Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 343 Boxia Bunker

"This is it." Qiao brought Si Wei to the entrance of the city museum in Zhila City.

This museum is no different from any other museum in other places. It is a huge building with an open door. The sign outside the door still reads "Weekend Special".

Almost everyone in the city is dead, which also provides some convenience for Qiao and Si Wei. Otherwise, with their identities, it is still difficult to enter the museum and investigate at will.

Si Wei and Qiao looked at each other, and walked straight in without saying anything more.

For Si Wei now, although it is difficult to determine whether there are really any clues related to the underground ruins in the museum, this is the last straw after all. If he does not grasp it well, it may only usher in a worse ending.

Joe's reason is even simpler. Anyway, Jack and himself have not obtained any useful information yet, so it is better to cooperate with Si Wei with all their strength. Anyway, the two of them are on the same front, and their goal is to prevent the cave injury from harming the world. In this way, Si Wei will not betray him.

As soon as the two of them walked into the main hall of the museum, Si Wei focused his attention on the regional distribution map of the museum.

The underground site that Georgina mentioned is called the Boxia Bunker, and its construction year is no longer traceable. Originally, many scholars in the academic community made predictions about this place and conducted field surveys.

However, due to some strange things in the Boxia Bunker, these works were stopped indefinitely.

Because a whole construction team died without any warning...

Their causes of death were the same, and they were all very healthy people, but they all died so suddenly. When this happened, the whole empire was in an uproar. Those who knew a little bit knew that it was some conspiracy of the missionaries, and those who didn't know were all talking about nonsense like "curse". In short, Egbert personally stopped the project in this regard.

According to "reliable" intelligence, the last scholar to leave here was called Curtis Brandt, and at that time, she began her journey of disappearance after leaving the Wallis area.

Si Wei definitely didn't know about this matter, and even Joe knew very little about the details.

However, from the information known now, it is enough to prove that all of this is either the work of the Pantheon or the Cave Wounds, which have already shown signs of recovery.

The museum in Zhila City not only displays the unearthed cultural relics of the Boxia Bunker, but also exhibits some other cultural achievements, so Siwei does not need to visit the entire museum, but only needs to find the area of ​​the Boxia Bunker.

Qiao pointed to an area of ​​the museum and said before Siwei: "Here."

Siwei looked in the direction of Qiao's pointing and was about to say something.

But at this moment, the entire museum was shrouded in darkness!

It was pitch dark, Siwei opened his eyes wide to see everything clearly, but what he got in return was nothing but bottomless darkness.

"Siwei?" Qiao's voice was clearly audible, which at least showed that the two were still together and had not separated.

He responded first to stabilize Qiao's emotions. Siwei reached out to touch the objects around him based on his memory before the darkness enveloped him.

When he touched the edge of a potted plant, he knew very well that they were only deprived of vision, and they were not moved.

"We are still in the museum," Si Wei said, "This is probably some kind of gift ritual. Be prepared to fight the enemy."

Si Wei used his truth disqualification, but because there was no target. In addition, Si Wei didn't even know whether this was a gift ritual that affected vision or a light-blocking gift ritual that enveloped the entire museum, so he couldn't give the best solution for a while.

The limitations of truth disqualification used by suggestion are too great.

Qiao released his gift creature, but the gift creature that could have become his eyes did not give him any effective feedback this time.

In other words, this darkness is definitely not a simple light isolation.

This is already a kind of visual deprivation!

Fortunately, all senses except vision are still normal, which is a pleasant surprise for Qiao and Si Wei.

Just when Si Wei wanted to take some action, Qiao put one hand on his shoulder.

"What for?" Si Wei asked.

But when he asked this question, he regretted it.

Judging from the contact area and the touch, the owner of this hand... is definitely not Joe Rupert.

There was a wet feeling seeping through the surface of the clothes, and Si Wei's face was not very good.

"What's wrong?" Joe had not yet realized the seriousness of the problem, but was confused by Si Wei's question.

Si Wei could not judge whether the enemy's vision was also stripped away, so he was very slow to draw his gun.

While the opponent did not launch an offensive, Si Wei first judged from the thickness and strength of the five fingers that this was a right hand resting on his right shoulder.

From the perspective of fitting the palm, the opponent is definitely behind him. Now Si Wei must fight.

If the opponent's figure is more "twisted" or thinner than he imagined, then his shot will definitely alarm the enemy, causing the already passive self to fall into an even more passive situation.

But Si Wei had to gamble!

Taking out the pistol from his armpit at a very fast speed, Si Wei fired a shot in the direction he expected!


The sound of the explosion echoed throughout the museum, but the black world in the eyes of Si Wei and Qiao did not show any color ripples.

Qiao reacted quickly. Combining with Si Wei's inexplicable question just now, he realized that Si Wei was in danger at once. He immediately controlled his gifted creature and ordered it to protect Si Wei.

Si Wei's shot hit the target, no doubt.

Because he heard the wailing of a certain creature, and the opponent's right hand had been loosened, and some footsteps were retreating continuously, accompanied by the sound of liquid dripping on the marble floor.


Qiao reacted faster than Si Wei. His actual combat experience was definitely richer than Si Wei. He immediately determined the opponent's specific position, and then threw out a long silver needle in his hand, piercing the body of the unknown creature.

The wolf's roar was endless, biting at the unknown creature. If Qiao could see now, the wolf would tear its body to pieces until it became a pile of unsightly meat.

It was at this time that the darkness in Si Wei and Qiao's vision gradually faded.

The colorful world returned to their vision, and Si Wei and Qiao finally saw the attacker clearly.

This guy is ugly, there is no denying that.

The skinny body, the two eyes almost occupy half of the face.

The skin color is very white, as if it has basically never been exposed to the sun, and the whiteness can be called sick.

Indistinctly, you can still see blue blood flowing in the blood vessels.

This guy looks like a human, but he has power that ordinary humans don't have!

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