Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 359 Chaos Goddess

"What do you want from me?" Bell's eyes had lost their luster. Ever since Kratos's death, he had fallen into this state of despair.

Especially after returning to Fulingdu, I was treated like that. Even Mance went to the execution platform and was beheaded in public. Now he can be called a walking corpse.

"It's nothing, I just want to chat with you about your current situation." Nancy leaned on the sofa, "Have you been in the Seton Bar for the past three years?"

"This is the only place I can come."

Bell is right. Looking at the whole world now, the only one who is willing to take him in is Arnold from the Seaton Bar.

After all, this guy is a guy who dares to commit crimes and has a close relationship with Norris.

Nancy nodded and asked, "Where's June Bellina?"

Shaking his head, Bell replied casually: "Who knows? He probably went to hide somewhere. This guy is stubborn. I can't figure out what this guy is thinking."

"Okay, anyway, this guy is not within my consideration range." Nancy said as she took out the pendant of the Order of Truth and placed it on the table of the bar, "You still believe in the wake doctrine. ?"

Bell's answer to this question was obviously a pause.

"Who knows?" He gave a vague answer, because even now, he doesn't know what kind of answer to give.

He believed in the doctrine of wakefulness, but the entire Salem Empire slapped him hard in the face with the incident in Zhila City.

As the most faithful believers in the wake doctrine, they did not even have a chance to be forgiven.

Is such a belief really necessary?

"I'll give you a chance," Nancy pushed the pendant to him, "this faith can save you."

Bell glanced at the familiar-looking pendant and said, "If I remember correctly, this seems to be somewhat similar to the emblem of the Pantheon Cult."

Nancy said: "But this is not the emblem of the Pantheon Religion. If you believe in this sect, believe me, you will get a lot of what you want."

"Can you resurrect the dead?" Bell's question was simple and direct.

"No." Nancy's answer was more direct, "However, I believe you can see them in your dreams. The dead are not allowed to be resurrected. You should know this very well, otherwise one of the deacons of the Pantheon Cult will Spiders can't fall out of control."

Belle closed her eyes.

He is also thinking about his options.

He didn't understand why Nancy came to him at this time and gave him such conditions to believe in a brand new sect.

From the past, it seemed that Nancy was undoubtedly connected with the Pantheon Religion, but now, it was obvious that he did not look like a member of the Pantheon Religion coming to win over him.

At this moment, a possibility flashed through his mind.

"This sect...is related to Si Wei, right?"

Nancy smiled and nodded slightly, "It has a lot to do with it."

Sighing, Bell, who had already been desperate, picked up the pendant and put it on his neck. "Now I have nothing. If it's Si Wei, I think I might still be able to believe it."

Nancy is very satisfied with Bell's decision.

"But what is your purpose?" Bell was still puzzled. "You are so good to Si Wei. I really don't understand. Is he, as your adoptive father, worthy of everything you do for him?"

Nancy asked back: "The relationship between me and my teacher is just like the relationship between you and Mr. Kratos Eisenhower. It's just that my emotions are more complicated than yours.

"Mr. Bell Clive, you need to understand one thing. Everything I am doing now is for my teacher, not for my own benefit."

"Really?" There was a hint of smile left in the corner of Bell's mouth, "But from the look on your face, it doesn't mean everything is for your teacher. Do you really... don't have any selfish motives?"

Nancy shrugged without saying a word, seeming to refuse to answer the question.

However, he answered Bell's previous question.

“My purpose is very simple, so simple that it can be summed up in one sentence.

"I... want to create a god."


Joe sat on a log outside a log cabin.

If you are Si Wei, you will definitely be deeply impressed by this place.

Because this is the wooden house where he woke up after traveling to this world.

"I've arranged it," Jack walked out of the cabin and said to Joe who was sitting outside, "Are you ready?"

Hearing this, Qiao took a deep breath to calm down his turbulent mood.

"I'm ready."

It took them three years to find the tokens, and they locked in the place where Kedisi last appeared in people's sight, and prepared to perform the gift ceremony here.

This gift ceremony will help them find the long-lost Kitsch Brandt.

"You are the messenger of the Goddess of Chaos, and it is most appropriate for you to come to this ceremony." Jack reminded, "We only have one chance, you must seize the opportunity."

"I know very well." Joe interrupted Jack. He had heard the same words countless times, and it had no effect at all except adding pressure to him.

Passing over Jack, Joe walked into the dilapidated wooden house alone.

There are still those spell-like patterns on the ground, and it is hard to imagine what someone has done here.

At the edge of those spells, all the tokens they have found in the past three years are placed. These tokens are basically more or less related to Curtis Brandt, which can be used as the medium of the gift ceremony.

He sat in the center of the spell, and some sticky gift power flowed on Joe's body surface, wrapped around his whole body, giving him a very uncomfortable feeling.

However, Joe closed his eyes and ignored that feeling.

Mobilizing his gift power, Joe began to connect those tokens together, preparing to use his ability as a beastmaster to imitate the power of the astrologer to check Curtis's future.

Darkness enveloped his vision.

Now he can't see anything clearly, only endless darkness wraps him up, making it difficult to escape.

Controlling his gift power, Joe has connected all the tokens together, waiting for the future to appear in front of him.

A faint light suddenly lit up, attracting Joe's attention.

Now his soul seemed to be torn out of his body and entered the endless darkness.

Seeing the light, his body moved unconsciously and swam towards the faint light.

Joe didn't know what happened, nor what would happen, but... this definitely foreshadowed something.

Then, he came to the faint light.

But it was not a light source, but a person.

Even if it was just a back figure, Joe remembered it.

Because since he was chosen to be the messenger, he would never forget that slender back figure.

That was the Goddess of Chaos.

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