on the shoulder, "Oh, don't mention those anymore. The noble ministers in the empire are now obsessed with power struggles and have no time to care about these things. Look at how many wanted people in the empire are now How many wanted criminals have been protected?

"The most obvious example is the tomb robber named Norris Anderson. The empire has wanted him for at least five years, but who really caught him? Even if he was caught, he was released the next day. This kind of The empire is no longer the empire it once was.”

Joe was not in the mood to talk to them about these things. He was more concerned about where he would sleep tonight, "Um... do you have a place to stay tonight?"

Kratos and Bell looked at each other, and both replied: "Yes, police department."

Qiao's face turned dark.

How could he spend the night at the police station when he had become a wanted criminal? Do you want to stay in a cage for one night?

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