Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 364: The Power of God

"Wait...wait a minute...how is this possible?" Sofian obviously hadn't realized what happened, but now Si Wei was standing in front of her intact?

Isn't this guy near death just now? Theoretically, the Fool's bone fragments should have destroyed his consciousness and body beyond recognition. How could he still be able to explode with such a level of power now?

"What's impossible?" Si Wei let out a long sigh, and now he felt like he was completely reborn.

A large amount of gift power flows in and around him. In the past, just a portion of the power of these gifts would have been enough to burst his body.

But now, Si Wei has completely absorbed and assimilated the Fool's bone fragments. Even if Si Wei himself cannot bear the power of the gift, he can completely absorb it into his own bones and take it out when needed!

And now he can restore his gift power extremely quickly. In theory, he has become a perpetual motion machine. Even if he uses the largest gift ceremony, he does not have to worry about whether his gift power will appear. Loss.

Because the speed at which the Fool's bone fragments generate the power of grace far exceeds the imagination of normal missionaries.

Si Weiguang could feel from his physical strength that he had undergone a qualitative transformation. He was no longer the weak missionary at the Fourth Node during the Zhila City period.

He walked slowly towards Sophie, who had never faced a monster of this level before. Even Nancy had never given him such a nightmare-like sense of oppression!

"You...what do you want to do? I helped you place the Fool's bone fragments into your body. Shouldn't you be grateful to me for having such strength now?"

Si Wei tilted his head, confused by his statement.


Sophie nodded quickly, "Isn't it? If it weren't for me, you would simply be locked up here and tortured, instead of being able to transform like you are now."

At this moment, the corners of Si Wei's mouth slightly raised, revealing a smile that made Sophie feel chilled.

"I thought that as Nancy's subordinate, you would be more courageous. Unexpectedly... you just blindly imitated Nancy's superficial words and deeds, but did not learn his connotation and spirit. This really makes me disappointment.

"At least this tells me that Nancy is not suitable for educating others. He is more suitable for being a tool for doing things."

Sophie was very unhappy when she heard this, but there was nothing he could do. Because the strength shown by Si Wei now is simply a dimensionality reduction blow to him, and the two are not opponents at the same level at all.

In fact, for Sophie, Siwei can already be called another creature.

Seeing that Sophie didn't speak, Si Wei turned his head back and asked, "Don't you have anything to say?"

"What else can you say?" The smile on Sophie's face was a little forced, "You are facing me like this, you must want to kill me, right? In the Pantheon Religion, perhaps only the bishop has done you some good, and We ordinary believers are just simple creatures in your eyes."

Si Wei shook his head, "No, you are arrogantly speculating on my psychology. Did I say I would kill you? Remember it carefully."

Sofian's eyes moved, "Okay... It seems to be the case... What do you want? Or do you want to make a deal with me? As long as I survive, I can accept it."

Sofian couldn't see Si Wei's expression at all. At critical moments when no disguise was needed, Si Wei always wore his paralyzed poker face, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking.

Even after enduring the kind of torture and pain that ordinary people could not bear, he still did not lose control and degenerate, and even his character was not affected in any way.

"If you are willing to betray Nancy and become my spy under Nancy. Maybe... I can let you live. What do you think of this deal?"

Sophie was stunned.

He didn't expect this request.

Betrayal of Nancy is a very difficult choice for Sophie, but it does not mean that betrayal is impossible.

Nancy could only be regarded as his guide on the path of the missionary, but she never gave him any resources. Therefore, Sophie Ann did not actually regard Nancy as someone she would protect and respect throughout her life.

Normally, it can only be regarded as his disguise, in order to make Nancy trust him more, and then gain greater power within the Pantheon Religion.

These are definitely not worth mentioning for one's own life.

Therefore, Sophien did not hesitate for too long. She gritted her teeth and deliberately acted as if she had chosen to compromise due to all kinds of helplessness in the psychological struggle, and said: "I...accept your request..."

Si Wei nodded, and it could be seen from this action that he was satisfied with Sophie's answer.

However, the movements of his hands and the movements of his head were completely opposite.


The sound of some liquid dripping on the ground attracted Sophie's attention.

There was a heart-warming burning sensation in her chest. Sophie lowered her head, only to see a fist-sized hole on her chest. The heart was gone, only blood was gushing out.

The burning sensation in his chest was caused by the hot blood.

"Wait...wait, didn't I...promise?" Sofian looked at Si Wei with puzzled eyes, as if asking why he broke the contract?

"I just made a request, but I haven't promised to fulfill it." Si Wei took advantage of the loophole in his words to destroy Sofian's last hope.

"I thought you could always stick to your bottom line and your beliefs. It's a pity that you gave up. Such a person can not only betray repeatedly after betrayal, but is more likely to lose control and degenerate. I don't need a subordinate like you."

Although Si Wei said this, deep in his heart, he recalled Zoe Aleck, who was willing to sacrifice her life because of Nancy's words.

It was because he saw Zoe's self-destruction in the Boxia bunker that Si Wei felt disgusted with Sofian's behavior.

Sofian couldn't say the next sentence. Even if his sequence node as a missionary was high, as long as Si Wei's truth disqualification was affected, his gift power and inherent power would be equivalent to non-existence.

Si Wei can now fully control his own gift power, without any extra steps such as hints.

As long as he wants, any gift ceremony and gift power will not work wherever he looks!

In the eyes of the missionaries, this kind of strength can already be called a god!

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