Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 341 Underground Ruins

"Qiao, help me guard against the surrounding situation," Si Wei suddenly said, "I think it is necessary for me to sneak into Georgina's dream and find some useful clues."

Qiao knew that Si Wei was a dream eater, but at this juncture, was he going to get information from this woman?

This woman doesn't even know whether she is a missionary, so what information would she know? Do you want to find some useful details from the memory in the dream?

Since the number of sleepers and outsiders in this world is very rare, there is not much information about these two types of missionaries. Even Joe, who is well-informed, does not know much about the second personality of sleepers. few.

"Are you sure there won't be any risks?" Qiao seemed more cautious. "This woman doesn't even know whether she is a missionary. She must have some secrets with her. I'm afraid you will encounter some danger."

Although the dream eaters occupy a certain dominant position in the dream, Georgina is a sleeper, and she is as equal to the dream eaters in the dream. Although there is only the fourth node, after all, it is in Georgina's dream, and it is very likely that she will encounter some danger.

Si Wei shook his head and said firmly, "It's okay. Just trust me. Nothing will happen to me."

Qiao glanced at Si Wei and finally agreed to Si Wei's proposal.

"Miss Georgina," Si Wei said to Georgina, "if it's convenient, let's talk in another place. I need to get some information about Mr. Renato from you."

"Me?" Georgina was obviously stunned for a moment, "I don't know anything. I'm just waiting for my husband in Zhila City. As for anything else, I don't know anything about it. And what on earth did you do with that magic trick just now?" Did it?”

Knowing that procrastinating like this was useless, Si Wei sighed, pressed his palm on Georgina's forehead, and used his power of grace to make her fall asleep.

Even though Georgina and Si Wei were both missionaries of the fourth node, the former didn't even know how to use her own power, so she was easily hypnotized by Si Wei.

Si Wei supported Georgina and brought her into the police station.

Qiao stood at the door of the police station. Now, in the entire Zhila City, apart from his allies, there were only enemies. Anyone who appears here will attract his attention, so Joe will never let anyone in.

Placing Georgina on a chair, Si Wei swept away the dead dust on the other chair, and then sat next to Georgina.

Closing his eyes, Si Wei grabbed Georgina's wrist. A certain degree of skin contact can strengthen Si Wei's control over dreams.

Then, along with a melodious sound of a flute, the demonic sound that could drive people into a state of madness hit Si Wei's ears bit by bit, pulling him into a dream.


When Si Wei opened his eyes again, what appeared in front of him was a small living room.

The house is a small wooden house, and the furniture is all made of wood. It can be seen that the builder of this home is ingenious. Both the coffee table and the seats are so strong and exquisite.

In the stone fireplace, the fire burned brightly, adding its own light with the life of the wood.

The whole house was very warm, and it was dark outside the windows, but the sound of the strong wind hitting the windows could be heard.

"Hello, Mr. Siwei, nice to meet you."

Such a voice brought Si Wei back from his thoughts.

A woman who looked like Georgina was sitting on a sofa, but she looked much more refined than the neglected Georgina, which fully reflected her beauty.

"You are Miss Georgina's other personality, right?" Si Wei asked, pulling a chair over and sitting down.

Georgina picked up a cup of black tea from the coffee table and took a small sip into her mouth. "It can be said that the two of us are one body anyway. She just occupies the dominant position in the body."

Si Wei did not exchange any more pleasantries with Georgina and went straight to the point, "You have a lot of memories that your other personality doesn't have, right?"

While drinking tea, Georgina nodded and said, "Yes, although someone has erased the memory, since our two personalities are independent of each other, I have not been affected in any way."

Si Wei perked up as soon as he learned about this.

Now their only clue is all the information that Georgina can know. If the clue breaks here, it will be difficult for them to find useful clues in a city that is almost empty.

"I want to know, what happened to Mr. Renato?"

Georgina replied: "Who knows? Anyway, he was already a little crazy before going down that secret passage. Coupled with that woman's rhetoric, I think no matter what happens to him, it is normal."

"That woman?" Si Wei frowned, "This woman you are talking about...who is she?"

Si Wei knew that this woman was from the Star Foundation, but he wanted to use this question to verify the credibility of Georgina's words.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Georgina opened her mouth, she received a piece of information that made Si Wei's heart explode.

"That woman? I only know her name is Curtis Brandt, and she seems to be from a religious organization. As for the others, who knows?"

Kurtis Brandt!

The woman who was being searched for by the Star Foundation actually appeared in the Wallis area?

And he just happened to find Renato?

At this time, a question came to Si Wei's mind.

That is, why did Curtis help Renato find the Cave Wound? It seems that Curtis did not stop the Cave Wound from reviving, so where is she now?

If Renato has been controlled by the Cave Wound, does it mean that Curtis is dead? Or hiding somewhere else?

More confusion entangled Si Wei, but he was very rational and did not dwell too much on the information that could not be answered for the time being, but turned to ask another question, "Where do you think I can find Renato now?"

Georgina glanced at Si Wei, "Are you kidding? How can I know the answer to this question?"

"My question is not a question without reason," Si Wei looked straight into Georgina's eyes, and his confident look seemed to be certain that Georgina must know the answer, "I know, you must know where your husband is in this situation."

Georgina felt incredible. She didn't know whether Si Wei had a sure trump card and was testing her; or he didn't know anything at all and was talking nonsense here.

But at least now, Siwei's bluffing worked.

"This question... is difficult for me to answer," Georgina said, "but before I left him, he kept talking about one thing.

"Underground ruins."

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