Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 378: Time of Judgment

Today, there are very few ordinary pedestrians on the streets of Fulingdu.

Most people who have no work arrangements stay at home, waiting for the final result of today.

The final ruling will determine whether Egbert can stay on the king's seat in the end, and... it will also determine who will be the final king.

Fuling City, inside the palace, inside the Privy Council.

The original most magnificent and huge conference hall has been changed into a structure similar to a court. The seats of the eight decision-makers of the Privy Council are in a U shape, surrounding Egbert's seat.

The remaining participants from the imperial institutions such as the Court of Divine Justice and the Court of Justice are all sitting behind Egbert, with a total of fifty people.

And these more than fifty people in the entire courtroom are the core of the entire Salem Empire. They are the ones who can finally decide the future of the entire empire.

Today, they will gather here to start Egbert's final ruling together.

As early as five o'clock in the morning, five hours before the final ruling, the eight decision-makers of the Privy Council all arrived here, either resting their eyes or continuing to deal with their own affairs.

Sutton Gilli, the decision-maker with the most affairs in his hands, now has to rest his eyes and seize the short five hours to recover his spirit because he has finished all the affairs overtime early.

When the decision-makers arrived, another group of core members who arrived particularly early had also taken their seats.

One of them was Bai Fuli Shelley, who attended as one of the representatives of the Court of Divine Justice.

There was a man next to her. Although the decision-makers always felt a little familiar when they looked at that face, they could not remember who that face belonged to.

Also arriving here was a girl named Heling Fianna. She will attend this ruling as one of the representatives of the Court of Judgment.

Originally, according to her seniority and qualifications, it would not be her turn to attend. But for some reason, the current president of the Court of Judgment insisted on letting her go.

Some judges who were originally given high hopes could only listen to the arrangement of the president and swallow their anger.

But why she was qualified is still an unsolved mystery.

As time gradually approached, the remaining members in attendance also arrived at the Privy Council's courtroom one after another.

This ruling was no longer as organized as the first and second times. All imperial institutions lacked respect for the Privy Council because of the "free range" for three years. Without Egbert's organization, these guys already had the idea of ​​wanting to override the Privy Council.

Especially in recent years, with the surge in the number of missionaries, the power they hold in their hands has become greater and greater, and they are highly valued by Egbert.

In those days, the Privy Council had suppressed the rising momentum of the Academy of Life Sciences and successfully forced Egbert to disband it. Now, after so many years, the Divine Court has quite the momentum of the Academy of Life Sciences, so the Privy Council must respond in order to ensure its position.

It just so happens that Egbert is caught in the storm of destroying the city, which is the biggest opportunity for the Privy Council.

At 10 o'clock in the afternoon, the second hand of the huge clock under the ground of the courtroom had already reached the 12th position.


Accompanied by the melodious bells of the bell tower in Fuling City, the final judgment of all the members was kicked off.

"All members!" Oweijiu Kent, the head of the eight decision-makers and the most experienced, said in a deep voice, "According to the laws of the Salem Empire, today will be the last judgment of King Egbert Bader. This judgment will determine whether he can continue to serve as king and lead all mankind to a better future!"

Sutton Keli stood up with a sleepy look, looking very loose.

Oweijiu looked at the rising star with confused eyes. In his mind, Sutton has always been a young man who works very seriously.

He presided over the first two judgments. At that time, Sutton performed extremely well, and even Oweijiu had planned to hand over his position to him in the future.

But today, he looks very wrong.

"Everyone swear an oath to me," Sutton said, with his right hand hanging on his left shoulder, looking like a gangster. "I will examine and judge every piece of evidence and rebuttal in a fair and impartial manner in the opinion and final vote of this ruling. Every piece of evidence and opinion I put forward is credible, honest, and not biased towards any party. I will swear my life to the respected Lord of the Vigil."

Everyone looked at Sutton Keeley, who was acting very strangely, and had no idea what had happened to make the young man who was so serious become what he is now.

But after all, this is still the Privy Council, and they must follow the rules of the Privy Council.

The decision-maker, who is the leader of the Privy Council, said so, and they would definitely not have any objections. Everyone stood up individually and repeated Sutton's words.

Only when it came to Bai Fuli, she paused, but still stood up and repeated Sutton's words.

Then, it was the person next to her.

Everyone present could say that they didn't know him.

Oweijiu had felt that something was wrong with this man five hours ago. When he stood up, he interrupted his oath and asked, "Are you the one representing the Divine Court?"

The man smiled slightly, bowed to Oweijiu, nodded and said: "Yes, Mr. Oweijiu Kent, I am a divine council member representing the Divine Inquisition Tribunal. You can call me...Mr. S "

Owejiu frowned. Apart from Sutton's strange behavior just now, no one has ever dared to speak such provocative words in the Privy Council's trial hall.

He looked at the old man sitting next to the man, "Clifford, you are the leader of the Divine Arbitration Tribunal. Is this person... really the representative of your Divine Arbitration Tribunal?"

Clifford glanced at the man next to him and staggered to his feet.

In Oweijiu's memory, this person has never behaved in such a disgraceful way.

"Yes... yes, he has no name. I took him in and I always call him S."

Owei frowned and said nothing for a long time.

"That's enough," Sutton said suddenly, rarely interrupting Oweijiu's thinking. "It's already the final decision. Are you still afraid of any problems? Don't chase after it. It's better to focus on the most important thing now. on things.”

Sutton had never spoken to Owejiu like this before, which made the latter obviously stunned.

What happened to this guy?

Oweijiu felt more and more that Sutton was a little strange, but the most important thing now was that it would not be too late to deal with this matter after the final ruling was over.

"Okay, please continue with the oath."

Oweijiu did not continue to pester.

The man nodded slightly, then sat down, without even making eye contact with Sutton.

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