Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 325 Night Falcon

"This is the place." Beverly stood outside the wooden house she found.

The entire wooden house didn't look big, and it was damaged in many places, and it was definitely not caused by a natural disaster.

The dog shed next to the main house was overturned by some powerful force, and a large amount of blood energy came from inside. Fortunately, it is winter and there are no mosquitoes or flies hanging around here. If it were summer, I don't know what it would look like here.

Looking inside the dark dog shed, you can faintly see some dark brown fur stained with blood. The bones were separated from the devoured flesh and blood, and the corpse was exposed in the wilderness.

There were a large number of footprints outside the dog kennel. It seemed that the monsters "hunted" here and then left in a swaggering manner.

"The previous owner here was really lucky. He left before he was attacked. Otherwise, another life would have been lost," Beverly said.

Norris didn't answer and looked at the houses surrounded by fences. Outside the fence, there were many old footprints, which were carefully protected, obviously intended to be used as some kind of evidence.

This man had exchanged letters with Si Wei before, and he probably wanted this to be used as evidence for Si Wei to believe.

He walked into the garden of the wooden house. All the plants planted around him had withered. Even the most tenacious weeds could not find a moment of peace here.

All the plants showed a kind of morbid malaise, lowering their strong heads.

Arriving in front of the wooden house, there was a huge claw mark on the closed wooden door. Judging from the size, the widest part has reached one centimeter. If such a sharp claw fell on an ordinary person, the body would be torn into several pieces. It's all possible!

"These monsters are not simple." For some reason, Beverly took out her pocket watch and began to adjust the time. "There is no power of grace left here. Should I say they are very careful, or should I say... these things Doesn’t it carry any gift power at all?”

Norris raised his eyebrows at this moment, and suddenly grabbed Beverly's right hand, stopping her from adjusting the time.

The questioning words were stuck in her throat. It was rare for Beverly to see Norris being so careful, so she knelt down to prevent herself from making any sound.

"There's something in the house," Norris said. "It doesn't matter to me, but you have to be careful. You could get shot for being careless."

Beverly was very uncomfortable hearing this, but she was a very rational person and knew that it was very fair for Norris to say this.

On the way to Zhila City, she also had several "contests" with Norris, but unfortunately each time she ended in a disastrous defeat.

So this time, Beverly will obey all orders from Norris at dangerous times.

"What do you need me to do?" Beverly asked.

Norris thought for a moment and said: "When I call you, you will suspend all living creatures wherever you look. Do you understand?"

Beverly nodded without any objection.

Norris let go of Beverly's hand and approached the wooden door as usual.

The claw marks on the facade were grinning like a devil, mocking Norris for overestimating his abilities.

Then, Norris gently pushed the door open.

The facade has not been pushed open. Due to the damage caused by external forces, the entire facade has long been crumbling. Under Norris's "torture" this time, he fell directly to the ground, causing a burst of dust and a huge noise!

"Swiss, swish -"

A strange cry sounded from inside the house. The moment the sound reached Norris's ears, a bloody mouth suddenly rushed in front of Norris!

However, with Norris's dynamic vision and reaction ability, it is impossible not to react!

The hidden sword popped out from under his wrist, Norris raised his right arm and penetrated the monster's body from bottom to top. The alien characters engraved on the sword shone with a strange light, greedily devouring the gifted power in the monster's body.


As soon as she heard Norris calling her name, Beverly didn't hesitate and decisively pressed the button of the pocket watch in her hand.


Logically speaking, when Beverly pressed the button of the pocket watch, the action of both the monster and Norris would be suspended.

But as a monster among monsters, Norris was affected by the power of Beverly's gift, which can be said to be minimal.

therefore! At the moment when the monster was suspended in mid-air, Norris raised his other hand, grabbed one side of the monster's body, and exploded with powerful force from both hands, tearing it directly in half!

Bright red, sticky blood was sprinkled on the fallen facade, making the claw marks extremely hideous.

Holding the two halves of the body in his hands, Norris observed the monster's body.

This is a bird-like creature with a body about one meter long and only one foot, and it basically matches the footprints Norris saw.

It has no claws, but a very strong beak. The upper beak is more than ten centimeters longer than the lower beak. It is estimated that the claw marks on the door are also caused by the beak.

This gifted creature is overall black and has feathers as hard as steel. If Norris' hidden sword hadn't been a gifted weapon, it would have been difficult to break through the defensive hardness of those feathers.

"This thing... seems a bit familiar..." Beverly stepped forward, tapped her red lips with her right index finger, and began to recall her memory, "It seems that there was a description in Professor Cutis Brandt's paper before. To live with this kind of monster..."

Norris became interested, threw the body that was exuding residual warmth on the ground, and then asked: "Really? Did the woman named Kedisi say what this was?"

Beverly shook her head, "I don't remember this, but the only thing I remember is...Professor Curtis called this thing...the night falcon."

"Night Falcon... the ugliness of this thing doesn't deserve the name at all." Norris was not too concerned about this, "Forget it, this is another matter. The top priority now is to investigate the injuries in the cave. I'll go in and look for any clues. Whatever you say... you can do whatever you want."

Beverly frowned suddenly, "I said, let's forget about the fight just now. It's because I'm not strong enough. Are you going to let me wait to find clues now? Is that too much?"

Norris still remembers the reasoning ability that Beverly showed when she was in the Port of Manburg in the North Sea. It was a disaster level, so Norris would not let Beverly disrupt his thinking no matter what.

The only reasoning masters he can trust now are himself, Qiao and Si Wei.

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