Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 372 This is what I promised you

After Alice and Siti introduced their rooms, they left Balem Apartment.

The reason she went downstairs was to have breakfast. After finishing her business, she would definitely continue her goal.

In the past three years, she and Al have visited almost all the restaurants in the Bonfire District and Lantern District, and naturally know which one is the most suitable place for breakfast.

Arriving at the familiar breakfast shop, Alice smiled and greeted the boss.

The boss's smile was also very warm. He was an elderly middle-aged man who had not married yet, let alone had his own children.

According to rumors, his fiancée had died in the factory, and in order to mourn his wife, the boss had not married yet.

The boss liked Alice, who had a cheerful personality, very much. When Alice was an orphan in the Bonfire District, he took good care of Alice. Now that he can see Alice so happy and happy, the boss is also very happy.

"You're here again today, Alice." The boss touched his bald head, "What do you want to eat today?"

Alice thought for a moment and said, "Let's have the normal one."

The boss agreed and went to the kitchen to prepare.

These days, most of the individual businesses in Fulingdu are not doing well, and this breakfast shop is also deserted. There is only one customer sitting in the inner seat, but there is nothing in front of the table.

Alice was a little confused when she saw this scene.

The man was wearing a peaked cap, and the brim of the hat covered most of his face. The collar of the windbreaker stood up high, and the brim of the hat almost covered all the skin on his head.

This seemed to make Alice curious.

Moreover, this person exuded a familiar aura.

This feeling is hard to explain, but Alice just has a feeling that she must know this person.

She walked up, swallowed her saliva, prepared herself mentally, and asked tentatively: "Hello...Hello, may I ask...Do we know each other?"

The man did not look up, nor did he look at Alice, but deliberately lowered his voice and asked: "Do I know you? Do you need to know the answer?"

Alice was looking forward to this person being the guy who had been missing for three years, but was it possible? Si Wei had disappeared from everyone's sight for three whole years. Was it really possible that he would suddenly appear in front of her today?

In addition to expectation, she also had a trace of fear.

Alice was afraid that her expectations would be dashed, because the possibility was too great.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. She did not want to see the situation where Si Wei's life or death continued.

Although Jia's appearance brought good news, letting them know that Si Wei was at least still alive, Alice hoped to see Si Wei intact and healthy.

"Yes... yes..." Alice said seriously, "This matter is very important!"

The man was silent for a moment, and then suddenly changed the subject, "Are you... a believer of the Truth Church?"

Alice was startled, and then she found that her pendant belonging to the Truth Church was slightly exposed.

She quickly hid the pendant. Now Fu Lingdu has regarded this Truth Church as a more serious heresy than Pantheism. Once discovered, she will definitely be arrested.

At that time, even Al can't save her.

However, since the man said so and did not choose to notify the police, Alice thought he was also related to the Truth Church, "Yes, I am a believer of the Truth Church, what's the problem?"

"As a believer, have you seen the gods believed in by the Truth Church?"

Alice shook her head, "I haven't seen it, but I believe that the person who preached to us will not deceive us."

Seeing that Alice did not give out Jia's identity so easily, the man also smiled with satisfaction.

"If I say... I am the god you believe in, what will you do?"

The man took off his hood.

That face, Alice had been thinking about day and night.

"Si...Si Wei!!" Alice was so surprised that she almost screamed. She had been looking forward to this reunion for too long, and she was looking forward to seeing Si Wei's face!

Seeing the tears overflowing from the corners of Alice's eyes, Si Wei made a wry smile and comforted her: "Don't cry, and keep your voice down. I am still a wanted person. Although I have sneaked into Fulingdu, if I am caught in prison, I may not be able to get out."

Hearing this, Alice sniffed her nose and then solemnly hummed.

Then, she suddenly threw herself into Si Wei's arms and stepped her head into Si Wei's chest.

Si Wei could feel Alice's body twitching, and the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time finally broke out at this moment. But Alice listened to Si Wei and kept quiet, so she could only suppress her crying into Si Wei's heart.

At this time, the shop owner had already walked out of the kitchen with Alice's breakfast and happened to see this scene.

But when he saw Si Wei's face, he was also shocked.

Because the Empire conveyed a message to everyone, that is... Si Wei was the initiator of the incident in Zhila City.

But when the boss saw Si Wei gently patting Alice's back, he felt that this person would not do such a bloody and cruel thing.

Alice told many people around her the story of Si Wei saving her. Although Si Wei did have his own purpose at the time, it was true that he saved her from the dire straits of the bonfire area.

The boss, of course, heard Alice tell the story of Cheese Wei more than once.

Therefore, he did not call the police.

The boss just walked over in silence, put breakfast on the table, and said to Si Wei, "Don't cause any more trouble to this child."

Si Wei glanced at his boss and nodded his head gently.

The current self is the source of all troubles in the entire world.

But this is not the result he wants. The wakers, bishops, Kodis, Pantheon, Star Foundation and the Empire all want to use him for different purposes.

This is also the consequence of their overestimating their capabilities.

Now Si Wei's main purpose of returning to Fulingdu is to solve all the things that happened because of him.

When Alice finished crying, Si Wei gently pushed her away.

"Wipe your tears, little girl." Si Wei took out a pure white handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to Alice, "I'm not helping you just to see you cry in front of me. "

Alice smiled, took Si Wei's handkerchief, and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"I have something to do now, so...wait for me at Balem Apartments, okay?"

Alice turned around and looked at the door behind her.

Nancy and Gia Greenwell, two criminals who are also wanted, are standing at the door, waiting for the candidate they believe in.

Si Wei stood up, straightened his clothes, and was about to walk towards them, but Alice grabbed his hand.

"Si Wei..." Her voice was trembling, as if she was afraid, "You won't come back again..."

Si Wei pursed his lips and smiled.

“As long as you wait for me in the Balem Apartments until everything settles, I’ll be back.

"This is what I promised you."

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