Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 335: Destroy the City

Siwei had never thought that he would find out the whereabouts of the Fool's Bone in such a dramatic way.

And he had never thought about how he would use the Fool's Bone after getting it.

Nidhogg told Siwei the whereabouts of the Fool's Bone, and then he found it. There seemed to be no necessary reason for Siwei to do so.

Although the Fool's Bone in his right arm suppressed its atrophy and necrosis, it seemed that apart from this use, Siwei could not really find all the remaining Fool's Bone.

It can only be said that because of the Fool's Bone, the people of the Pantheon are likely to use it to threaten the whole world. So Siwei would choose to protect it, not to mention that the current Pantheon would not actually threaten Siwei's safety too much.

As long as Siwei still holds the Bishop's Coin in his hand one day-the token that symbolizes the Bishop's messenger, the believers of the Pantheon will never be able to do anything to him.

Qiao saw the doubt in Si Wei's eyes and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

At this time, Si Wei, Qiao and Bell set out on the road to the isolation area on foot.

The isolation area is in the city of Zhila, and it is located in a relatively marginal area. It is a factory that looks relatively large in appearance, used to disguise itself and place the Fool Bone Fragment.

Si Wei shook his head and said, "I'm thinking... how should I deal with the Fool Bone Fragment."

The meaning of his words was actually selfish, but Qiao didn't know that Si Wei had the Fool Bone Fragment in his body, so he thought that Si Wei's confusion was considering the overall situation.

It is definitely not a good thing for any Fool Bone Fragment to fall into the hands of the Pantheon.

"If possible, I will destroy the Fool Bone Fragment." Qiao said seriously, "Although the existence of the Fool Bone Fragment is likely to be an effective way for missionaries to reach the ninth node or even change the sequence node, its existence will undoubtedly add unwarranted chaos to the whole world.

"Rather than letting the Salem Empire suffer an unprovoked disaster, I would rather directly eliminate this fastest way. "

Looking at Joe, Siwei did consider this aspect, but he was thinking, since Nidhogg deliberately reminded him of this matter, does it mean that the Fool's Bone Fragment is also important to him?

Although there seemed to be many inducing factors for his time travel at that time, the Fool's Bone Fragment is very likely to be one of the possibilities.

Destruction is never the best choice in Siwei's mind.

As for Bell, who followed Siwei and Joe, the idea in his mind was very simple.

As long as he finds Kratos and asks him the truth, his goal will be achieved!


"We're here. "

Under the mental torture of the gifting ceremony, Si Wei didn't know how long they had walked. Only after hearing Qiao's words did he wake up from his trance.

Looking up, Si Wei looked at the only building located in a somewhat lonely grassland.

The factory is not large, and the whole is white, stained with some dust, and a little gray.

Here, this factory is like a shrine.

"There is something here..."

Si Wei said this subconsciously, and it didn't even seem like he was controlling it. He said this naturally.

The burning sensation on his right arm was more obvious, and even made Si Wei's forehead Fine beads of sweat appeared on his head.

Pain, dizziness, nausea.

Siwei can be said to have experienced the worst situation during this period in the Wallis area.

Now he is regretting why he didn't let Kratos shoot him before, maybe it would be much easier.

The sky has completely darkened. Even if the three people can't see the sky clearly, they can know that it is late at night.

The entire Chila City is like a dead city, and there is no fluctuation of life breath.

"Are they all dead..." Joe looked at the dark city behind him and asked this question subconsciously, "Has this gift ceremony spread to everyone in the city?"

"This shows that we are in big trouble," Siwei's face was not very good, "Before, the resurrection of the spider only required nearly two thousand people. But now? The people of the whole city, I firmly believe that this must have a lot to do with the wound of the cave! "

The larger the scale of the gifting ceremony, the more lives sacrificed, the stronger its effect or power. This is already a customary rule among the mystics.

Sacrificing the lives of the entire city's people... its power is something that Joe himself dare not imagine!

And the destruction of the city will directly affect Egbert, and may even shake Egbert's position.

During the Salem Empire, no king had experienced the destruction of the city. Egbert became the first person in history.

But to be honest, who among the three people present is Care about this?

Siwei is eager for Egbert to fall, although this may affect his "pass" and bank deposits, but the benefits are self-evident, at least Siwei will get rid of the status of a pawn as soon as possible.

Joe doesn't care about the turmoil in the empire at all. No matter who is in power, as long as he doesn't come to provoke him, he won't react.

Only Bell... he only cares about Kratos.

After the three confirmed the direction of the factory, they walked forward.

However, in front of the factory gate, a person blocked them.

Zoe Aleck, one of the four deacons of the Pantheon Cult, codenamed Hickey.

As soon as he saw this woman, Bell's expression immediately turned cold. "Are you from the Pantheon Cult? I advise you to get away from me, otherwise, we will not show mercy to you."

Si Wei wanted to shut up the mouth of this angry guy, who was Zoe? That is one of the top combat powers of the Pantheon Religion. Not to mention two Bells, four Bells together may not be able to suppress Zoe.

After all, once the sequence node is high, it cannot be calculated by simple addition.

Zoe ignored Bell's unreasonable words and just raised her hand to stop Joe, "You can't go in, only these two people can go in."

Joe raised his eyebrows, "Give me a reason, otherwise, you should know very well that I can rush in directly, and no one can stop me except Nancy."

Zoe glanced at Joe with contempt, "Reason? To be honest, I don't need to give you a reason."

Si Wei felt the tense atmosphere in the air, and he fully believed that if Joe was still unhappy with what Zoe said next, the latter would definitely kill her immediately.

"But," Zoe gasped, temporarily suppressing Joe's murderous intent, "as a deal, I will tell you where to find the thing your Star Foundation needs most at the moment."

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