Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 338 The Man of Dishonesty

Bell held the corpse lying in his arms with empty eyes. The hand bell and the blade in his hand had fallen to the ground.

Kratos's body gradually lost its original temperature, but the corrupted features had become a part of his body and could not be removed alone.

In other words, Kratos will not be able to die as a normal person until his death.

Si Wei glanced at Bell, who was heartbroken, and then asked Nancy, "So, what exactly do you want to do now?"

Nancy, who was about ten years old, said mature words and looked quite funny, "Follow me, teacher."

Si Wei followed Nancy to the Fool's bone fragment. The latter pointed at the Fool's bone fragment wrapped in the power of grace and said, "Teacher, are you willing to believe me?"

"What do you think?" Si Wei pointed at Bell who was not far behind him. "Bell has become like this because of you. Why do you think I have any need to trust you? God knows when I will be tortured to death by you. so."

"No, teacher, you are different from him." Nancy's expression looked very serious, without any joking. "He is just a screw in the rotation of the world. I want him to work according to my established track." , we must endure such an incident. Even if Kratos does not die today, similar people will die in the future.”

Si Wei said: "According to your established trajectory? Do you regard yourself as a god? Do you want to rewrite the direction of the entire world by yourself?"

Nancy looked at Si Wei and said nothing for a long time.

He really wanted to say something, but Nancy couldn't say something now. That would only affect the future development.

In order to keep all subsequent developments within her control, Nancy had to keep Si Wei in the dark.

"I am not a god, but not only gods can write the direction of the world." Nancy said, "Teacher, when you gather all the bones of the Fool one day and then step into the realm of the ninth node, what will you do? Got it all."

Si Wei's voice was not very gentle, "But I don't think I should improve my sequence nodes according to what you said. Instead of believing in the effects of those legendary products, I would rather be down-to-earth and do it step by step."

Step by step? An ordinary missionary wants to climb from the first node to the ninth node. So far, there is no precedent!

There are many missionaries whose sequence nodes have been in a very unstable situation since they were born. It almost didn't take long for them to fall out of control, and were finally secretly dealt with by imperial agencies similar to the Dirty Squad.

There are some missionaries whose sequence nodes are unusually high when they are born, but their sequence nodes cannot be changed throughout their lives.

This kind of missionary is an outsider!

Nancy is a typical example. As a missionary, he has been in the eighth node for as long as he can remember and has never improved.

For outsiders, the sequence nodes are fixed and it is impossible to advance one step further!

In the field of missionaries, starting from the fifth node, every stage is a watershed, especially between the ninth node and the eighth node. It can be said that there is a huge difference!

"Teacher..." Nancy muttered these two words, but in the end, she could only say feebly and helplessly, "Please keep this Fool's bone fragment, which can be directly contacted with. Only you who also have the Fool’s Bones can do it.”

Nancy actually gave herself this gift that symbolized infinite possibilities so simply?

Si Wei definitely didn't believe it at first. Although he relaxed his vigilance towards Nancy as soon as he arrived in Zhila City, he would still inevitably be a little suspicious of something like this good thing falling directly from the sky. .

Seeing that Si Wei's expression was so weird, Nancy's smile gradually turned ugly, "Teacher, are you still unwilling to believe me? If I had appeared in front of you earlier than Jia, would there have been a different ending? "

"The ending is still the same," Si Wei said. "Although I know nothing about Jia's background, at least she will not take such radical measures as you. Nancy, you are not a normal human being."

"I won't discuss these irrelevant things with you now, teacher. I know that when the goal is achieved, you will definitely understand my good intentions. But it is different now. We don't have so much time to waste, so …Please put away this Fool’s bone fragment as soon as possible.”

Si Wei could always say something at critical moments that left Nancy confused, "Why should I put it away?"

Nancy was stunned. Si Wei's question was something he had never predicted.

"Why should you put it away... Because this thing is very important to you, so you must put it away. This will be directly related to your future."

Si Wei said nothing, just looked into Nancy's eyes.

At this time, Nancy understood what Si Wei meant.

He simply didn't believe in himself.

It must be difficult for a person to trust someone who has threatened his life before, and Nancy knows this.

However, Nancy had to do this.

Compared with Jia, he is like the difference between a radical and a moderate. In his opinion, those behaviors were necessary, otherwise Si Wei would not be able to grow up as quickly as possible.

Now, however, the side effects of radicalism have been revealed to him.

Si Wei would not believe a word he said.

Thinking through this, although Nancy was hit hard in the heart, she still laughed.

"Okay, teacher, I understand what you mean."

Nancy stretched out her hand, grabbed the power of grace on the outer edge of the Fool's bone, and squeezed it hard in her palm.

A sizzling sound similar to charcoal grilling sounded from his palm, and black smoke rose straight up.

Nancy's expression seemed to be enduring the severe pain, but he still maintained his smile and never showed his painful expression in front of Si Wei.

"Since you don't want to take this thing away, I will do it for you.

"But at least, please allow me to say one thing. I will always stand on your side, and only you are the support of my faith.

"It has nothing to do with whether you have raised me for many years, nor is it because your soul has been occupied, and it has nothing to do with any interests.

"This is just my last worship as a lonely person who has no faith but found faith in you.

"No matter what happens, no matter what I go through, no matter what the ending is, no matter where the world ends up, no matter what your choice is... I will never look back, and I will only send you to the top of the Baleam Web!"

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