Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 347 The Bishop's Messenger

"You've started taking action, right?" Norris asked about Si Wei's movements.

"Yes, is there anything else you would like to ask?" At this moment, Si Wei and Qiao had already separated, each heading towards the destination they needed to go to.

Norris did his best to explain his location to Joe. As for whether Joe can find it... it may just depend on luck.

Now they have not reached the edge of Boxia Bunker. God knows how big this place is? Although Norris has a candle in his hand, the range that the light can penetrate is not very large.

If they are too far apart, they will not be visible at all.

"You should have seen it, right? Those black irregular creatures wandering around in Boxia Bunker."

"Those?" Si Wei asked, "Are there more than one?"

Norris gave an affirmative answer, "I don't know what it is, but they only judge the danger around them based on the sound. As long as your voice is low enough, you will basically not be discovered."

"However, there is another creature you need to be wary of. Their name is night falcons. They are not huge in size and look a bit like birds. They are dark and difficult to find in the dark. They cannot hear sounds, but they can see things. Once When you fight with Night Falcon, you will inevitably make some noise."

Si Wei said that he understood, and asked in passing: "How is the combat effectiveness of Night Falcon and that black creature? Compared with ordinary missionaries?"

Norris thought for a while and replied: "The strength of Night Falcon is almost the same as that of Night Walker at the third and fourth nodes, but Sheng is difficult to find in the dark, and is too fast and good at sneak attacks. The combat power of that black creature should be the third. At six nodes, only gifted weapons should be able to kill it at this stage, otherwise no sharp weapon can pierce its surface.”

The sixth node...

Although Si Wei does have a gift weapon in his hand, which can effectively suppress black creatures from a long distance. But it was a gun after all, and he couldn't let the sound of the pistol fire disappear on its own.

Therefore, Si Wei should avoid fighting as much as possible, otherwise it would be difficult for him to deal with the Night Falcon without using the gifted weapon.

After learning of this situation, Si Wei put the pistol back into his armpit pouch, extinguished the flame in the lantern, and placed it on the ground.

Qiao must have carried two or three lanterns with him, so even if Si Wei dropped one here, it wouldn't be a problem.

The only downside is that Si Wei now... has a hard time seeing the things in front of him clearly.

Fortunately, as a dream eater, he has strong control over the power of gifts. He can obtain feedback from surrounding intelligence through the ability to spread the power of gifts around.

However, there are still disadvantages to this approach.

That is, the speed of each information feedback is too slow, and the power of Si Wei's gift can spread forward for about ten meters at most. If someone launched a sudden attack on him ten meters away, he would definitely not be able to react.

Si Wei chose to believe Norris. As long as the night falcon could not see the light and the black creature could not hear the sound, he would not be discovered and there would not be any danger.

To be honest, Si Wei himself didn't know where to start the artificial sun.

Although Norris provided them with a goal, he did not indicate a path. Now he is purely acting on his own intuition.

Because he had a vague guess that Nancy should tell him where to go.

Si Wei didn't know what Nancy was going to do, but the resuscitation of the cave wound was not part of his plan. With Nancy's mind, she must have anticipated what would happen after the cave wound was revived.

Therefore, it is impossible for Nancy to really keep herself away from Renato.

About three minutes later, something happened that surprised Si Wei.

Nancy didn't find him, but another guy found him first.

The bishop's coin in his pocket exuded a scorching temperature. Si Wei endured the severe pain and took it out, only to see a strange golden plating on the edge of the bishop's coin.

At this moment, the sound that was so familiar to Si Wei that he could even hear it in his dreams rang out.

"This thing can guide you to where you want to go."

Looking up, Si Wei saw the bishop.

"What are you doing here?" Si Wei asked.

The bishop's response was very common, "The pallbearer can guide his messenger, why can't I guide my own messenger? You think so?"

Si Wei raised his eyebrows, "What you said is very strange. When did I become your messenger? I don't seem to have such a relationship with you, right?"

"Really?" The bishop smiled, "Isn't that thing in your hand proof of my envoy? If you let those two guys see it, they will instantly understand that you are my envoy."

Si Wei didn't understand this sentence, "Those two guys? Who are you talking about?"

The bishop just waved his hand, interrupting Si Wei's thoughts in this regard, "You don't need to ask about this. When the time comes, you will know it yourself."

I know that with my current strength, I will definitely not be able to get rid of my identity as an envoy. So Si Wei did the opposite, "As your envoy, I can't even get any benefits. Instead, the two deacons of your Pantheon Sect are taking turns chasing me. Isn't this a bit unjustifiable?" "

"No benefit for you? Are you kidding?" Bishop said, "Who do you think killed Spider the first time? Wasn't it me who saved your life? In addition, when you were in Fulingdu, there was a woman who wanted to borrow my power to kill you, right? In the end, I refused her prayer?

"Isn't it also my arrangement that you can be with Norris Anderson and Joe Rupert, the two most important guys in the world? If you still want some benefits, aren't you too greedy?"

The Bishop's words made sense, and Si Wei had no way to refute.

So he gave up the kidnapping and extortion, and asked instead: "Why do you want to help me? When we were in the city of Haleiya, weren't the Lord of the Deep Sea and the Wound of the Cave both noble beings in your faith? Why do you want to help me kill them?"

The Bishop was silent for a while about this question.

It seemed that he had a struggle in his heart, and then he answered Si Wei's question directly.

"The three of you saw, the Wound of the Cave, the Lord of the Deep Sea, and the Dance of the Night, all fell out of control when the eighth node hit the ninth node, and finally became like this.

"Nancy is an outsider, her strength is fixed and will not change, so there is no need to worry about falling out of control.

"It is precisely because they are uncontrollable fallen that I temporarily gave them a title out of pity. But now, I no longer need their existence. In order to prevent them from endangering the world, I need you to help me.

"In addition..." the bishop added, "the Lord of the Deep Sea and the Wound of the Cave... were both members of the CTHULHU expedition team."

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