Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 376 Negotiation

Fulingdu, Fulingcheng, and the Royal Palace.

The most magnificent building here is Egbert's residence. In the top room of the Voling Tower, Egbert is sitting at his desk, sorting out the items selected by the Privy Council for his responsibility. National affairs.

Today, Egbert is under house arrest, and many of his actions are restricted. Even the dignitaries who want to be dealt with on a daily basis must be decided by the Privy Council who act on their behalf.

It can be said that as long as Egbert does not regain real power for one day, the real power of the entire country will basically be controlled by the Privy Council.

The core members of the Privy Council are naturally the eight resolution members including Sutton Kelith.

The reason why Sutton was able to work for more than twenty hours continuously was mainly because there were too many things to do, and several other resolution members had to hand over all the matters that they could not handle to Sutton.

But speaking of it, their working hours and workload are still not comparable to Sutton.

In fact, Egbert didn't bother to look at these political affairs. If the final decision hadn't been made, he would have put on a show even if he was pretending. Otherwise, he would have been sitting on the bed and lying down.

The rustling sound of the quill tip scratching across the paper was the only sound in the entire bedroom. Without moving his eyes from the table, Egbert said: "I don't quite understand...how you got in. "

At this moment, the person sitting quietly on his bed could only be one person.

Si Wei raised his head and began to look at his bedroom, which basically embodied the word luxury.

Just from the materials used for the bedding and bed, you can tell they are expensive. The walls are not wallpaper, but purely hand-painted. It is said that painting masters from all over the world have been summoned.

As for whether there is any handwriting left by Joe here, it is not clear.

The crystal chandelier above the head also looks like the real thing. Each gemstone is well-proportioned, giving people a unique beauty.

The overall layout of the bedroom is actually no different from that of an ordinary home. It is a combination of wardrobe, bed, desk and bookshelf. However, the price of every decoration and built-in item in this bedroom will not be less than five figures.

"I'm just curious. Are you under house arrest here for three years?"

Egbert replied: "Three years is not enough, it's just that my actions have been restricted. Those who support the faction are afraid that I will use my own tricks, so they send people to monitor me every day. You come to me today It shouldn’t be discovered here, right?”

Si Wei nodded, "Don't worry, I will 'appropriately' modify their memories in the dream so that they will not remember the fact that I was here at all."

"You have been missing for three years since the Zhila City destruction incident. Finally, you came back at the critical moment when I made the final decision. What do you want to do?"

Leaning on the bed, Si Wei didn't seem to care whether Egbert would suddenly attack him, "After all, some things in the Salem Empire are caused by me, and I still want to deal with them as best I can. For a moment. But seeing you like this, I personally think it’s hard for you to handle these things.”

Egbert spread his hands and told him his current situation.

I can't do anything now.

"What is the Academy of Life Sciences?" Si Wei suddenly asked.

Egbert didn't seem surprised that Si Wei knew about this. Now Si Wei can even invade the palace openly, which means that he is no longer the Si Wei he knew before. "It's just that back then, It was just a research institution that worked for me alone, and it has been disbanded by me.”

"That's not what I want to know," Si Wei interrupted, "I want to know where the remaining experimental products are after they are disbanded?"

Egbert didn't expect that Si Wei already knew this. He thought that Si Wei just knew a name like before.

He originally wanted to refuse to answer Si Wei's question, but he thought for a moment and suddenly asked: "Will you help me?"

"Help you? Why? You've been wanting me for three years." Si Wei put on an expression that didn't know what to say. He looked like he was an ordinary person who didn't know anything about the situation.

Egbert said: "You know, once I lose, Duke Taylor will definitely not get good treatment in the new dynasty. Ellorin Taylor is your friend, right? You shouldn't be like seeing her. It’s like being reduced from a noble to a commoner.”

Si Wei's expression became more and more confused, "What you said is really strange. Just because Al is my friend, can't I just help her after the Taylor family fell into trouble? Wait until you lose If you lose the throne, the wanted orders issued in your name, including those of Curtis Brandt and Norris Anderson, will be invalid at that time. Can't I help her?"

"You don't understand," Egbert's face looked a little ugly. "The current situation is more complicated than you think. In the worst case, it may lead to the destruction of the world! At that time, let alone the Taylor family, even you Impossible to survive!"

The world is destroyed?

Si Wei frowned. Could it be that this person also knew about the candidates and the reset day?

However, Egbert is not the messenger of any candidate, nor is he a candidate, so... who told him these things?

After weighing the pros and cons, Si Wei chose to give up asking, "How about this, if you tell me where the batch of experimental products are now, I might help you at a critical moment."

Egbert looked at Si Wei with a complicated look, "When you say this... it means you will definitely help me, right?"

"That's not necessarily true, after all, it's hard for me to be sure if there will be any unexpected events later."

After swallowing his saliva, Egbert had no other choice.

Every trump card counts. Si Wei is obviously no longer the stupid boy before. Now, he is probably a strong man at the same level as the four deacons of the Pantheon.

The Court of Justice and the eight decision-makers are indeed very strong and have the advantage of numbers.

However, as long as they are strong enough, even a crowd-like offensive is not threatening at all!

"Okay! I'll tell you." With the attitude of trying his best, Egbert bit his lower lip and compromised with Si Wei.

Perhaps, three years ago, he would not have known that Si Wei, whom he wanted to control, would appear in front of him in this posture.

And all the imperial institutions, including the Privy Council, the Court of Divine Justice and the Court of Inquisition, would never have imagined that... a dark cloud would soon cover the top of Fuling City.

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